How to use the laravel-mix.config.entry function in laravel-mix

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few laravel-mix examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github EmranAhmed / ultimate-page-builder / webpack.config.js View on Github external
if (Mix.options.notifications) {
        new webpackPlugins.WebpackNotifierPlugin({
            title        : 'Ultimate Page Builder',
            alwaysNotify : true,
            contentImage : Mix.Paths.root('images/logo.png')

if (Mix.copy.length) {
    new webpackPlugins.CopyWebpackPlugin(Mix.copy);

if (Mix.entry().hasExtractions()) {
    // Abstract a common file between apps.
        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
            names     : Mix.entry().getExtractions().map((manifest) => manifest.replace('manifest', 'upb-common')),
            minChunks : Infinity,

if (Mix.options.versioning) {
        new webpack[Mix.inProduction ? 'HashedModuleIdsPlugin' : 'NamedModulesPlugin'](),
        new webpackPlugins.WebpackChunkHashPlugin()
github phppirate / attendant / webpack.config.js View on Github external

if (Mix.copy) {
    Mix.copy.forEach(copy => {
            new webpackPlugins.CopyWebpackPlugin([copy])

if (Mix.entry().hasExtractions()) {
        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
            names: Mix.entry().getExtractions(),
            minChunks: Infinity

if (Mix.options.versioning) {
        new webpack[Mix.inProduction ? 'HashedModuleIdsPlugin': 'NamedModulesPlugin'](),
        new webpackPlugins.WebpackChunkHashPlugin()

if (Mix.options.purifyCss) {
    let PurifyCSSPlugin = require('purifycss-webpack');

    // By default, we'll scan all Blade and Vue files in our project.
github EmranAhmed / ultimate-page-builder / webpack.config.js View on Github external
title        : 'Ultimate Page Builder',
            alwaysNotify : true,
            contentImage : Mix.Paths.root('images/logo.png')

if (Mix.copy.length) {
    new webpackPlugins.CopyWebpackPlugin(Mix.copy);

if (Mix.entry().hasExtractions()) {
    // Abstract a common file between apps.
        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
            names     : Mix.entry().getExtractions().map((manifest) => manifest.replace('manifest', 'upb-common')),
            minChunks : Infinity,

if (Mix.options.versioning) {
        new webpack[Mix.inProduction ? 'HashedModuleIdsPlugin' : 'NamedModulesPlugin'](),
        new webpackPlugins.WebpackChunkHashPlugin()

if (Mix.options.purifyCss) {
    let PurifyCSSPlugin = require('purifycss-webpack');

    // By default, we'll scan all Blade and Vue files in our project.
github EmranAhmed / ultimate-page-builder / webpack.config.js View on Github external

module.exports.context = Mix.Paths.root();

 | Webpack Entry
 | We'll first specify the entry point for Webpack. By default, we'll
 | assume a single bundled file, but you may call Mix.extract()
 | to make a separate bundle specifically for vendor libraries.

module.exports.entry = Mix.entry().get();

 | Webpack Output
 | Webpack naturally requires us to specify our desired output path and
 | file name. We'll simply echo what you passed to with Mix.js().
 | Note that, for Mix.version(), we'll properly hash the file.

module.exports.output = Mix.output();

github LavaLite / cms / resources / assets / js / webpack.config.js View on Github external
    new webpack.DefinePlugin(
            NODE_ENV: Mix.inProduction
                ? 'production'
                : ( process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development' )

    new webpackPlugins.WebpackOnBuildPlugin(
        stats =>'build', stats)

if (! Mix.entry().hasScripts()) {
    plugins.push(new webpackPlugins.MockEntryPlugin(Mix.output().path));

module.exports.plugins = plugins;

 | Mix Finalizing
 | Now that we've declared the entirety of our Webpack configuration, the
 | final step is to scan for any custom configuration in the Mix file.
 | If mix.webpackConfig() is called, we'll merge it in, and build!
github podlove / podlove-publisher / webpack.config.js View on Github external
if (Mix.options.notifications) {
        new webpackPlugins.WebpackNotifierPlugin({
            title: 'Laravel Mix',
            alwaysNotify: true,
            contentImage: Mix.Paths.root('node_modules/laravel-mix/icons/laravel.png')

if (Mix.copy.length) {
    new webpackPlugins.CopyWebpackPlugin(Mix.copy);

if (Mix.entry().hasExtractions()) {
        new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
            names: Mix.entry().getExtractions(),
            minChunks: Infinity

if (Mix.options.versioning) {
        new webpack[Mix.inProduction ? 'HashedModuleIdsPlugin': 'NamedModulesPlugin'](),
        new webpackPlugins.WebpackChunkHashPlugin()
} else if (Mix.options.hmr) {
        new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin()
github someline / someline-starter / webpack.config.js View on Github external
module.exports.context = Mix.Paths.root();

 | Webpack Entry
 | We'll first specify the entry point for Webpack. By default, we'll
 | assume a single bundled file, but you may call Mix.extract()
 | to make a separate bundle specifically for vendor libraries.

module.exports.entry = Mix.entry();

 | Webpack Output
 | Webpack naturally requires us to specify our desired output path and
 | file name. We'll simply echo what you passed to with Mix.js().
 | Note that, for Mix.version(), we'll properly hash the file.

module.exports.output = Mix.output();
github EmranAhmed / ultimate-page-builder / webpack.config.js View on Github external
    new webpack.DefinePlugin(
            NODE_ENV : Mix.inProduction
                ? 'production'
                : ( process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development' )

    new webpackPlugins.WebpackOnBuildPlugin(
        stats =>'build', stats)

if (!Mix.entry().hasScripts()) {
    plugins.push(new webpackPlugins.MockEntryPlugin(Mix.output().path));

module.exports.plugins = plugins;

 | Mix Finalizing
 | Now that we've declared the entirety of our Webpack configuration, the
 | final step is to scan for any custom configuration in the Mix file.
 | If mix.webpackConfig() is called, we'll merge it in, and build!
github phppirate / attendant / webpack.config.js View on Github external
module.exports.context = Mix.Paths.root();

 | Webpack Entry
 | We'll first specify the entry point for Webpack. By default, we'll
 | assume a single bundled file, but you may call Mix.extract()
 | to make a separate bundle specifically for vendor libraries.

module.exports.entry = Mix.entry().get();

 | Webpack Output
 | Webpack naturally requires us to specify our desired output path and
 | file name. We'll simply echo what you passed to with Mix.js().
 | Note that, for Mix.version(), we'll properly hash the file.

module.exports.output = Mix.output();