How to use the macadam.bmdModeHD1080i50 function in macadam

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few macadam examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Streampunk / casparcl / scratch / promise_clunker.js View on Github external
const numBytesRGBA = width * height * 4 * 4;
	const rgbaDst = await context.createBuffer(numBytesRGBA, 'readwrite', 'coarse');
	const imageDst = await context.createBuffer(numBytesRGBA, 'readwrite', 'coarse');

	const v210Dst = await context.createBuffer(numBytesV210, 'writeonly', 'coarse');

	let dm = await beamy.demuxer('file:../media/dpp/AS11_DPP_HD_EXAMPLE_1.mxf')
	let dec = await beamy.decoder({ demuxer: dm, stream_index: 0 })
	let enc = beamy.encoder({ name: 'v210', codec_id: 127, width: 1920, height: 1080, pix_fmt: 'yuv422p10le', bits_per_raw_sample: 20, time_base: [ 1, 25 ] })

	let playback = await macadam.playback({
  	deviceIndex: 0, // Index relative to the 'macadam.getDeviceInfo()' array
  	displayMode: macadam.bmdModeHD1080i50,
  	pixelFormat: macadam.bmdFormat10BitYUV

	let result = []
	let counter = 0

	async function read() {
		let p = await
		if (p.stream_index === 0) return p
		return read()

	async function processFrame(b) {
		let res = []
		await v210Src.hostAccess('writeonly')
		let lstamp = process.hrtime()
github Streampunk / casparcl / scratch / ebu_oss_clunker.js View on Github external
const srcs2 = [
		await context.createBuffer(lumaBytes, 'readonly', 'coarse'),
		await context.createBuffer(chromaBytes, 'readonly', 'coarse'),
		await context.createBuffer(chromaBytes, 'readonly', 'coarse')

	const numBytesRGBA = width * height * 4 * 4;
	const rgbaDst1 = await context.createBuffer(numBytesRGBA, 'readwrite', 'coarse');
	const rgbaDst2 = await context.createBuffer(numBytesRGBA, 'readwrite', 'coarse');
	const imageDst = await context.createBuffer(numBytesRGBA, 'readwrite', 'coarse');

	const v210Dst = await context.createBuffer(numBytesV210, 'writeonly', 'coarse');

	let playback = await macadam.playback({
  	deviceIndex: 0, // Index relative to the 'macadam.getDeviceInfo()' array
  	displayMode: macadam.bmdModeHD1080i50,
  	pixelFormat: macadam.bmdFormat10BitYUV

	function dumpFloatBuf(buf, width, height, numPixels, numLines) {
	  const r = (b, o) => b.readFloatLE(o).toFixed(4);
	  for (let y=0; y
github Streampunk / casparcl / scratch / high_beam_cl.js View on Github external
res[2] = await v210Writer.toV210(imageDst, v210Dst)
		await v210Dst.hostAccess('readonly')
		// v210_io.dumpBuf(v210Dst, 1920, 4);
		// console.log(process.hrtime(lstamp))
		return res;

	let dm = await beamy.demuxer('file:../media/dpp/AS11_DPP_HD_EXAMPLE_1.mxf')
	let dec = await beamy.decoder({ demuxer: dm, stream_index: 0 })
	let enc = beamy.encoder({ name: 'v210', codec_id: 127, width: 1920, height: 1080, pix_fmt: 'yuv422p10le', bits_per_raw_sample: 20, time_base: [ 1, 25 ] })

	let playback = await macadam.playback({
  	deviceIndex: 0, // Index relative to the 'macadam.getDeviceInfo()' array
  	displayMode: macadam.bmdModeHD1080i50,
  	pixelFormat: macadam.bmdFormat10BitYUV

	let counter = 0

	const gen = (push, next) => { => {
			if (p.stream_index === 0) {
				push(null, p)
			} else {
				gen(push, next)
github Streampunk / casparcl / scratch / mixer_clunker.js View on Github external

	const numBytesV210 = v210_io.getPitchBytes(width) * height;
	const v210Src1 = await context.createBuffer(numBytesV210, 'readonly', 'coarse');
	const v210Src2 = await context.createBuffer(numBytesV210, 'readonly', 'coarse');

	const numBytesRGBA = width * height * 4 * 4;
	const rgbaDst1 = await context.createBuffer(numBytesRGBA, 'readwrite', 'coarse');
	const rgbaDst2 = await context.createBuffer(numBytesRGBA, 'readwrite', 'coarse');
	const imageDst = await context.createBuffer(numBytesRGBA, 'readwrite', 'coarse');

	const v210Dst = await context.createBuffer(numBytesV210, 'writeonly', 'coarse');

	let playback = await macadam.playback({
  	deviceIndex: 0, // Index relative to the 'macadam.getDeviceInfo()' array
  	displayMode: macadam.bmdModeHD1080i50,
  	pixelFormat: macadam.bmdFormat10BitYUV

	async function processFrame(b1, b2, fl) {
		let res = []
		await v210Src1.hostAccess('writeonly', b1)
		await v210Src2.hostAccess('writeonly', b2)
		res[0] = await v210Loader1.fromYUV({ source: v210Src1, dest: rgbaDst1 })
		res[1] = await v210Loader2.fromYUV({ source: v210Src2, dest: rgbaDst2 })
		//await rgbaDst.hostAccess('readonly')
		// dumpFloatBuf(rgbaDst, 1920, 2, 4);
		res[2] = await{input1: rgbaDst1, input2: rgbaDst2, fl: fl, output: imageDst})
		//await imageDst.hostAccess('readonly')
		// dumpFloatBuf(imageDst, 1920, 2, 4);
		res[3] = await v210Saver.toYUV({ source: imageDst, dest: v210Dst })
		await v210Dst.hostAccess('readonly')
github Streampunk / dynamorse-deprecated / scratch / smokeMacadamIn.js View on Github external

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.

var macIn = require('../valve/macadamInlet.js');
var macadam = require('macadam')
var fs = require('fs');
var count = 0;
var ws = fs.createWriteStream('/Volumes/Ormiscraid/media/streampunk/recordings/fire100f.v210.yuv');
var stopper = null;
var w = macIn(0, macadam.bmdModeHD1080i50, macadam.bmdFormat10BitYUV, function (s) { stopper = s; })
  .doto( function (x) {
    ws.write(x, function (err) {
      if (err) throw err;
      console.log('Written', count++);
  .errors(function (e) { console.log(e); })
  .done(function () { stopper(); ws.close() });


Async node.js interface to Blackmagic Design capture and playback devices.

Latest version published 2 years ago

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