How to use the npm.config function in npm

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few npm examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github LockerProject / Locker / Ops / registry.js View on Github external
regUser(function (err, auth) {
            if (err ||!auth || !auth._auth) return callback(err);
            // saves for publish auth and maintainer
            npm.config.set("username", auth.username);
            npm.config.set("_auth", auth._auth);
            // make sure there's a package.json
            checkPackage(pjs, arg, gh, function (err) {
                if (err) return callback(err);
                // bump version
                process.chdir(arg.dir); // this must be run in the package dir, grr
                npm.commands.version(["patch"], function (err) {
                    process.chdir(lconfig.lockerDir); // restore
                    if (err) return callback(err);
                    // finally !!!
                    npm.commands.publish([arg.dir], function (err) {
                        if (err) return callback(err);
                        var updated = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pjs));
                        // create an issue to track this publish request
github GeekAb / switch-registry / index.js View on Github external
npm.commands.config(["set", "registry", changeTo.url], function (
                    ) {
                        if (err) return "";
                        var newR = npm.config.get("registry");

    npm registry is set to ${STATIC.COLORS.FgGreen}${newR}${STATIC.COLORS.Reset }
    Updating configurations ....`);

                        //Setting all active to false
                        for(var key in currData) {
                            if (currData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                                currData[key].active = false;

                        //Setting newly activated registry to active
                        currData[args[1]].active = true;
github apache / cordova-lib / spec / plugman / registry / registry.spec.js View on Github external
if (arguments.length > 0) {
                    var cb = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
                    if (cb && typeof cb === 'function') cb(null, true);

            registry.settings = fakeSettings;
            fakeLoad = spyOn(npm, 'load').and.callFake(function () { arguments[arguments.length - 1](null, true); });

            fakeNPMCommands = {};
            ['config', 'adduser', 'cache', 'publish', 'unpublish', 'search'].forEach(function (cmd) {
                fakeNPMCommands[cmd] = jasmine.createSpy(cmd).and.callFake(fakeNPM);

            npm.commands = fakeNPMCommands;
            npm.config.set = function () {};
            npm.config.get = function () {};
            npm.config.del = function () {};
        it('Test 005 : should run config', function (done) {
github semantic-release / cli / src / lib / npm.js View on Github external
default: info.options['npm-username'] || npm.config.get('username'),
      validate: _.ary(_.bind(validator.isLength, null, _, 1), 1),
      when: () => !_.has(info.options, 'npm-token'),
      type: 'password',
      name: 'password',
      message: 'What is your npm password?',
      validate: _.ary(_.bind(validator.isLength, null, _, 1), 1),
      when: () => !_.has(info.options, 'npm-token'),
      type: 'input',
      name: 'email',
      message: 'What is your npm email address?',
      default: info.options['npm-username'] || npm.config.get('init-author-email'),
      validate: _.ary(_.bind(validator.isLength, null, _, 1), 1),
      when: answers => answers.authmethod === 'legacy',

  info.npm.authmethod = info.npm.authmethod || 'token';

  if (_.has(info.options, 'npm-token')) {
    info.npm.token = info.options['npm-token'];'Using npm token from command line argument.');

  if (info.npm.authmethod === 'token') {
    await getNpmToken(info);
github szimek / bundlerjs / lib / npm-commands / shrinkwrap.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    debug('Running \'npm shrinkwrap --also=dev\'...');

    npm.config.set('only', null);
    npm.config.set('also', 'dev');

    npm.commands.shrinkwrap({}, (error) => (
      error ? reject(error) : resolve()
github youzan / zan-proxy / src / core / services / plugin.ts View on Github external
Object.keys(npmConfig).forEach(k => {
        npm.config.set(k, npmConfig[k]);
github apache / cordova-lib / src / util / npm-helper.js View on Github external
return Q.nfcall(npm.load, settings).then(function () {
        for (var prop in settings) {
            var currentValue = npm.config.get(prop);
            var newValue = settings[prop];

            if (currentValue !== newValue) {
                cachedSettingsValues = cachedSettingsValues || {};
                cachedSettings = cachedSettings || [];
                if (typeof currentValue !== 'undefined') {
                    cachedSettingsValues[prop] = currentValue;
                npm.config.set(prop, newValue);
github pencilblue / pencilblue / include / service / entities / plugins / npm_plugin_dependency_service.js View on Github external
//prepare a context object
            var statements = [];
            var context = {
                logOutput: statements,
                logListener: function(message) {

            //we set the prefix manually here.  See:
            //this is a hack to keep it working until the npm team can decouple the
            //npmconf module from npm and create a scenario where it can be reloaded.
            npm.on('log', context.logListener);
            npm.config.prefix = prefixPath;

            cb(err, context);
github lightning-viz / lightning / app / models / visualizationtype.js View on Github external
_createLinkNPM: function(command, installName, moduleName, preview) {
                var self = this;
                var loglevel = npm.config.get('loglevel');
                npm.config.set('loglevel', 'silent');
                return exec('npm uninstall ' + installName)
                    .then(function(results) {
                        return exec(command);
                    }).then(function() {
                        npm.config.set('loglevel', loglevel);
                        debug(('Successfully installed ' + installName).green);
                        return self._buildFromNPM(moduleName, preview);
github shipshapecode / ember-cli-release / lib / utils / npm.js View on Github external
get: function() {
    return npm.config.loaded ? npm.config : null;
  enumerable: true,