How to use the layui.all function in layui

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few layui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github RAOE / show-videos / scetc-show-videos-admin / src / main / resources / static / js / layui.js View on Github external
config.status[item] ? onCallback() : setTimeout(poll, 4);
    function onCallback(){
      apps.length > 1 ?
        that.use(apps.slice(1), callback, exports)
      : ( typeof callback === 'function' && callback.apply(layui, exports) );
    //如果使用了 layui.all.js
    if(apps.length === 0 
    || (layui['layui.all'] && modules[item]) 
    || (!layui['layui.all'] && layui[''] && modules[item])
      return onCallback(), that;

      var node = doc.createElement('script')
      //如果是内置模块,则按照 dir 参数拼接模块路径
      //如果是扩展模块,则判断模块路径值是否为 {!} 开头,
      //  如果路径值是 {/} 开头,则模块路径即为后面紧跟的字符。
      //  否则,则按照 base 参数拼接模块路径
      ,url = ( modules[item] ? (dir + 'lay/') 
        : (/^\{\/\}/.test(that.modules[item]) ? '' : (config.base || ''))
      ) + (that.modules[item] || item) + '.js';
github Meowv / Blog / src / MeowvBlog.SOA / wwwroot / admin / lib / layui / layui.js View on Github external
config.status[item] ? onCallback() : setTimeout(poll, 4);
    function onCallback(){
      apps.length > 1 ?
        that.use(apps.slice(1), callback, exports)
      : ( typeof callback === 'function' && callback.apply(layui, exports) );
    //如果使用了 layui.all.js
    if(apps.length === 0 
    || (layui['layui.all'] && modules[item]) 
    || (!layui['layui.all'] && layui[''] && modules[item])
      return onCallback(), that;

      var node = doc.createElement('script')
      //如果是内置模块,则按照 dir 参数拼接模块路径
      //如果是扩展模块,则判断模块路径值是否为 {/} 开头,
      //如果路径值是 {/} 开头,则模块路径即为后面紧跟的字符。
      //否则,则按照 base 参数拼接模块路径
      ,url = ( modules[item] ? (dir + 'lay/') 
        : (/^\{\/\}/.test(that.modules[item]) ? '' : (config.base || ''))
      ) + (that.modules[item] || item) + '.js';
github weizhiqiang1995 / skyeye / skyeye-web / src / main / webapp / assets / lib / layui / layui.js View on Github external
Layui.prototype.define = function(deps, factory){
		var that = this, type = typeof deps === 'function', callback = function(){
			var setApp = function(app, exports){
				layui[app] = exports;
				config.status[app] = true;
			typeof factory === 'function' && factory(function(app, exports){
				setApp(app, exports);
				config.callback[app] = function(){
			return this;
		type && (factory = deps,deps = []);
		if(layui['layui.all'] || (!layui['layui.all'] && layui[''])){
		that.use(deps, callback);
		return that;
github yubaolee / OpenAuth.Net / OpenAuth.Mvc / layui / layui.js View on Github external
      typeof factory === 'function' && factory(function(app, exports){
        setApp(app, exports);
        config.callback[app] = function(){
      return this;
    type && (
      factory = deps,
      deps = []
    if(layui['layui.all'] || (!layui['layui.all'] && layui[''])){

    that.use(deps, callback);
    return that;
github Joyrocky / DormitoryManager / out / artifacts / dormitorySystem_war_exploded / lib / layui / layui.js View on Github external
n.prototype.cache = o, n.prototype.define = function (e, t) {
        var n = this, r = "function" == typeof e, i = function () {
            var e = function (e, t) {
                layui[e] = t, o.status[e] = !0
            return "function" == typeof t && t(function (n, r) {
                e(n, r), o.callback[n] = function () {
            }), this
        return r && (t = e, e = []), layui["layui.all"] || !layui["layui.all"] && layui[""] ? : (n.use(e, i), n)
    }, n.prototype.use = function (e, n, l) {
        function s(e, t) {
github Meowv / Blog / src / MeowvBlog.SOA / wwwroot / admin / lib / layui / layui.js View on Github external
      typeof factory === 'function' && factory(function(app, exports){
        setApp(app, exports);
        config.callback[app] = function(){
      return this;
    type && (
      factory = deps,
      deps = []
    if(layui['layui.all'] || (!layui['layui.all'] && layui[''])){

    that.use(deps, callback);
    return that;


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