How to use the mysql-utilities.upgrade function in mysql-utilities

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mysql-utilities examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github postor / mysql-restful-api / cli.js View on Github external
  // Mix-in for Data Access Methods and SQL Autogenerating Methods
  // Mix-in for Introspection Methods
  mysqlConnection = connection

  return Promise.promisify(connection.tables,{context: connection})()
github thejibz / graphql-compose-mysql / src / composeWithMysql.js View on Github external
if (!opts.mysqlConfig) {
                throw new Error("You must provide a 'mysqlConfig' argument for the database.")

            if (!opts.prefix) {
                opts.prefix = ""

            PREFIX = Object.freeze(opts.prefix)

            // TODO optimize schema creation (use a pool instead of a single connection ?)
            const mysqlConnection = mysql.createConnection(opts.mysqlConfig)

            // Mix-in for Data Access Methods and SQL Autogenerating Methods
            // Mix-in for Introspection Methods

            // initialize the graphQL schema
            const schemaComposer = new SchemaComposer()

            const mysqlTablesNames = await _getMysqlTablesNames(mysqlConnection)

            return Promise.all( mysqlTableName => {
                // initialize the graphql type built from the mysql table
                const gqlTC = schemaComposer.TypeComposer.create({
                    name: _clearNameForType(mysqlTableName),

                // add local fields
                const fields = await _buildGqlFieldsFromMysqlTable(mysqlConnection, mysqlTableName)
github mike-jung / node-web-starter / database / database_mysql.js View on Github external
pool.getConnection((err, conn) => {

            if (err) {
                console.log('Error in fetching database connection -> ' + err);
                callback(err, null);



            conn.fields(tableName, (err, fields) => {
                if (conn) {

                if (err) {
                    console.log('Error in fetching fields -> ' + err);
                    callback(err, null);

                callback(null, fields);


Utilities for node-mysql driver with specialized result types, introspection and other helpful functionality.

Latest version published 3 years ago

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