How to use the marked. function in marked

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few marked examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github rewgt / shadow-server / public / static / files / rewgt / js / creator_base.src.js View on Github external
dSchema.options = opt;
    var bAttr = [], bAttr2 = [];
    Object.keys(lastTypeInfo_).forEach( function(item) {
      var b = lastTypeInfo_[item];
      if (Array.isArray(b))
        bAttr2.push([b[0] || 0,item]);  // [iOrder,sAttr]
    bAttr2.sort( function(a,b) { return a[0] - b[0]; } );
    bAttr2.forEach( function(item) { bAttr.push(item[1]); } );
    var baseUrl = lastSchemaOpt_.option.baseUrl || '';
    return [lastSchemaIndex_,dSchema, {,
      doc:lastSchemaOpt_.doc, flag:lastSchemaOpt_.flag, baseUrl:baseUrl,
    }, bAttr, comp._._htmlText && !comp.props['marked.']]; // no editing 'html.' for MarkedDiv like