How to use the numbro.languages function in numbro

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few numbro examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github OpenDataRepository / data-publisher / web / js / mylibs / handsontable / src / renderers / numericRenderer.js View on Github external
function numericRenderer(instance, TD, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
  let newValue = value;

  if (isNumeric(newValue)) {
    const numericFormat = cellProperties.numericFormat;
    const cellCulture = numericFormat && numericFormat.culture || '-';
    const cellFormatPattern = numericFormat && numericFormat.pattern;
    const className = cellProperties.className || '';
    const classArr = className.length ? className.split(' ') : [];

    if (typeof cellCulture !== 'undefined' && !numbro.languages()[cellCulture]) {
      const shortTag = cellCulture.replace('-', '');
      const langData = numbro.allLanguages ? numbro.allLanguages[cellCulture] : numbro[shortTag];

      if (langData) {


    newValue = numbro(newValue).format(cellFormatPattern || '0');

    if (classArr.indexOf('htLeft') < 0 && classArr.indexOf('htCenter') < 0 &&
      classArr.indexOf('htRight') < 0 && classArr.indexOf('htJustify') < 0) {