How to use the mocha.Test function in mocha

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mocha examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bitovi / testee / lib / reporter / reporter.js View on Github external
function startTest(data) {
    // Create a new Mocha test instance with out information
    var test = new mocha.Test(data.title, data.pending);
    var parent = mochaObjects[data.parent];

    if(!parent) {
      throw new Error('No parent suite found for test ' + JSON.stringify(data));

    // Extend with the test properties that are interesting to us
    _.extend(test, _.pick(data, testProperties), {
      parent: parent

    // Add to parent suite

    mochaObjects[] = test;
    // Emit the event that a test started
github Lamarkaz / parasol / index.js View on Github external
if(contracts[Object.keys(contracts)[0]].currentProvider.ganache === true){ // Only runs tests in dev environment
                var Mocha = require('mocha');
                var mocha = new Mocha();
                var testDir = process.cwd() + '/tests'
                // Add each .js file to the mocha instance
                var files = fs.readdirSync(testDir).filter(function(file){
                    // Only keep the .js files
                    return file.substr(-3) === '.js';


                if(Object.keys(context.parasol.tests).length > 0) {
                    for (file in context.parasol.tests) {
                        var suite = Mocha.Suite.create(mocha.suite, file + ": Inline tests");
                        for (test in context.parasol.tests[file]) {
                            suite.addTest(new Mocha.Test(test, context.parasol.tests[file][test]))
                        //var runner = new Mocha.Runner(suite);

                for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                    delete require.cache[require.resolve(path.join(testDir, files[i]))]
                    mocha.addFile(path.join(testDir, files[i]))
                // In order to pass contracts to mocha tests
                global.web3 = web3;
                global.contracts = contracts;
                global.address0 = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
                global.accounts = accounts;
                global.assert = require('assert');
github anticoders / gagarin / lib / common / testResultsServer.js View on Github external
"/gagarin/feedback": function (what, data) {
      var args =, 0);
      var test = new Mocha.Test(;
      var err  = null;

      test.parent = suite;

      if (what === 'pass') {
        if (!silent) {
          runner.emit('pass', test);
      } else if (what === 'fail') {

        err = new Error(data.failureMessage);

        err.stack    = data.failureStackTrace;
        err.actual   = data.failureActual;
        err.expected = data.failureExpected;
        err.showDiff = data.failureShowDiff;
github sheremetyev / texts.js / test / run.js View on Github external
fs.readdirSync(testdir).forEach(function(testfilename) {
        if (testfilename.substr(-5) === '.test') {
          var testfile = testdir + '/' + testfilename;
          var testname = testfilename.slice(0, -5);

          var test = new mocha.Test(testname, function(done) {
            runTestFile(testfile, done);
github google / eslint-closure / packages / eslint-config-tester / lib / error-compare.js View on Github external
googObject.forEach(expectedErrors.errorsByLineNumber, (lineErrors, line) => {
    if (fileSuite) {
      const lineTest = new Mocha.Test(` line ${lineErrors.line}`, () => {
    } else {
github d-oliveros / nest / test / routes.js View on Github external
function createRouteTest(route, dataDir) {
  const testParams = route.test;
  const { shouldSpawnJobs, shouldCreateItems } = testParams;
  const responsabilities = getTestResponsabilities(testParams);
  const testName = `${} should ${responsabilities.join(' and ')}`;

  return new Test(testName, async () => {
    const spider = createSpider();

    const job = await Queue.createJob(route.key, { query: testParams.query });
    const url = route.getUrl(job);
    const scraped = await spider.scrape(url, route);

    if (dataDir) {
      await logScrapedData(scraped, route, dataDir);
      await logPageBody(scraped, route, dataDir);

    if (shouldSpawnJobs && ! {
      const errorMsg = 'New crawling jobs were not spawned.';
      throw new Error(errorMsg);
github Codeception / CodeceptJS / lib / interfaces / gherkin.js View on Github external
for (const example of examples.tableBody) {
          let exampleSteps = [...child.steps];
          const current = {};
          for (const index in example.cells) {
            const placeholder = fields[index];
            const value = example.cells[index].value;
            current[placeholder] = value;
            exampleSteps = => {
              step = Object.assign({}, step);
              step.text = step.text.replace(`<${placeholder}>`, value);
              return step;
          const tags = =>;
          const title = `${} ${JSON.stringify(current)} ${tags.join(' ')}`.trim();
          const test = new Test(title, async () => runSteps(addExampleInTable(exampleSteps, current)));
          test.tags = suite.tags.concat(tags);
    const tags = =>;
    const title = `${} ${tags.join(' ')}`.trim();
    const test = new Test(title, async () => runSteps(child.steps));
    test.tags = suite.tags.concat(tags);

  return suite;
github Codeception / CodeceptJS / lib / command / run-workers.js View on Github external
function repackTest(test) {
  test = Object.assign(new Test(test.title || '', () => { }), test);
  test.parent = Object.assign(new Suite(test.parent.title), test.parent);
  return test;
github gagarinjs / meteor-mocha / packages / gagarin-mocha-cli / lib / Receiver.js View on Github external
Receiver.prototype.createTest = function createTest(rawTest) {
  var test = new Mocha.Test(rawTest.title);
  test.parent = this.suite;
  test.speed = rawTest.speed;
  test.duration = rawTest.duration;
  return test;
github fat / haunt / lib / repo.js View on Github external
var suite = new mocha.Suite(type, new mocha.Context);

            for (var key in this.tests[type]) {

                var fn = this.tests[type][key];

                switch (key) {
                    case 'before':
                        suite.beforeAll(fn.bind(fn, issue.exports));
                    case 'after':
                        suite.afterAll(fn.bind(fn, issue.exports));
                        suite.addTest(new mocha.Test(key, fn.bind(fn, issue.exports)));


            var runner   = new mocha.Runner(suite);
            var reporter = new mocha.reporters[reporterType](runner);

            issue.exports.reporter = reporter;

   () {
                if (reporter.stats.failures) {
                    total['failing-' + Repo.typeMap[type]]++;