How to use node-bitbankcc - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few node-bitbankcc examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bitbankinc / sample-xrp-market-making-bot / lib / logic.js View on Github external
var bitbank = require("node-bitbankcc");
var async = require("async");

// *****************
// 設定 / Settings
// *****************
var api = bitbank.privateApi("your api key", "your private key");
var publicApi = bitbank.publicApi();
var orderAmout = 100; // 注文数量 / order amount
var maxHoldXrp = 10000.0; // XRPの最大保有量 / Max BTC holding amount
var spreadPercentage = 0.01; // スプレッド設定値 1% / Spread
// 例) 1XRP=50円の場合、売り注文と買い注文を中央値から0.5円離した価格に提示する
var pair = "xrp_jpy"; = function() {
  console.log("--- prepare to trade ---");

    function(callback) {
      // アセット取得
        callback(null, res);
github bitbankinc / sample-xrp-market-making-bot / lib / logic.js View on Github external
var bitbank = require("node-bitbankcc");
var async = require("async");

// *****************
// 設定 / Settings
// *****************
var api = bitbank.privateApi("your api key", "your private key");
var publicApi = bitbank.publicApi();
var orderAmout = 100; // 注文数量 / order amount
var maxHoldXrp = 10000.0; // XRPの最大保有量 / Max BTC holding amount
var spreadPercentage = 0.01; // スプレッド設定値 1% / Spread
// 例) 1XRP=50円の場合、売り注文と買い注文を中央値から0.5円離した価格に提示する
var pair = "xrp_jpy"; = function() {
  console.log("--- prepare to trade ---");

    function(callback) {
      // アセット取得
        callback(null, res);



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