How to use node-opcua-numeric-range - 9 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-opcua-numeric-range examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / src / monitored_item.js View on Github external
assert(dataValue !== self.oldDataValue,               "recordValue expects different dataValue to be provided");
    assert(!dataValue.value || dataValue.value !== self.oldDataValue.value,   "recordValue expects different dataValue.value to be provided");
    assert(!dataValue.value  || dataValue.value.isValid(),"expecting a valid variant value");

    const hasSemanticChanged = self.node && (self.node.semantic_version !== self._semantic_version);

    //xx   console.log("`\n----------------------------",skipChangeTest,self.clientHandle,
    //             self.node.listenerCount("value_changed"),self.node.nodeId.toString());
    //xx   console.log("events ---- ",self.node.eventNames().join("-"));
    //xx    console.log("indexRange = ",indexRange ? indexRange.toString() :"");
    //xx    console.log("self.itemToMonitor.indexRange = ",self.itemToMonitor.indexRange.toString());

    if (!hasSemanticChanged && indexRange && self.itemToMonitor.indexRange) {
        // we just ignore changes that do not fall within our range
        // ( unless semantic bit has changed )
        if (!NumericRange.overlap(indexRange,self.itemToMonitor.indexRange)) {
            return; // no overlap !

    assert( self.itemToMonitor,"must have a valid itemToMonitor(have this monitoredItem been disposed already ?");
    // extract the range that we are interested with
    dataValue = extractRange(dataValue, self.itemToMonitor.indexRange);

    // istanbul ignore next
    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog("MonitoredItem#recordValue", self.node.nodeId.toString(), self.node.browseName.toString(), " has Changed = ", !sameDataValue(dataValue, self.oldDataValue));

    // if semantic has changed, value need to be enqueued regardless of other assumptions
    if (hasSemanticChanged) {
        return self._enqueue_value(dataValue);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / source / monitored_item.ts View on Github external
assert(!dataValue.value || dataValue.value.isValid(),
      "expecting a valid variant value");

    const hasSemanticChanged = this.node && ((this.node as any).semantic_version !== this._semantic_version);

    // xx   console.log("`\n----------------------------",skipChangeTest,this.clientHandle,
    //             this.node.listenerCount("value_changed"),this.node.nodeId.toString());
    // xx   console.log("events ---- ",this.node.eventNames().join("-"));
    // xx    console.log("indexRange = ",indexRange ? indexRange.toString() :"");
    // xx    console.log("this.itemToMonitor.indexRange = ",this.itemToMonitor.indexRange.toString());

    if (!hasSemanticChanged && indexRange && this.itemToMonitor.indexRange) {
      // we just ignore changes that do not fall within our range
      // ( unless semantic bit has changed )
      if (!NumericRange.overlap(indexRange as NumericalRange0, this.itemToMonitor.indexRange)) {
        return; // no overlap !

    assert(this.itemToMonitor, "must have a valid itemToMonitor(have this monitoredItem been disposed already ?");
    // extract the range that we are interested with
    dataValue = extractRange(dataValue, this.itemToMonitor.indexRange);

    // istanbul ignore next
    if (doDebug) {
        this.node!.browseName.toString(), " has Changed = ", !sameDataValue(dataValue, this.oldDataValue!));

    // if semantic has changed, value need to be enqueued regardless of other assumptions
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_variable.ts View on Github external

        if (context.currentTime && !dataValue.serverTimestamp) {
            dataValue.serverTimestamp = context.currentTime;
            dataValue.serverPicoseconds = 0;
        assert(context instanceof SessionContext);

        // adjust arguments if optional indexRange Parameter is not given
        let indexRange: NumericRange | null = null;
        let callback: StatusCodeCallBack;
        if (args.length === 1) {
            indexRange = new NumericRange();
            callback = args[0];
        } else if (args.length === 2) {
            indexRange = args[0];
            callback = args[1];
        } else {
            throw new Error("Invalid Number of args");

        assert(dataValue instanceof DataValue);
        // index range could be string
        indexRange = NumericRange.coerce(indexRange);

        // test write permission
        if (!this.isWritable(context)) {
            return callback!(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_variable.js View on Github external
dataValue.sourceTimestamp = clock.timestamp;
            dataValue.sourcePicoseconds = clock.picoseconds;

    if (context.currentTime && !dataValue.serverTimestamp) {
        dataValue.serverTimestamp = context.currentTime;
        dataValue.serverPicoseconds = 0;

    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);

    // adjust arguments if optional indexRange Parameter is not given
    if (!_.isFunction(callback) && _.isFunction(indexRange)) {
        callback = indexRange;
        indexRange = new NumericRange();
    assert(dataValue instanceof DataValue);

    indexRange = NumericRange.coerce(indexRange);

    // test write permission
    if (!self.isWritable(context)) {
        return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);
    if (!self.isUserWritable(context)) {
        return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied);

    // adjust special case
    const variant = adjustVariant(self, dataValue.value);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_data_type.ts View on Github external
public get binaryEncodingDefinition(): string {
        const indexRange = new NumericRange();
        const descriptionNode = this.binaryEncoding.findReferencesAsObject("HasDescription")[0];
        const structureVar = descriptionNode.findReferencesAsObject(
          "HasComponent", false)[0] as any as UAVariable;
        const dataValue = structureVar.readValue(SessionContext.defaultContext, indexRange);
        // xx if (!dataValue || !dataValue.value || !dataValue.value.value) { return "empty";}
        return dataValue.value.value.toString();
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_variable.ts View on Github external
let indexRange: NumericRange | null = null;
        let callback: StatusCodeCallBack;
        if (args.length === 1) {
            indexRange = new NumericRange();
            callback = args[0];
        } else if (args.length === 2) {
            indexRange = args[0];
            callback = args[1];
        } else {
            throw new Error("Invalid Number of args");

        assert(dataValue instanceof DataValue);
        // index range could be string
        indexRange = NumericRange.coerce(indexRange);

        // test write permission
        if (!this.isWritable(context)) {
            return callback!(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);
        if (!this.isUserWritable(context)) {
            return callback!(null, StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied);

        // adjust special case
        const variant =, dataValue.value);

        const statusCode = this.checkVariantCompatibility(variant);
        if (statusCode.isNot(StatusCodes.Good)) {
            return callback!(null, statusCode);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_variable.js View on Github external
if (context.currentTime && !dataValue.serverTimestamp) {
        dataValue.serverTimestamp = context.currentTime;
        dataValue.serverPicoseconds = 0;

    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);

    // adjust arguments if optional indexRange Parameter is not given
    if (!_.isFunction(callback) && _.isFunction(indexRange)) {
        callback = indexRange;
        indexRange = new NumericRange();
    assert(dataValue instanceof DataValue);

    indexRange = NumericRange.coerce(indexRange);

    // test write permission
    if (!self.isWritable(context)) {
        return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);
    if (!self.isUserWritable(context)) {
        return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied);

    // adjust special case
    const variant = adjustVariant(self, dataValue.value);

    const statusCode = self.isValueInRange(variant);
    if (statusCode.isNot(StatusCodes.Good)) {
        return callback(null, statusCode);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_data_type.ts View on Github external
public get xmlEncodingDefinition(): string {
        const indexRange = new NumericRange();
        const descriptionNode = this.xmlEncoding.findReferencesAsObject("HasDescription")[0];
        const structureVar = descriptionNode.findReferencesAsObject(
          "HasComponent", false)[0] as any as UAVariable;
        const dataValue = structureVar.readValue(SessionContext.defaultContext, indexRange);
        if (!dataValue || !dataValue.value || !dataValue.value.value) {
            return "empty";
        return dataValue.value.value.toString();
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_data_type.js View on Github external
UADataType.prototype.__defineGetter__("xmlEncodingDefinition", function () {
    const indexRange = new NumericRange();
    const descriptionNode = this.xmlEncoding.findReferencesAsObject("HasDescription")[0];
    const structureVar    = descriptionNode.findReferencesAsObject("HasComponent",false)[0];
    const dataValue = structureVar.readValue(SessionContext.defaultContext, indexRange);
    if (!dataValue || !dataValue.value || !dataValue.value.value) {
        return "empty";
    return dataValue.value.value.toString();


pure nodejs OPCUA SDK - module numeric-range

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