How to use the mkdirp.sync function in mkdirp

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mkdirp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bencevans / quickgit / app.js View on Github external
var config = {};
config.repoPath = path.resolve(process.env.REPO_PATH || "/tmp/repos");
config.port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
config.externalPort = process.env.EXTERNAL_PORT || config.port;
config.externalHost = process.env.EXTERNAL_HOST || 'localhost';

// Web Server Requirements
var http = require('http');
var Handlebars = require('handlebars');

// Git Server Requirements
var pushover = require('pushover');
var repos = pushover(config.repoPath);

// mkdir -p ReposPath
mkdirp.sync(config.repoPath, 0777);

repos.on('push', function (push) {
  // TODO: Reject if more than config.maxRepoSize
  // TODO: Reject if URL hasn't actually been generated
  console.log('push ' + push.repo + '/' + push.commit
    + ' (' + push.branch + ')'

repos.on('fetch', function (fetch) {
  console.log('fetch ' + fetch.repo + '/' + fetch.commit);

var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
github Ledoux / teleport / src / methods / replace.js View on Github external
templateCouples.forEach(templateCouple => {
        // unpack
        const [templatePrefix, templateFileDir] = templateCouple
        const dirChunks = templateFileDir.split('/')
        let installedFileName = dirChunks.slice(-1)[0]
                                         .replace(templatePrefix, '')
        if (templatePrefix === '_') {
          installedFileName = `${}_${installedFileName}`
        const installedFolderDir = path.join(project.dir, 'bundler')
        const installedFileDir = path.join(installedFolderDir, installedFileName)
        const templateFile = fs.readFileSync(templateFileDir, 'utf-8')
        fs.writeFileSync(installedFileDir, formatString(templateFile, this))
github inkdropapp / docs / semantic / tasks / install.js View on Github external
for(var destination in installPaths) {
      if( installPaths.hasOwnProperty(destination) ) {
        // config goes in project root, rest in install folder
        installPaths[destination] = (destination == 'config' || destination == 'configFolder')
          ? path.normalize( path.join(manager.root, installPaths[destination]) )
          : path.normalize( path.join(installFolder, installPaths[destination]) )

    // create project folders
    try {
    catch(error) {
      console.error('NPM does not have permissions to create folders at your specified path. Adjust your folders permissions and run "npm install" again');

    console.log('Installing to \x1b[92m' + answers.semanticRoot + '\x1b[0m');'Copying UI definitions');
    wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.definitions, installPaths.definition, settings.wrench.overwrite);'Copying UI themes');
    wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.themes, installPaths.theme, settings.wrench.merge);
    wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.defaultTheme, installPaths.defaultTheme, settings.wrench.overwrite);'Copying gulp tasks');
    wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.tasks, installPaths.tasks, settings.wrench.overwrite);
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / generators / generator-botbuilder / components / echoTemplateWriter.js View on Github external
const TS_SRC_FOLDER = 'src'
  const folders = [
  const extension = _.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === 'javascript' ? 'js' : 'ts';
  const srcFolder = _.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === 'javascript' ? '' : TS_SRC_FOLDER;

  // create the echo bot folder structure common to both languages
  if (_.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === LANG_TS) {
    for (let cnt = 0; cnt < folders.length; ++cnt) {
  // create a src directory if we are generating TypeScript
  if (_.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === LANG_TS) {

  let sourcePath = path.join(templatePath, folders[DEPLOYMENT_SCRIPTS]);
  let destinationPath = path.join(generator.destinationPath(), folders[DEPLOYMENT_SCRIPTS]);
   // if we're writing out TypeScript, then we need to add a webConfigPrep.js
   if(_.toLower(generator.templateConfig.language) === LANG_TS) {
       path.join(sourcePath, 'webConfigPrep.js'),
       path.join(destinationPath, 'webConfigPrep.js')

  // write out the index.js and bot.js
  destinationPath = path.join(generator.destinationPath(), srcFolder);

  // gen the main index file
github derek / yui-benchmark / bin / yb-compile.js View on Github external
perfSuiteSource = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../lib/assets/perf-suite.js'), 'utf-8'),
        configSource = fs.readFileSync(srcConfigPath, 'utf-8'),

    // Turn the config string into an object
    vm.runInNewContext(perfSuiteSource + configSource, context);
    suite = context.suite.exportConfig();

    if (options.node) {
        suite.runner = 'node';

    // Create the target directory if it doesn't exist
    if (!fs.existsSync(targetDir)) {

    // Compile the suite
    compiled = compile(suite, srcDir);

    // Log the configuration object
    log.debug('Suite Configuration');
    log.debug(JSON.stringify(suite, null, 4));

    // Write the HTML & assets to the filesystem
    writeSuite(compiled, targetDir);
github remoteinterview / zero / packages / core / lib / builder / clone.js View on Github external
async function prepareBuildFolder(basePath, buildPath) {
  //basePath = basePath || process.cwd()
  //var buildPath = path.join(basePath, "./.zero")
  // await rimraf(buildPath)
  await del([path.join(buildPath, "/**"), '!' + buildPath, '!'+path.join(buildPath, '/node_modules/**') ]);
  await copy(basePath, buildPath, { filter: ['**/*', "!.zero"] })
github bpaquet / node-logstash / test / test_303_output_file.js View on Github external
topic: function() {
      var callback = this.callback;
      var p = output_file.create();
      p.init('output/tata/#{now:YYYY}/toto.txt', function(err) {
        p.process({message: 'line1'});
        p.process({message: 'line2'});
        p.process({message: 'line3'});
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 200);
    check: function(err) {
github mobify / nightwatch-commands / commands / htmlCapture.js View on Github external
var mkdirpSync = function(path) {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
        if ( e.code !== 'EEXIST' ) throw e;
github abecms / abecms / src / cli / users / manager.js View on Github external
save() {
    if (this.isActive()) {
      fs.writeJsonSync(this._file, this._users, {space: 2, encoding: 'utf-8'})
github digidem / react-mapfilter / js / sync.js View on Github external
function fromdir (dir) {
  var blobdir = path.join(dir, 'blob')
  return odksync({
    db: level(path.join(dir, 'sync.db')),
    log: hyperlog(level(path.join(dir, 'log.db')),
      { valueEncoding: 'json' }),
    metalog: hyperlog(level(path.join(dir, 'metalog.db')),
      { valueEncoding: 'json' }),
    dir: blobdir


Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`

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