How to use krl-stdlib - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few krl-stdlib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / DB.js View on Github external
}, function(err){
            if(err) return callback(err);
            var root = {
                type: ktypes.typeOf(val)
            case "Null":
                root.value = null;
            case "Function":
            case "Action":
                root.type = "String";
                root.value = ktypes.toString(val);
            case "Map":
            case "Array":
                _.each(val, function(v, k){
                        type: "put",
                        key: key_prefix.concat(["value", k]),
                        value: v,
                // this `value` helps _.set in the toObj db dump set the right type
                root.value = root.type === "Array" ? [] : {};
                root.value = val;
github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / modules / http.js View on Github external
], async function (ctx, args) {
    if (!_.has(args, 'url')) {
      throw new Error('http:' + method.toLowerCase() + ' needs a url string')
    if (!ktypes.isString(args.url)) {
      throw new TypeError('http:' + method.toLowerCase() + ' was given ' + ktypes.toString(args.url) + ' instead of a url string')

    if (_.has(args, 'autosend')) {
      const event = cleanEvent(args.autosend)
      httpBase(method, ctx, args)
        .then(r => {
          core.signalEvent(Object.assign({}, event, {
            attrs: Object.assign({}, event.attrs, r)
        .catch(err => {
          ctx.log('error', err + '')// TODO better handling
github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / migrations / 20171031T182007_pvar_index.js View on Github external
var onKV = function (data) {
      var keyPrefix = data.key
      var val = data.value

      // NOTE: not sharing code with DB.js b/c migrations should be immutable
      // i.e. produce the same result regardless of previous codebase states
      var indexType = ktypes.typeOf(val)
      var rootValue = { type: indexType }
      switch (indexType) {
        case 'Null':
          rootValue.value = null
        case 'Function':
        case 'Action':
          rootValue.type = 'String'
          rootValue.value = ktypes.toString(val)
        case 'Map':
        case 'Array':
          _.each(val, function (v, k) {
              type: 'put',
              key: keyPrefix.concat(['value', k]),
github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / DB.js View on Github external
var putPVar = function(ldb, key_prefix, query, val, callback){
    query = ktypes.isNull(query) ? [] : query;
    query = ktypes.isArray(query) ? query : [query];
    // do this before toKeyPath b/c it will convert all parts to stings
    var isArrayIndex = _.isInteger(query[0]) && query[0] >= 0;
    var path = toKeyPath(query);
    if(_.size(path) > 0){
        var subkeyPrefix = key_prefix.concat(["value", path[0]]);
        var subPath = _.tail(path);
        ldb.get(key_prefix, function(err, oldRoot){
            if(err && ! err.notFound){
            var ops = [];
            var type = oldRoot && oldRoot.type;
            if(type !== "Map" && type !== "Array"){
                type = isArrayIndex ? "Array" : "Map";
github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / processQuery.js View on Github external
ctx = core.mkCTX({
    query: ctx.query,
    pico_id: ctx.pico_id,
    rid: rs.rid,
    scope: rs.scope
  var val = ctx.scope.get(
  if (_.isFunction(val)) {
    val = await runKRL(function (ctx, args) {
      // use ctx.applyFn so it behaves like any other fn call
      // i.e. errors on trying defaction like a function
      return ctx.applyFn(val, ctx, args)
    }, ctx, ctx.query.args)
  // To ensure we don't leak out functions etc.
  return ktypes.decode(ktypes.encode(val))
github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / modules / event.js View on Github external
event = cleanEvent(args.event)
      } catch (err) {
        return callback(err)
      if ( {
        var url =
        url += '/sky/event'
        url += '/' + event.eci
        url += '/' + event.eid
        url += '/' + event.domain
        url += '/' + event.type
          method: 'POST',
          url: url,
          headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'},
          body: ktypes.encode(event.attrs)
        }, function (err, res, body) {
          if (err) {
            ctx.log('error', err + '')// TODO better handling
          // ignore
github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / runAction.js View on Github external
module.exports = async function runAction (ctx, domain, id, args, setting) {
  var returns = []
  if (domain) {
    var modAction = await ctx.modules.get(ctx, domain, id)
    if (!ktypes.isAction(modAction)) {
      throw new Error('`' + domain + ':' + id + '` is not an action')
    returns = await modAction(ctx, args)
  } else if (id === 'noop') {
    returns = []// returns nothing
  } else if (ctx.scope.has(id)) {
    var definedAction = ctx.scope.get(id)
    if (!ktypes.isAction(definedAction)) {
      throw new Error('`' + id + '` is not defined as an action')
    returns = await definedAction(ctx, args)
  } else if (id === 'send_directive' || id === 'sendDirective') {
    returns = await sendDirective(ctx, args)
  } else {
    throw new Error('`' + id + '` is not defined')
  _.each(setting, function (id, i) {
    var val = returns[i]
    if (val === void 0 || _.isNaN(val)) {
      val = null
    ctx.scope.set(id, val)
github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / runAction.js View on Github external
module.exports = async function runAction (ctx, domain, id, args, setting) {
  var returns = []
  if (domain) {
    var modAction = await ctx.modules.get(ctx, domain, id)
    if (!ktypes.isAction(modAction)) {
      throw new Error('`' + domain + ':' + id + '` is not an action')
    returns = await modAction(ctx, args)
  } else if (id === 'noop') {
    returns = []// returns nothing
  } else if (ctx.scope.has(id)) {
    var definedAction = ctx.scope.get(id)
    if (!ktypes.isAction(definedAction)) {
      throw new Error('`' + id + '` is not defined as an action')
    returns = await definedAction(ctx, args)
  } else if (id === 'send_directive' || id === 'sendDirective') {
    returns = await sendDirective(ctx, args)
  } else {
    throw new Error('`' + id + '` is not defined')
github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / DB.js View on Github external
var delPVar = function(ldb, key_prefix, query, callback){
    var path = ktypes.isNull(query) ? [] : toKeyPath(query);
    if(_.size(path) > 0){
        key_prefix = key_prefix.concat(["value", _.head(path)]);
        var sub_path = _.tail(path);
        if( ! _.isEmpty(sub_path)){
            ldb.get(key_prefix, function(err, data){
                if(err && err.notFound){
                    data = {};
                }else if(err){
                var val = _.omit(data, sub_path);
                    ldb.del(key_prefix, callback);
                    ldb.put(key_prefix, val, callback);
github Picolab / pico-engine / packages / pico-engine-core / src / modules / engine.js View on Github external
if (!_.has(args, 'name')) {
        throw new Error('engine:newChannel needs a name string')
      if (!_.has(args, 'type')) {
        throw new Error('engine:newChannel needs a type string')

      picoId = await core.db.assertPicoID(picoId)

      policyId = await core.db.assertPolicyID(policyId)

      return core.db.newChannel({
        pico_id: picoId,
        name: ktypes.toString(,
        type: ktypes.toString(args.type),
        policy_id: policyId