How to use node-opcua-service-subscription - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-opcua-service-subscription examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / test_to_fix / test_subscriptions.js View on Github external
it("server should create a monitored item  (CreateMonitoredItems)", function (done) {

        // CreateMonitoredItemsRequest
        var request = new subscription_service.CreateMonitoredItemsRequest({
            subscriptionId: subscriptionId,
            timestampsToReturn: read_service.TimestampsToReturn.Both,
            itemsToCreate: [
                    itemToMonitor: {
                        nodeId: ec.makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerStatus_CurrentTime)
                    monitoringMode: subscription_service.MonitoringMode.Sampling,
                    requestedParameters: {
                        clientHandle: 26,
                        samplingInterval: 100,
                        filter: null,
                        queueSize: 100,
                        discardOldest: true
        g_session.createMonitoredItems(request, function (err, response) {
            if (!err) {
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / test_to_fix / test_subscriptions.js View on Github external
it("server should create a monitored item  (CreateMonitoredItems)", function (done) {

        // CreateMonitoredItemsRequest
        var request = new subscription_service.CreateMonitoredItemsRequest({
            subscriptionId: subscriptionId,
            timestampsToReturn: read_service.TimestampsToReturn.Both,
            itemsToCreate: [
                    itemToMonitor: {
                        nodeId: ec.makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerStatus_CurrentTime)
                    monitoringMode: subscription_service.MonitoringMode.Sampling,
                    requestedParameters: {
                        clientHandle: 26,
                        samplingInterval: 100,
                        filter: null,
                        queueSize: 100,
                        discardOldest: true
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / test_to_fix / test_subscriptions.js View on Github external
it("server should handle Publish request", function (done) {

        // publish request now requires a subscriptions
        var request = new subscription_service.PublishRequest({
            subscriptionAcknowledgements: []
        g_session.publish(request, function (err, response) {

            if (!err) {

                response.should.have.ownProperty("subscriptionId");          // IntegerId
                response.should.have.ownProperty("availableSequenceNumbers");// Array,Counter,
                response.should.have.ownProperty("moreNotifications");       // Boolean
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / test_to_fix / test_subscriptions.js View on Github external
it("server should create a subscription (CreateSubscriptionRequest)", function (done) {

        // CreateSubscriptionRequest
        var request = new subscription_service.CreateSubscriptionRequest({
            requestedPublishingInterval: 100,
            requestedLifetimeCount: 100 * 60 * 10,
            requestedMaxKeepAliveCount: 2,
            maxNotificationsPerPublish: 2,
            publishingEnabled: true,
            priority: 6
        g_session.createSubscription(request, function (err, response) {
            if (!err) {
                subscriptionId = response.subscriptionId;

github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-client / src / client_monitored_item_base.js View on Github external
subscription.session.createMonitoredItems(createMonitorItemsRequest, function (err, response) {

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (err) {
            //xx console.log("ClientMonitoredItemBase#_toolbox_monitor:  ERROR in createMonitoredItems ".red, err.message);
            //xx  console.log("ClientMonitoredItemBase#_toolbox_monitor:  ERROR in createMonitoredItems ".red, err);
            //xx  console.log(createMonitorItemsRequest.toString());
        } else {
            assert(response instanceof subscription_service.CreateMonitoredItemsResponse);

            for (let i = 0; i < response.results.length; i++) {
                const monitoredItemResult = response.results[i];
                const monitoredItem = monitoredItems[i];
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-client / src / client_monitored_item_base.js View on Github external
ClientMonitoredItemBase._toolbox_monitor = function (subscription, timestampsToReturn, monitoredItems, done) {
    const itemsToCreate = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < monitoredItems.length; i++) {

        const monitoredItem = monitoredItems[i];
        const itemToCreate = monitoredItem._prepare_for_monitoring(done);
        if (_.isString(itemToCreate.error)) {
            return done(new Error(itemToCreate.error));

    const createMonitorItemsRequest = new subscription_service.CreateMonitoredItemsRequest({
        subscriptionId: subscription.subscriptionId,
        timestampsToReturn: timestampsToReturn,
        itemsToCreate: itemsToCreate

    subscription.session.createMonitoredItems(createMonitorItemsRequest, function (err, response) {

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (err) {
            //xx console.log("ClientMonitoredItemBase#_toolbox_monitor:  ERROR in createMonitoredItems ".red, err.message);
            //xx  console.log("ClientMonitoredItemBase#_toolbox_monitor:  ERROR in createMonitoredItems ".red, err);
            //xx  console.log(createMonitorItemsRequest.toString());
        } else {
            assert(response instanceof subscription_service.CreateMonitoredItemsResponse);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-client / src / client_subscription.js View on Github external
ClientSubscription.prototype.__create_subscription = function (callback) {


    const self = this;

    const session = self.publish_engine.session;

    debugLog("ClientSubscription created ".yellow.bold);

    const request = new subscription_service.CreateSubscriptionRequest({
        requestedPublishingInterval: self.publishingInterval,
        requestedLifetimeCount: self.lifetimeCount,
        requestedMaxKeepAliveCount: self.maxKeepAliveCount,
        maxNotificationsPerPublish: self.maxNotificationsPerPublish,
        publishingEnabled: self.publishingEnabled,
        priority: self.priority

    session.createSubscription(request, function (err, response) {

        if (err) {
            /* istanbul ignore next */
            self.emit("internal_error", err);
            if (callback) {
                return callback(err);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / source / server_engine.ts View on Github external
public transferSubscription(
    session: ServerSession,
    subscriptionId: number,
    sendInitialValues: boolean): TransferResult {

    assert(session instanceof ServerSession);

    if (subscriptionId <= 0) {
      return new TransferResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadSubscriptionIdInvalid });

    const subscription = this.findSubscription(subscriptionId);
    if (!subscription) {
      return new TransferResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadSubscriptionIdInvalid });
    if (!subscription.$session) {
      return new TransferResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadInternalError });

    // update diagnostics 

    // now check that new session has sufficient right
    // if (session.authenticationToken.toString() !== subscription.authenticationToken.toString()) {
    //     console.log("ServerEngine#transferSubscription => BadUserAccessDenied");
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / src / monitored_item.js View on Github external
//      DataChange if (absolute value of (last cached value - current value) >
            //                                          (deadbandValue/100.0) * ((high-low) of EURange)))
            // Specifying a deadbandValue outside of this range will be rejected and reported with the
            // StatusCode Bad_DeadbandFilterInvalid (see Table 27).
            // If the Value of the MonitoredItem is an array, then the deadband calculation logic shall be applied to
            // each element of the array. If an element that requires a DataChange is found, then no further
            // deadband checking is necessary and the entire array shall be returned.
            assert(self.node !== null, "expecting a valid address_space object here to get access the the EURange");

            if (self.node.euRange) {
                // double,double
                const rangeVariant = self.node.euRange.readValue().value;
                const range = rangeVariant.value.high - rangeVariant.value.high;
                return checkDeadBand(oldDataValue.value, newDataValue.value, DeadbandType.Percent, deadbandValue, range);

            return true;
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / src / monitored_item.js View on Github external
function valueHasChanged(self, newDataValue, oldDataValue, deadbandType, deadbandValue) {

    assert(newDataValue instanceof DataValue);
    assert(oldDataValue instanceof DataValue);
    switch (deadbandType) {
        case DeadbandType.None:
            assert(newDataValue.value instanceof Variant);
            assert(newDataValue.value instanceof Variant);
            // No Deadband calculation should be applied.
            return checkDeadBand(oldDataValue.value, newDataValue.value, DeadbandType.None);
        case DeadbandType.Absolute:
            // AbsoluteDeadband
            return checkDeadBand(oldDataValue.value, newDataValue.value, DeadbandType.Absolute, deadbandValue);
            // Percent_2    PercentDeadband (This type is specified in Part 8).
            assert(deadbandType === DeadbandType.Percent);

            // The range of the deadbandValue is from 0.0 to 100.0 Percent.
            assert(deadbandValue >= 0 && deadbandValue <= 100);

            // DeadbandType = PercentDeadband
            // For this type of deadband the deadbandValue is defined as the percentage of the EURange. That is,
            // it applies only to AnalogItems with an EURange Property that defines the typical value range for the
            // item. This range shall be multiplied with the deadbandValue and then compared to the actual value change
            // to determine the need for a data change notification. The following pseudo code shows how the deadband
            // is calculated: