How to use the lnd-grpc.getClosestProtoVersion function in lnd-grpc

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async onBeforeConnect() {
    // Establish a connection.
    const { useMacaroon, waitForMacaroon } = this._getConnectionSettings()
    await this.establishConnection({ useMacaroon, waitForMacaroon })

    // Once connected, make a call to getInfo in order to determine the api version.
    const info = await this.getInfo()'Connected to Lightning gRPC:', info)

    // Determine most relevant proto version and reconnect using the right rpc.proto if we need to.
    const { protoPath } = this.lndConfig
    const [closestProtoVersion, latestProtoVersion] = await Promise.all([
      lndgrpc.getClosestProtoVersion(info.version, { path: protoPath }),
      lndgrpc.getLatestProtoVersion({ path: protoPath }),
    if (closestProtoVersion !== latestProtoVersion) {
        'Found better match. Reconnecting using rpc.proto version: %s',
      await this.establishConnection({
        version: closestProtoVersion,


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