How to use the ml-matrix.inverse function in ml-matrix

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ml-matrix examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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if (
    transformMatrix.length !== 2 ||
    transformMatrix[0].length !== 3 ||
    transformMatrix[1].length !== 3
  ) {
    throw new Error(
      `transformation matrix must be 2x3, found ${transformMatrix.length}x${

  if (!options.inverse) {
    transformMatrix = [transformMatrix[0], transformMatrix[1], [0, 0, 1]];
    transformMatrix = inverse(new Matrix(transformMatrix)).to2DArray();
  const newImage = Image.createFrom(image, {

  const interpolateBorder = getBorderInterpolation(borderType, borderValue);
  const clamp = getClamp(newImage);

  const interpolate = getInterpolationFunction(interpolationType);
  const hFactor = newImage.width * newImage.channels;
  for (let y = 0; y < newImage.height; y++) {
    const hOffset = hFactor * y;
    for (let x = 0; x < newImage.width; x++) {
      const wOffset = hOffset + x * image.channels;
      const nx = transformPoint(transformMatrix[0], x, y);
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let n31 = n3[0];
  let n32 = n3[1];
  let n33 = n3[2];

  let f = (1.0 / (n23 * n33)) * ((n21 * n31 - (n21 * n33 + n23 * n31) * u0 + n23 * n33 * u0 * u0) + (n22 * n32 - (n22 * n33 + n23 * n32) * v0 + n23 * n33 * v0 * v0));
  if (f >= 0) {
    f = Math.sqrt(f);
  } else {
    f = Math.sqrt(-f);

  let A = new Matrix([[f, 0, u0], [0, f, v0], [0, 0, 1]]);
  let At = A.transpose();
  let Ati = inverse(At);
  let Ai = inverse(A);

  let n2R = Matrix.rowVector(n2);
  let n3R = Matrix.rowVector(n3);

  let arReal = Math.sqrt(dotVect(n2R.mmul(Ati).mmul(Ai).to1DArray(), n2) / dotVect(n3R.mmul(Ati).mmul(Ai).to1DArray(), n3));

  if (arReal === 0 || arVis === 0) {
    finalW = Math.ceil(w);
    finalH = Math.ceil(h);
  } else if (arReal < arVis) {
    finalW = Math.ceil(w);
    finalH = Math.ceil(finalW / arReal);
  } else {
    finalH = Math.ceil(h);
    finalW = Math.ceil(arReal * finalH);
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let n31 = n3[0];
  let n32 = n3[1];
  let n33 = n3[2];

  let f = (1.0 / (n23 * n33)) * ((n21 * n31 - (n21 * n33 + n23 * n31) * u0 + n23 * n33 * u0 * u0) + (n22 * n32 - (n22 * n33 + n23 * n32) * v0 + n23 * n33 * v0 * v0));
  if (f >= 0) {
    f = Math.sqrt(f);
  } else {
    f = Math.sqrt(-f);

  let A = new Matrix([[f, 0, u0], [0, f, v0], [0, 0, 1]]);
  let At = A.transpose();
  let Ati = inverse(At);
  let Ai = inverse(A);

  let n2R = Matrix.rowVector(n2);
  let n3R = Matrix.rowVector(n3);

  let arReal = Math.sqrt(dotVect(n2R.mmul(Ati).mmul(Ai).to1DArray(), n2) / dotVect(n3R.mmul(Ati).mmul(Ai).to1DArray(), n3));

  if (arReal === 0 || arVis === 0) {
    finalW = Math.ceil(w);
    finalH = Math.ceil(h);
  } else if (arReal < arVis) {
    finalW = Math.ceil(w);
    finalH = Math.ceil(finalW / arReal);
  } else {
    finalH = Math.ceil(h);