How to use the mongoose-gridfs.createModel function in mongoose-gridfs

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github weseek / growi / src / server / service / file-uploader / gridfs.js View on Github external
module.exports = function(crowi) {
  const Uploader = require('./uploader');
  const lib = new Uploader(crowi);
  const COLLECTION_NAME = 'attachmentFiles';

  // instantiate mongoose-gridfs
  const { createModel } = require('mongoose-gridfs');
  const AttachmentFile = createModel({
    modelName: COLLECTION_NAME,
    bucketName: COLLECTION_NAME,
    connection: mongoose.connection,
  // get Collection instance of chunk
  // const chunkCollection = mongoose.connection.collection(CHUNK_COLLECTION_NAME);

  // create promisified method
  AttachmentFile.promisifiedWrite = util.promisify(AttachmentFile.write).bind(AttachmentFile);
  AttachmentFile.promisifiedUnlink = util.promisify(AttachmentFile.unlink).bind(AttachmentFile);

  lib.isValidUploadSettings = function() {
    return true;

  lib.deleteFile = async function(attachment) {


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