How to use the mssql.Int function in mssql

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mssql examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DFEAGILEDEVOPS / MTC / deploy / sql / schema-WIP / sql.service.js View on Github external
return params

/** SQL Service **/
const sqlService = {
  // SQL type-mapping adapter.  Add new types as required.
  TYPES: {
    BigInt: mssql.BigInt,
    Bit: mssql.Bit,
    Char: mssql.Char,
    DateTimeOffset: mssql.DateTimeOffset,
    DateTime: mssql.DateTime,
    DateTime2: mssql.DateTime2,
    Decimal: mssql.Decimal,
    Float: mssql.Float,
    Int: mssql.Int,
    Numeric: mssql.Numeric,
    NVarChar: mssql.NVarChar,
    Real: mssql.Real,
    SmallInt: mssql.SmallInt,
    UniqueIdentifier: mssql.UniqueIdentifier

// Name of the admin database
sqlService.adminSchema = '[mtc_admin]'

sqlService.initPool = async () => {
  if (pool) {
    logger.warn('The connection pool has already been initialised')
github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / types / mssql / mssql-tests.ts View on Github external
function test_table() {
    var table = new sql.Table('#temp_table');

    table.create = true;

    table.columns.add('name', sql.VarChar(sql.MAX), { nullable: false });
    table.columns.add('type', sql.Int, { nullable: false });
    table.columns.add('amount', sql.Decimal(7, 2), { nullable: false });

    table.rows.add('name', 42, 3.50);
    table.rows.add('name2', 7, 3.14);
github LeanKit-Labs / seriate / spec / mssql.context.spec.js View on Github external
ctxTrans.commit(function(err) {
								(err === null);
								ctxNoTrans.execPrepared(selsql, function(err, records) {
									(err === null);

									//verify that the new row is returned
								}, [{
									i1: {
										sqlType: nodemssql.Int,
										value: rowId
						}, [{
github LeanKit-Labs / seriate / spec / mssql.context.spec.js View on Github external
var getTwoParmVals = function(i1Val, v1Val) {
	return [{
		v1: {
			sqlType: nodemssql.NVarChar,
			value: v1Val
	}, {
		i1: {
			sqlType: nodemssql.Int,
			value: i1Val
github dymajo / waka / server-worker / db / gtfs-import.js View on Github external
table.columns.add('timepoint', sql.Int, {nullable: true})
    } else if (name === 'calendar') {
      table.columns.add('service_id', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('monday', sql.Bit, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('tuesday', sql.Bit, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('wednesday', sql.Bit, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('thursday', sql.Bit, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('friday', sql.Bit, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('saturday', sql.Bit, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('sunday', sql.Bit, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('start_date', sql.Date, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('end_date', sql.Date, {nullable: false})
    } else if (name === 'calendar_dates') {
      table.columns.add('service_id', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('date', sql.Date, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('exception_type', sql.Int, {nullable: false})
    } else {
      return null
    return table
github ShoppinPal / StockUp / workers / workers-v2 / fetch-incremental-inventory / fetch-incremental-inventoryDims-msd.js View on Github external
function fetchPaginatedInventoryDims(sqlPool, orgModelId, pagesToFetch) {
    var incrementalInventory;
    if (pagesToFetch>0) {
        return sqlPool.request()
            .input('inventory_per_page', sql.Int, INVENTORY_PER_PAGE)
            .input('transfer_pending_state', sql.Int, 0)
            .query('SELECT TOP (@inventory_per_page) * FROM ' + INVENTORY_DIM_TABLE + ' WHERE STOCKUPTRANSFER = @transfer_pending_state')
            .then(function (result) {
                incrementalInventory = result.recordset;
                    message: 'Fetched inventory',
                    numberOfInventory: incrementalInventory.length,
                //Fetch all storeModels for this inventory
                return db.collection('StoreModel').find({
                    "orgModelId": ObjectId(orgModelId)
            .then(function (result) {
github dymajo / waka / server-worker / db / gtfs-import.js View on Github external
table.columns.add('route_long_name', sql.VarChar(150), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('route_desc', sql.VarChar(150), {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('route_type', sql.Int, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('route_url', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('route_color', sql.VarChar(50), {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('route_text_color', sql.VarChar(50), {nullable: true})
    } else if (name === 'trips') {
      table.columns.add('route_id', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('service_id', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('trip_id', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('trip_headsign', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('trip_short_name', sql.VarChar(50), {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('direction_id', sql.Int, {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('block_id', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('shape_id', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('wheelchair_accessible', sql.Int, {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('bikes_allowed', sql.Int, {nullable: true})
    } else if (name === 'stop_times') {
      table.columns.add('trip_id', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('arrival_time', sql.Time(0), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('departure_time', sql.Time(0), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('arrival_time_24', sql.Bit, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('departure_time_24', sql.Bit, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('stop_id', sql.VarChar(50), {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('stop_sequence', sql.Int, {nullable: false})
      table.columns.add('stop_headsign', sql.VarChar(50), {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('pickup_type', sql.Int, {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('drop_off_type', sql.Int, {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('shape_dist_traveled', sql.VarChar(50), {nullable: true})
      table.columns.add('timepoint', sql.Int, {nullable: true})
    } else if (name === 'calendar') {
      table.columns.add('service_id', sql.VarChar(100), {nullable: false})
github ShoppinPal / StockUp / workers / workers-v2 / fetch-incremental-products / fetch-incremental-products-msd.js View on Github external
function fetchPaginatedProducts(sqlPool, orgModelId, pagesToFetch) {
    var incrementalProducts, rowIds;
    if (pagesToFetch>0) {
        return sqlPool.request()
            .input('products_per_page', sql.Int, PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE)
            .input('transfer_pending_state', sql.Int, 0)
            .query('SELECT TOP (@products_per_page)' +
                ' FROM ' + PRODUCT_TABLE +
                ' WHERE STOCKUPTRANSFER = @transfer_pending_state')
            .then(function (result) {
                incrementalProducts = result.recordset;
                rowIds = [];
                rowIds =, function (eachProduct) {
                    return '0x' + eachProduct.ROWID.toString('hex'); //TODO: find a better way of uniquely recognizing rows
                    message: 'Fetched products',
                    numberOfProducts: incrementalProducts.length
github ShoppinPal / StockUp / workers / workers-v2 / fetch-incremental-products / fetch-incremental-products-category-msd.js View on Github external
.then(function (result) {
                    message: 'Inserted/updated categories in products in DB',
                    result: {
                        upserted: result.nUpserted,
                        inserted: result.nInserted
                    message: 'Will delete the inserted/updated products from Azure SQL',
                return sqlPool.request()
                    .input('products_per_page', sql.Int, PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE)
                    .input('transfer_success_state', sql.Int, 1)
                    .input('transfer_time', sql.DateTime, new Date())
                    .query('UPDATE TOP (@products_per_page) ' + PRODUCT_TABLE +
                        ' SET STOCKUPTRANSFER = @transfer_success_state, STOCKUPTRANSFERTIME = @transfer_time' +
                        ' WHERE %%physloc%% IN (' + rowIds + ')');
            .then(function (result) {