How to use the mustache.tags function in mustache

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mustache examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github songkick / injectassets / index.js View on Github external
function render(options) {

  mustache.tags = options.tags.split(',');

  return Promise.all([
    // Read the template
  ]).then(function(results) {
    var template = results[0];
    var pathsByExtension = results[1];
    var contentsByExtension = results[2];
    var locales = extend({}, pathsByExtension, contentsByExtension);
    return mustache.render(template, locales);
github rogeriopvl / gulp-mustache / index.js View on Github external
function loadPartials(template, templatePath) {
    var templateDir = path.dirname(templatePath)

    var partialRegexp = new RegExp(
      escapeRegex(mustache.tags[0]) +
        '>\\s*(\\S+)\\s*' +

    var partialMatch
    while ((partialMatch = partialRegexp.exec(template))) {
      var partialName = partialMatch[1]

      if (!partials[partialName]) {
        try {
          var partialPath = null
          var partial = null

          // ignore `partial` with file extension.
          // e.g.
          //   1, `{{> ./path/to/partial.html }}`
          //   2, `{{> ./path/to/partial. }}`
github rogeriopvl / gulp-mustache / index.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(view, options, partials) {
  options = options || {}
  partials = partials || {}

  var viewError = null

  if (options.tags) {
    mustache.tags = options.tags

  // if view is string, interpret as path to json filename
  if (typeof view === 'string') {
    try {
      view = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(view, 'utf8'))
    } catch (e) {
      viewError = e

  return through.obj(function(file, enc, cb) {
    if (file.isNull()) {
      return cb()
github navikt / nav-frontend-moduler / _scripts / scaffold.js View on Github external
const fs = require('fs');
const inquirer = require('inquirer');
const extend = require('extend');
const copyfiles = require('copyfiles');
const glob = require('glob');
const mustache = require('mustache');
const utils = require('./utils.js');
const rawQuestions = require('./questions.js');

mustache.tags = ['<%', '%>'];

const globalDependencies = utils.allDependencies(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json')));

function prompt(questions) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
    return inquirer.prompt(questions).then(handleAnswers);

function create(config) {
    const source = `./_templates/${config.type}`;
    const dest = `./packages/node_modules/${}`;
    const sourceGlob = `${source}/**/*.*`;
    const destGlob = `${dest}/**/*.*`;

    const renderdata = extend({}, config); = { original: };
github millwrightjs / millwright / src / plugins / static.js View on Github external
function staticGen(file, opts) {
  opts = _.isObject(opts) ? opts : {};
  mustache.tags = config.templateTags;
  partials = (!partials || opts.shouldGetPartials) ? getPartials() : partials;
  lambdas = (!lambdas || opts.shouldGetLambdas) ? getLambdas(opts.shouldGetLambdas) : lambdas;

  const {src, data: dataPath, wrapperData: wrapperDataPath} = file;
  const wrapper = _.has(file, 'wrapper') ? fs.readFileSync(file.wrapper, 'utf8') : '';
  const page = fs.readFileSync(src, 'utf8');

  const dataRef = cache.get('files', dataPath);
  const data = _.get(dataRef, 'content');
  const wrapperDataRef = cache.get('files', wrapperDataPath);
  const wrapperData = _.get(wrapperDataRef, 'content');
  const templateData = _.assign({}, wrapperData, data, {lambdas});

  if (_.has(wrapperData, 'assets') && _.has(data, 'assets')) {
    templateData.assets = _.mergeWith({}, wrapperData.assets, data.assets, (dest, src) => {
      return [dest, src].every(_.isArray) ? _.union(dest, src) : undefined;
github Jense5 / consultant-cli / src / core / template.js View on Github external
SystemJS.import(this.configurationPath()).then((setup) => {
        Mustache.tags = [this.start, this.end];;
        inquirer.prompt(this.questions).then((answers) => {
          this.input = answers;
          this.readTemplateFilePaths().then((files) => {
            const filtered = files.filter(file => this.shouldRender(file));
   => fse.statSync(file).isFile()), (file) => {
              this.renderFile(file, path.resolve(output, path.relative(this.path(), file)));
            }).then(() => {
github Jense5 / consultant-cli / src / common / template.js View on Github external
System.import(this.configurationPath()).then((setup) => {
        Mustache.tags = [this.start, this.end];;
        inquirer.prompt(this.questions).then((answers) => {
          this.input = answers;
          this.readTemplateFilePaths().then((files) => {
            const filtered = files.filter(file => this.shouldRender(file));
   => fse.statSync(file).isFile()), (file) => {
              this.renderFile(file, path.resolve(output, path.relative(this.path(), file)));
            }).then(() => {
github bryanburgers / node-mustache-express / mustache-express.js View on Github external
function render(templatePath, viewDirectory, extension, options, cache, tags, callback) {
	if (callback === undefined && typeof tags === 'function') {
		callback = tags;
		tags = mustache.tags;
	} else if (tags === undefined) {
		tags = mustache.tags;
	loadTemplateAndPartials(templatePath, viewDirectory, extension, options, cache, tags, function(err, template, partials) {
		if (err) {
			return callback(err);

		var data = mustache.render(template, options, partials, tags);
		return callback(null, data);
github navikt / nav-frontend-moduler / _scripts / generateReadmes.js View on Github external
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const glob = require('glob');
const markdownMagic = require('markdown-magic');
const mustache = require('mustache');
const dfs = require('depth-first').default;

mustache.tags = ['<%', '%>'];
const disclaimerMD = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, ''), 'utf-8');

function createConfig(moduleName, edges) {
    return {
        transforms: {
            DISCLAIMER() {
                const renderdata = { name: moduleName };
                return mustache.render(disclaimerMD, renderdata);
            INSTALL() {
                const dependencies = dfs(edges, moduleName).sort().join(' ');
                return [
                    '### Installering:',
                    `npm install ${dependencies} --save`,