How to use the long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE function in long

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github interledgerjs / ilp-protocol-stream / scripts / generate-fixtures.ts View on Github external
packetType: Packet.IlpPacketType.Prepare,
    amount: '0',
    frames: [new Packet.StreamMaxMoneyFrame(123, Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE, 456)]
  decode_only: true

// The send_max is set to `Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE + 1`.
  name: 'frame:stream_money_blocked:send_max:too_big',
  packet: {
    sequence: '0',
    packetType: Packet.IlpPacketType.Prepare,
    amount: '0',
    frames: [new Packet.StreamMoneyBlockedFrame(123, Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE, 456)]
  decode_only: true

console.log(JSON.stringify(fixtures, null, '  '))
github interledgerjs / ilp-protocol-stream / src / connection.ts View on Github external
this.log.debug('determined exchange rate to be %s with %d digits precision', exchangeRate, maxDigits)
        this.exchangeRate = exchangeRate

      // If we get here the first volley failed, try new volley using all unique packet amounts based on the max packets
      testPacketAmounts = maxPacketAmounts
        .filter((amount: any) => !amount.equals(Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE))
        .reduce((acc: any, curr: any) => [ Set([...acc, curr.toString()])], [])

      // Check for any Txx Errors
      if (packetErrors.some((error: any) => error.code[0] === 'T')) {
        // Find the smallest packet amount we tried in case we ran into Txx errors
        const smallestPacketAmount = packetErrors.reduce((min: Long, error: any) => {
          return minLong(min, Long.fromNumber(error.sourceAmount, true))
        }, Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE)
        const reducedPacketAmount = smallestPacketAmount.subtract(smallestPacketAmount.divide(3))
        this.log.debug('got Txx error(s), waiting %dms and reducing packet amount to %s before sending another test packet', retryDelay, reducedPacketAmount)
        testPacketAmounts = [...testPacketAmounts, reducedPacketAmount]
        await new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, retryDelay))

      this.log.debug('retry with packet amounts %j', testPacketAmounts)

    throw new Error(`Unable to establish connection, no packets meeting the minimum exchange precision of ${this.minExchangeRatePrecision} digits made it through the path.`)
github interledgerjs / ilp-protocol-stream / src / connection.ts View on Github external
this.remoteMaxStreamId = frame.maxStreamId.toNumber()
        case FrameType.ConnectionStreamIdBlocked:
          this.log.trace('remote wants to open more streams but we are blocking them')
        case FrameType.StreamClose:
        case FrameType.StreamMaxMoney:
          this.log.trace('peer told us that stream %s can receive up to: %s and has received: %s so far', frame.streamId, frame.receiveMax, frame.totalReceived)
          stream = this.streams.get(frame.streamId.toNumber())
          if (!stream) {
          stream._remoteReceived = maxLong(stream._remoteReceived, frame.totalReceived)
          if (stream._remoteReceiveMax.notEquals(Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE)) {
            stream._remoteReceiveMax = maxLong(stream._remoteReceiveMax, frame.receiveMax)
          } else {
            stream._remoteReceiveMax = frame.receiveMax
          if (stream._remoteReceiveMax.greaterThan(stream._remoteReceived)
            && stream._getAmountAvailableToSend().greaterThan(0)) {
            /* tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises */
        case FrameType.StreamMoneyBlocked:
          this.log.debug('peer told us that they want to send more money on stream %s but we are blocking them. they have sent: %s so far and want to send: %s', frame.streamId, frame.totalSent, frame.sendMax)
        case FrameType.StreamData:
          this.log.trace('got data for stream %s', frame.streamId)
github gd-com / utils / test / library.spec.js View on Github external
it('should encode/decode uint 64', () => {
    const values = [Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE.toString(), '0', '10', '518']
    values.forEach((value) => {
      const encoded = GdCom.putU64(value)
      const decoded = GdCom.getU64(encoded)
github interledgerjs / ilp-protocol-stream / src / util / long.ts View on Github external
export function checkedAdd (a: Long, b: Long): {
  sum: Long,
  overflow: boolean
} {
  const sum = a.add(b)
  const overflow = sum.lessThan(a) || sum.lessThan(b)
  return {
    sum: overflow ? Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE : sum,
github interledgerjs / ilp-protocol-stream / src / connection.ts View on Github external
        .filter((amount: any) => !amount.equals(Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE))
        .reduce((acc: any, curr: any) => [ Set([...acc, curr.toString()])], [])
github interledgerjs / ilp-protocol-stream / src / util / long.ts View on Github external
export function checkedMultiply (a: Long, b: Long): {
  product: Long,
  overflow: boolean
} {
  const product = a.multiply(b)
  const overflow = product.lessThan(a) || product.lessThan(b)
  return {
    product: overflow ? Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE : product,
github interledgerjs / ilp-protocol-stream / src / packet.ts View on Github external
function saturatingReadVarUInt (reader: Reader): Long {
  if (reader.peekVarOctetString().length > 8) {
    return Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE
  } else {
    return reader.readVarUIntLong()
github interledgerjs / ilp-protocol-stream / src / util / congestion.ts View on Github external
constructor (opts: CongestionOptions) {
    this._testMaximumPacketAmount = Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE
    this._maximumPacketAmount = Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE
    this._fixedPacketAmount = opts.maximumPacketAmount || Long.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE