How to use the less.Parser function in less

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few less examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github msiebuhr / slint / lib / linters / less.js View on Github external
err.message += ':\n' + err.extract.join('\n');
        } else {
            // Ensure message ends with a dot.
            if (!/\.$/.test(err.message)) { err.message += '.'; }
        if (err.filename === 'input') {
            err.filename = filename;
        return err;

    var parseOptions = {
            paths: [Path.dirname(filename)]//,
//            filename: filename
        parser = new less.Parser(parseOptions),
        results = [];

    parser.parse(body, function (err, tree) {
        if (err) {
            return callback(undefined, [prepareLessError(err)]);

        try {
            // Compiling to CSS will throw in case of undefined @variables etc.:
        } catch (e) {
            return callback(undefined, [prepareLessError(e)]);

        return callback(undefined, []);
github VlVl / adwiki / controllers / site.js View on Github external
Site.prototype._compile_templates = function(){
//  var templates =;
//  for ( var template in templates ) {
//    var file     = fs.readFileSync( path.join(, template ), 'utf8' );
//    var compiled = this.dust.compile( file, path.basename( template, '.html' ) );
//    var file_path = path.join(, templates[ template ], path.basename( template, '.html' ) + '.js' );
//    if ( fs.existsSync( file_path ) ) fs.unlinkSync( file_path );
//    var fd = fs.openSync( file_path, 'a', 0666 );
//    fs.writeSync( fd, compiled, null, 'utf8' );
//    fs.closeSync( fd );
//  }

  var style = fs.readFileSync( path.join(, 'static/css/style.less' ), 'utf8' );
  var parser = new less.Parser({
      paths: [ path.join(, 'node_modules/twitter-bootstrap/less/' ) ]//, // Specify search paths for @import directives
//      filename: 'style.less' // Specify a filename, for better error messages

  var self = this;
  parser.parse( style, function (e, tree) {
    var css = tree.toCSS({ compress: true }); // Minify CSS output
    var css_file = path.join(, 'static/css/style.css' );
    if ( fs.existsSync( css_file ) ) fs.unlinkSync( css_file );
    var fd = fs.openSync( css_file, 'a', 0666 );
    fs.writeSync( fd, css, null, 'utf8' );
    fs.closeSync( fd );
github sintaxi / harp / lib / parsers.js View on Github external
fs.readFile(srcPath, function(err, data){
      if(err) return callback(err)
      var dirs = [
        path.dirname(path.resolve(projectPath, "public"))
      var parser = new(less.Parser)({
        paths:    dirs,   // Specify search paths for @import directives
        filename: file    // Specify a filename, for better error messages
      parser.parse(data.toString(), function (err, tree) {
          var css = tree.toCSS({ compress: true })
          callback(e, css)          
github YoavGivati / salmon / node / high.js View on Github external
high.util.loopOverFolders([high.config._less_path], function(file_name, root_path) {				
				// LESS 
					var parser = new(less.Parser)({
					    paths: [high.config._less_path], // Specify search paths for @import directives
					    filename: file_name // Specify a filename, for better error messages
					var file_contents = fs.readFileSync(root_path + file_name, {'encoding': 'utf8'});					
					parser.parse(file_contents, function(err, tree) {
						if(err) {
						var less_config,

						if(high.config.env === 'dev') {
							less_config =;
						} else {
							less_config =;
github 1PhoenixM / avior-service / node_modules / grunt-contrib-less / tasks / less.js View on Github external, 'Generating @import paths failed.'));

    if (typeof options.sourceMapBasepath === 'function') {
      try {
        options.sourceMapBasepath = options.sourceMapBasepath(srcFile);
      } catch (e) {, 'Generating sourceMapBasepath failed.'));

    var css;
    var srcCode =;

    var parser = new less.Parser(_.pick(options, lessOptions.parse));
    var additionalData = {
      banner: options.banner

    // Equivalent to --modify-vars option.
    // Properties under options.modifyVars are appended as less variables
    // to override global variables.
    var modifyVarsOutput = parseVariableOptions(options['modifyVars']);
    if (modifyVarsOutput) {
      srcCode += '\n';
      srcCode += modifyVarsOutput;

    parser.parse(srcCode, function(parse_err, tree) {
      if (parse_err) {
        lessError(parse_err, srcFile);
github Subash / Prepros / application / app / scripts / services / fileTypes / less.js View on Github external

            fs.outputFile(output + '.map', JSON.stringify(data), function(err) {

              if (err) callback(err);


          } catch (e) {}


      var parser = new(less.Parser)({
        paths: [path.dirname(input)],
        filename: input

      fs.readFile(input, 'utf8', function(err, data) {

        if (err) return callback(new Error('Unable to read source file\n' + err.message));

        parser.parse(data, function(err, tree) {

          if (err) return callback(new Error(err.message + "\n" + err.filename + ' line ' + err.line));

          var css;

          try {
github node-cube / cube / lib / css_transfer.js View on Github external
 * cube: lib/csscombine.js
 * Authors  : Fish (
 * Create   : 2014-04-18 15:32:20
 * CopyRight 2014 (c) Fish And Other Contributors
var path = require('path');
var css = require('clean-css');
var less = require('less');
var sass = require('./sass');
var stylus = require('stylus');
var fs = require('fs');
var lessParser = new(less.Parser)({
  paths: [process.cwd()]

exports.transferFile = function(file, compress) {
  var code;
  try {
    code = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8').toString();
  } catch (e) {
    e.message +=  'module not found "' + file + '"';
    throw e;
  var ext = path.extname(file);
  try {
    switch (ext) {
      case '.css':
        code = this.transferCss(code, compress);
github guardian / pasteup / node_modules / grunt-contrib-less / tasks / less.js View on Github external
var compileLess = function(srcFile, options, callback) {
    options = grunt.util._.extend({filename: srcFile}, options);
    options.paths = options.paths || [path.dirname(srcFile)];

    var css;
    var srcCode =;

    var parser = new less.Parser(grunt.util._.pick(options, lessOptions.parse));

    parser.parse(srcCode, function(parse_err, tree) {
      if (parse_err) {

      try {
        css = tree.toCSS(grunt.util._.pick(options, lessOptions.render));
        callback(css, null);
      } catch (e) {
        callback(css, true);
github adamgruber / mochawesome / lib / reportGenerator.js View on Github external
function parseLess (callback) {
  var stylesheet = fs.readFileSync(config.reportLessFile, {encoding: 'utf8'});
  var parser = new(less.Parser)({
    paths: [config.stylesDir, config.bsLessDir],
  parser.parse(stylesheet, function(err, tree) {
    if (err) callback(err);
    var outCss = tree.toCSS({
      compress: true
    callback(null, outCss);
github plone / mockup / mockup / js / grunt.js View on Github external
gruntConfig.less = gruntConfig.less || {};
          gruntConfig.less[name] = gruntConfig.less[name] || {};
          gruntConfig.less[name].files = gruntConfig.less[name].files || {};
          gruntConfig.less[name].files[bundleOptions.path + name + '.min.css'] = 'less/' + name + '.less';
          gruntConfig.less[name].options = {
            sourceMap: true,
            sourceMapFilename: bundleOptions.path + name + ''

 = || {};
['less-' + name] =['less-' + name] || {
            files: [ 'less/' + name + '.less' ],
            tasks: [ 'less:' + name ]

          var parser = new(less.Parser)({ syncImport: true, paths: ['less'], filename: name + '.less' }),
              bundleFile = fs.readFileSync('less/' + name + '.less', { encoding: 'utf-8' });

          parser.parse(bundleFile, function() {
            for(var file in parser.imports.files) {
    ['less-' + name].files.push(file);