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import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Factory } from 'meteor/dburles:factory';
import { resetDatabase } from 'meteor/xolvio:cleaner';
import { Random } from 'meteor/random';
import { _ } from 'meteor/underscore';
import { denodeify } from '../utils/denodeify';
const createList = (userId) => {
const list = Factory.create('list', { userId });
_.times(3, () => Factory.create('todo', { listId: list._id }));
return list;
generateFixtures() {
// create 3 public lists
_.times(3, () => createList());
// create 3 private lists
_.times(3, () => createList(;
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// Create a second connection to the server to use to call test data methods
// We do this so there's no contention w/ the currently tested user's connection
const testConnection = Meteor.connect(Meteor.absoluteUrl());
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';
// Method called by a user to request a password reset email. This is
// the start of the reset process.
loginWithoutPassword: function ({ email, username = null }) {
if (username !== null) {
check(username, String);
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({ $or: [{
"username": username, "emails.address": { $exists: 1 }
}, {
"emails.address": email
if (!user)
throw new Meteor.Error(403, "User not found");
email = user.emails[0].address;
else {
} else {
// update rsvp entry
const userId = this.userId;
_id: partyId,
'rsvps.user': userId
}, {
$set: {
'rsvps.$.rsvp': rsvp
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import _ from 'underscore';
import s from 'underscore.string';
import limax from 'limax';
import { hasPermission } from '../../../authorization';
import { Notifications } from '../../../notifications';
import { EmojiCustom } from '../../../models';
import { RocketChatFileEmojiCustomInstance } from '../startup/emoji-custom';
insertOrUpdateEmoji(emojiData) {
if (!hasPermission(this.userId, 'manage-emoji')) {
throw new Meteor.Error('not_authorized');
if (!s.trim( {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-the-field-is-required', 'The field Name is required', { method: 'insertOrUpdateEmoji', field: 'Name' });
} = limax(, { replacement: '_' });
emojiData.aliases = limax(emojiData.aliases, { replacement: '_' });
// allow all characters except colon, whitespace, comma, >, <, &, ", ', /, \, (, )
// more practical than allowing specific sets of characters; also allows foreign languages
const nameValidation = /[\s,:><&"'\/\\\(\)]/;
const aliasValidation = /[:><&\|"'\/\\\(\)]/;
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';
import { check, Match } from 'meteor/check';
import { AdminRegisterUserMailHandler } from '/imports/mail/AdminRegisterUserMailHandler';
import { emailAddressRegExpTest } from '/imports/helpers/email';
import { checkWithMsg } from '/imports/helpers/check';
'users.saveSettings'(settings) {
const id = Meteor.userId();
Meteor.users.update(id, { $set: {settings} });
console.log(`saved settings for user ${id}: ${settings}`);
'users.editProfile'(userId, eMail, longName) {
check(eMail, String);
check(longName, String);
if (! Meteor.userId()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot edit profile', 'User not logged in.');
if (!Meteor.user().isAdmin) {
if (Meteor.userId() !== userId) {
throw new Meteor.Error('Cannot edit profile', 'You are not admin or you are trying to change someone else\'s profile');
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
import { Wallet, WalletImages, Currencies, Ratings, Bounties, REWARDCOEFFICIENT } from '/imports/api/indexDB.js'
import { creditUserWith, removeUserCredit } from '/imports/api/utilities.js'
import { sendMessage } from '/imports/api/activityLog/methods'
import { log } from '/imports/api/utilities'
initializeWallet: function() {
if (_.size(Wallet.findOne({owner: this.userId})) == 0) {
time: new Date().getTime(),
owner: this.userId,
type: "welcome",
read: false,
from: "System",
message: "Welcome to Blockrazor! Your wallet has been created. Why not head over to the Bounty list and earn your first Rozar!",
amount: 0
getWalletReward: (userId, rId) => {
let bounty = Bounties.findOne({
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import { _Settings } from './settings';
import { _Slides, Slides } from './slides';
import { Institution } from './institution';
import { Titles } from './titles';
addSliding(id, sku, file) {
check(id, String);
check(sku, String);
check(file, Object);
if (Roles.userIsInRole(this.userId, ['admin'])) {
name: sku,
createdAt: new Date(),
CreatedBy: this.userId,
} else {
throw new Meteor.Error('oops', 'You are not allowed to not make changes');
* Created by cesar on 23/2/16.
import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor'
import {check} from 'meteor/check'
import {Chats} from './collections'
import {Rooms} from './collections'
import {SimpleChat} from './config'
//todo improve security, for now any body con access to this methods and potentially change the data (off messages recieved or room joins no a big deal but have to be fixed)
"SimpleChat.messageReceived": function (id, username) {
check(id, String)
check(id, username)
if (!SimpleChat.options.showReceived) return false
Meteor._sleepForMs(800 * Meteor.isDevelopment)
const message = Chats.findOne(id, {fields: {roomId: 1, receivedBy: 1}})
if (!message)
throw Meteor.Error(403, "Message does not exist")
const room = Rooms.findOne(message.roomId)
if (!_.contains(message.receivedBy, username)) {
return Chats.update(id, {
$addToSet: {receivedBy: username},
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import { hasPermission } from 'meteor/rocketchat:authorization';
import { Settings } from 'meteor/rocketchat:models';
import { retrieveRegistrationStatus } from './functions/retrieveRegistrationStatus';
import { connectWorkspace } from './functions/connectWorkspace';
import { getOAuthAuthorizationUrl } from './functions/getOAuthAuthorizationUrl';
import { finishOAuthAuthorization } from './functions/finishOAuthAuthorization';
'cloud:checkRegisterStatus'() {
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', { method: 'cloud:checkRegisterStatus' });
if (!hasPermission(Meteor.userId(), 'manage-cloud')) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-authorized', 'Not authorized', { method: 'cloud:checkRegisterStatus' });
return retrieveRegistrationStatus();
'cloud:updateEmail'(email) {
check(email, String);
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', { method: 'cloud:updateEmail' });