How to use the node-simctl.installApp function in node-simctl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-simctl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github electrode-io / electrode-native / ern-local-cli / src / lib / miniapp.js View on Github external
// Apple will always throw some exception because we don't provide a -t.
      // but we just care about launching simulator with chosen UDID

    if (!fs.existsSync('ios')) {`Generating runner iOS project`)
      await generateRunner(runnerConfig)
    } else {`Re-generating runner container`)
      await generateContainerForRunner(runnerConfig)

    const device = answer.device`${this.path}/ios`)
    execSync(`xcodebuild -scheme ErnRunner -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=${}' SYMROOT="${this.path}/ios/build" build`)
    await simctl.installApp(device.udid, `${this.path}/ios/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/`)
    await simctl.launch(device.udid, 'com.yourcompany.ernrunner')
github electrode-io / electrode-native / ern-util / src / ios.js View on Github external
export async function installApplicationOnSimulator (deviceUdid: string, pathToAppFile: string) {
  return simctl.installApp(deviceUdid, pathToAppFile)
github erha19 / weex-debugger / src / util / simrun.js View on Github external
return loadApp(appUrl).then(path => {
          return simctl.installApp(udid, path).then(() => {
            openApp(udid, schema, params);
            return result;
github appium / appium-ios-simulator / lib / simulator-xcode-6.js View on Github external
async installApp (app) {
    return await simctl.installApp(this.udid, app);