How to use the matrix-bot-sdk.LogLevel.WARN function in matrix-bot-sdk

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github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / actions / ApplyBan.ts View on Github external
for (const userRule of list.userRules) {
                        if (userRule.isMatch(member.userId)) {
                            // User needs to be banned

                            // We specifically use sendNotice to avoid having to escape HTML
                            await logMessage(LogLevel.DEBUG, "ApplyBan", `Banning ${member.userId} in ${roomId} for: ${userRule.reason}`);

                            if (!config.noop) {
                                // Always prioritize redactions above bans
                                if (mjolnir.automaticRedactGlobs.find(g => g.test(userRule.reason.toLowerCase()))) {
                                    await redactUserMessagesIn(mjolnir.client, member.userId, [roomId]);

                                await mjolnir.client.banUser(member.userId, roomId, userRule.reason);
                            } else {
                                await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "ApplyBan", `Tried to ban ${member.userId} in ${roomId} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);

                            banned = true;
                    if (banned) break;
        } catch (e) {
            const message = e.message || (e.body ? e.body.error : '');
                errorMessage: message,
                errorKind: message.includes("You don't have permission to ban") ? ERROR_KIND_PERMISSION : ERROR_KIND_FATAL,
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / protections / BasicFlooding.ts View on Github external
this.recentlyBanned.push(event['sender']); // flag to reduce spam

            // Redact all the things the user said too
            if (!config.noop) {
                for (const eventId of => e.eventId)) {
                    await mjolnir.client.redactEvent(roomId, eventId, "spam");
            } else {
                await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "BasicFlooding", `Tried to redact messages for ${event['sender']} in ${roomId} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);

            await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "BasicFlooding", `Banning ${event['sender']} in ${roomId} for flooding (${messageCount} messages in the last minute)`);
            if (!config.noop) {
                await mjolnir.client.banUser(event['sender'], roomId, "spam");
            } else {
                await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "BasicFlooding", `Tried to ban ${event['sender']} in ${roomId} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);

            // Free up some memory now that we're ready to handle it elsewhere
            forUser = forRoom[event['sender']] = []; // reset the user's list

        // Trim the oldest messages off the user's history if it's getting large
        if (forUser.length > MAX_PER_MINUTE * 2) {
            forUser.splice(0, forUser.length - (MAX_PER_MINUTE * 2) - 1);
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / protections / FirstMessageIsImage.ts View on Github external
if (this.recentlyBanned.includes(event['sender'])) return; // already handled (will be redacted)
                this.recentlyBanned.push(event['sender']); // flag to reduce spam

                // Redact the event
                if (!config.noop) {
                    await mjolnir.client.redactEvent(roomId, event['event_id'], "spam");
                } else {
                    await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "FirstMessageIsImage", `Tried to redact ${event['event_id']} in ${roomId} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);

                await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "FirstMessageIsImage", `Banning ${event['sender']} for posting an image as the first thing after joining in ${roomId}.`);
                if (!config.noop) {
                    await mjolnir.client.banUser(event['sender'], roomId, "spam");
                } else {
                    await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "FirstMessageIsImage", `Tried to ban ${event['sender']} in ${roomId} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);

        const idx = this.justJoined[roomId].indexOf(event['sender']);
        if (idx >= 0) {
  "FirstMessageIsImage", `${event['sender']} is no longer considered suspect`);
            this.justJoined[roomId].splice(idx, 1);
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / protections / BasicFlooding.ts View on Github external

        if (messageCount >= MAX_PER_MINUTE) {
            // Prioritize redaction over ban - we can always keep redacting what the user said.

            if (this.recentlyBanned.includes(event['sender'])) return; // already handled (will be redacted)
            this.recentlyBanned.push(event['sender']); // flag to reduce spam

            // Redact all the things the user said too
            if (!config.noop) {
                for (const eventId of => e.eventId)) {
                    await mjolnir.client.redactEvent(roomId, eventId, "spam");
            } else {
                await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "BasicFlooding", `Tried to redact messages for ${event['sender']} in ${roomId} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);

            await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "BasicFlooding", `Banning ${event['sender']} in ${roomId} for flooding (${messageCount} messages in the last minute)`);
            if (!config.noop) {
                await mjolnir.client.banUser(event['sender'], roomId, "spam");
            } else {
                await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "BasicFlooding", `Tried to ban ${event['sender']} in ${roomId} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);

            // Free up some memory now that we're ready to handle it elsewhere
            forUser = forRoom[event['sender']] = []; // reset the user's list

        // Trim the oldest messages off the user's history if it's getting large
        if (forUser.length > MAX_PER_MINUTE * 2) {
            forUser.splice(0, forUser.length - (MAX_PER_MINUTE * 2) - 1);
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / protections / FirstMessageIsImage.ts View on Github external
const isMedia = msgtype === 'm.image' || msgtype === '' || formattedBody.toLowerCase().includes('= 0) {
  "FirstMessageIsImage", `${event['sender']} is no longer considered suspect`);
            this.justJoined[roomId].splice(idx, 1);
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / commands / UnbanBanCommand.ts View on Github external
if (USER_RULE_TYPES.includes(bits.ruleType) && parts.length > 5 && parts[5] === 'true') {
        const rule = new MatrixGlob(bits.entity);
        await logMessage(LogLevel.INFO, "UnbanBanCommand", "Unbanning users that match glob: " + bits.entity);
        let unbannedSomeone = false;
        for (const protectedRoomId of Object.keys(mjolnir.protectedRooms)) {
            const members = await mjolnir.client.getRoomMembers(protectedRoomId, null, ['ban'], null);
            for (const member of members) {
                const victim = member['state_key'];
                if (!member['content'] || member['content']['membership'] !== 'ban') continue;
                if (rule.test(victim)) {
                    await logMessage(LogLevel.DEBUG, "UnbanBanCommand", `Unbanning ${victim} in ${protectedRoomId}`);

                    if (!config.noop) {
                        await mjolnir.client.unbanUser(victim, protectedRoomId);
                    } else {
                        await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "UnbanBanCommand", `Attempted to unban ${victim} in ${protectedRoomId} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);

                    unbannedSomeone = true;

        if (unbannedSomeone) {
            await logMessage(LogLevel.DEBUG, "UnbanBanCommand", `Syncing lists to ensure no users were accidentally unbanned`);
            await mjolnir.syncLists(config.verboseLogging);

    await mjolnir.client.unstableApis.addReactionToEvent(roomId, event['event_id'], '✅');
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / utils.ts View on Github external
export async function redactUserMessagesIn(client: MatrixClient, userIdOrGlob: string, targetRoomIds: string[]) {
    for (const targetRoomId of targetRoomIds) {
        await logMessage(LogLevel.DEBUG, "utils#redactUserMessagesIn", `Fetching sent messages for ${userIdOrGlob} in ${targetRoomId} to redact...`);

        const eventsToRedact = await getMessagesByUserSinceLastJoin(client, userIdOrGlob, targetRoomId);
        for (const victimEvent of eventsToRedact) {
            await logMessage(LogLevel.DEBUG, "utils#redactUserMessagesIn", `Redacting ${victimEvent['event_id']} in ${targetRoomId}`);
            if (!config.noop) {
                await client.redactEvent(targetRoomId, victimEvent['event_id']);
            } else {
                await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "utils#redactUserMessagesIn", `Tried to redact ${victimEvent['event_id']} in ${targetRoomId} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / queues / AutomaticRedactionQueue.ts View on Github external
public async handleEvent(roomId: string, event: any, mjolnirClient: MatrixClient) {
        if (this.isUserQueued(event['sender'])) {
            const permalink = Permalinks.forEvent(roomId, event['event_id']);
            try {
      "AutomaticRedactionQueue", `Redacting event because the user is listed as bad: ${permalink}`)
                if (!config.noop) {
                    await mjolnirClient.redactEvent(roomId, event['event_id']);
                } else {
                    await logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "AutomaticRedactionQueue", `Tried to redact ${permalink} but Mjolnir is running in no-op mode`);
            } catch (e) {
                logMessage(LogLevel.WARN, "AutomaticRedactionQueue", `Unable to redact message: ${permalink}`);
                LogService.warn("AutomaticRedactionQueue", e);