How to use the nw.gui.App function in nw

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nw examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jmdobry / RequelPro / src / RequelPro / models / favorite.js View on Github external
import store from '../services/store.js';
import gui from 'nw.gui';
import Datastore from 'nedb';
import path from 'path';

let datapath = gui.App.dataPath + '/nedb';
let currentFavorite = null;

let Favorite = store.defineResource({
  name: 'favorite',
  afterInject() {
  afterEject() {
  afterUpdate(Favorite, favorite, cb) {
    cb(null, favorite);
  afterCreate(Favorite, favorite, cb) {
github streamlink / streamlink-twitch-gui / src / app / nwjs / nwGui.js View on Github external
import nwGui from "nw.gui";

export default nwGui;

export const App = nwGui.App;
export const Clipboard = nwGui.Clipboard;
export const Menu = nwGui.Menu;
export const MenuItem = nwGui.MenuItem;
export const Screen = nwGui.Screen;
export const Shell = nwGui.Shell;
export const Shortcut = nwGui.Shortcut;
export const Tray = nwGui.Tray;
export const Window = nwGui.Window;