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async function getPubKey () {
const PRIV_KEY = await wallet.getAppKey()
return bls.getPublicKey(PRIV_KEY)
wallet.registerRpcMessageHandler(async (_originString, requestObject) => {
switch (requestObject.method) {
case 'getAccount':
return getPubKey()
case 'signMessage':
const pubKey = await getPubKey()
const data = requestObject.params[0]
const approved = await promptUser(`Do you want to BLS sign ${data} with ${pubKey}?`)
if (!approved) {
throw rpcErrors.eth.unauthorized()
const PRIVATE_KEY = await wallet.getAppKey()
const signature = await bls.sign(requestObject.params[0], PRIVATE_KEY, DOMAIN)
return signature
throw rpcErrors.methodNotFound(requestObject)