How to use the mutant.h function in mutant

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mutant examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pietgeursen / patch-gatherings / gathering / html / location.js View on Github external
function location ({location, msg, isEditing, onUpdate}) {
    const markdown = api.message.html.markdown
    return h('div', {}, computed(location, markdown))
github ticktackim / ticktack-workplan / app / html / context.js View on Github external
function Option ({ notifications = 0, imageEl, name, location, selected }) {
      return h('Option', { className: selected ? '-selected' : '' }, [
        h('', [
          when(notifications, h('div.alert', notifications)),
        ]),, name),
github blockades / patchbay-dark-crystal / views / component / secret.js View on Github external
function renderSecret () {
    return [
      h('h1', 'Your secret'),
      when(secretLabel, [ h('h3', 'Label'), h('pre', secretLabel) ]),
      h('h3', 'Secret'),
      h('pre', secret),
      h('div.actions', [
        CopyToClipboard({ toCopy: secret }),
        when(modalOpen, h('button -subtle', { 'ev-click': () => modalOpen.set(false) }, 'close'), [])
github pietgeursen / patch-gatherings / gathering / html / description.js View on Github external
function description ({description, isEditing, onUpdate}) {
    const markdown = api.message.html.markdown
    const input = h('textarea', {'ev-input': e => onUpdate(, value: description})

    return h('Description', [
        computed(description, markdown)
github pietgeursen / patch-gatherings / router / html / page / gathering.js View on Github external
function menuItem (handleClick) {
    return h('a', {
      style: { order: 1 },
      'ev-click': () => handleClick(route)
    }, route)


Create observables and map them to DOM elements. Massively inspired by hyperscript and observ-*. No virtual dom, just direct observable bindings. Unnecessary garbage collection is avoided by using mutable objects instead of blasting immutable junk all ove

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