How to use the kity.createClass function in kity

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few kity examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github fex-team / kf-render / src / expression / expression.js View on Github external
define( function ( require, exports, module ) {

    var kity = require( "kity"),

        // 打包函数列表
        WRAP_FN = [],

        Expression = kity.createClass( 'Expression', {

            base: require( "signgroup" ),

            getBaseWidth: function () {

                return this.getWidth();


            getBaseHeight: function () {

                return this.getHeight();


        } );
github fex-team / kf-editor / src / ui / ui-impl / button.js View on Github external
PREFIX = "kf-editor-ui-",

        LIST_OFFSET = 7,

            iconSize: {
                w: 32,
                h: 32

        // UiUitls
        $$ = require( "ui/ui-impl/ui-utils" ),

        Button = kity.createClass( "Button", {

            constructor: function ( doc, options ) {

                this.options = kity.Utils.extend( {}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options );

                // 事件状态, 是否已经初始化
                this.eventState = false;
                this.toolbar = null;
                this.displayState = false;
                this.fixOffset = options.fixOffset || false;

                this.doc = doc;

                this.element = this.createButton();
                this.disabled = true;
github fex-team / kf-editor / src / ui / ui.js View on Github external
// UiUitls
        $$ = require( "ui/ui-impl/ui-utils" ),

        Utils = require( "base/utils" ),

        VIEW_STATE = require( "ui/def" ).VIEW_STATE,

        Scrollbar = require( "ui/ui-impl/scrollbar/scrollbar" ),

        Toolbar = require( "ui/toolbar/toolbar" ),
        // 控制组件
        ScrollZoom = require( "ui/control/zoom" ),

        ELEMENT_LIST = require( "ui/toolbar-ele-list" ),

        UIComponent = kity.createClass( 'UIComponent', {

            constructor: function ( kfEditor, options ) {

                var currentDocument = null;

                this.options = options;

                this.container = kfEditor.getContainer();

                currentDocument = this.container.ownerDocument;

                // ui组件实例集合
                this.components = {};

                this.canvasRect = null;
                this.viewState = VIEW_STATE.NO_OVERFLOW;
github fex-team / kf-editor / src / ui / ui-impl / box.js View on Github external
PREFIX = "kf-editor-ui-",

        // UiUitls
        $$ = require( "ui/ui-impl/ui-utils" ),

        BOX_TYPE = require( "ui/ui-impl/def/box-type" ),

        ITEM_TYPE = require( "ui/ui-impl/def/item-type" ),

        Button = require( "ui/ui-impl/button" ),

        List = require( "ui/ui-impl/list" ),

        SCROLL_STEP = 20,

        Box = kity.createClass( "Box", {

            constructor: function ( doc, options ) {

                this.options = options;
                this.toolbar = null;
                this.options.type = this.options.type || BOX_TYPE.DETACHED;

                this.doc = doc;
                this.itemPanels = null;

                this.overlapButtonObject = null;
                this.overlapIndex = -1;

                this.element = this.createBox();
                this.groupContainer = this.createGroupContainer();
                this.itemGroups = this.createItemGroup();
github fex-team / kf-editor / src / ui / ui-impl / scrollbar / scrollbar.js View on Github external
define( function ( require ) {

    var kity = require( "kity" ),
        SCROLLBAR_DEF = require( "ui/def" ).scrollbar,
        SCROLLBAR_CONF = require( "sysconf" ).scrollbar,
        Utils = require( "base/utils" ),
        CLASS_PREFIX = "kf-editor-ui-";

    return kity.createClass( "Scrollbar", {

        constructor: function ( uiComponent, kfEditor ) {

            this.uiComponent = uiComponent;
            this.kfEditor = kfEditor;

            this.widgets = null;
            this.container = this.uiComponent.scrollbarContainer;

            // 显示状态
            this.state = false;

            // 滚动条当前各个状态下的值
            this.values = {
                // 滚动条此时实际的偏移值, 计算的时候假定滑块的宽度为0
                offset: 0,
github fex-team / kf-editor / src / ui / ui-impl / area.js View on Github external
define( function ( require ) {

    var kity = require( "kity" ),

        PREFIX = "kf-editor-ui-",

        PANEL_HEIGHT = 66,
        // UiUitls
        $$ = require( "ui/ui-impl/ui-utils" ),

        Box = require( "ui/ui-impl/box" ),

        Area = kity.createClass( "Area", {

            constructor: function ( doc, options ) {

                this.options = options;

                this.doc = doc;
                this.toolbar = null;
                this.disabled = true;

                this.panelIndex = 0;
                this.maxPanelIndex = 0;
                this.currentItemCount = 0;
                this.lineMaxCount = 9;

                this.element = this.createArea();
                this.container = this.createContainer();
github fex-team / kf-render / src / operator / operator.js View on Github external
define( function ( require, exports, modules ) {

    var kity = require( "kity" );

    return kity.createClass( 'Operator', {

        base: require( "signgroup" ),

        constructor: function ( operatorName ) {


            // 该操作符所属的表达式
            this.parentExpression = null;

            // 操作符名称
            this.operatorName = operatorName;

            // 操作符图形
            this.operatorShape = new kity.Group();
github fex-team / kf-editor / src / ui / ui-impl / box.js View on Github external
} );


            mountTo: function ( container ) {
                container.appendChild( this.element );

            appendTo: function ( container ) {
                container.appendChild( this.element );

        } ),

        BoxItem = kity.createClass( "BoxItem", {

            constructor: function ( type, doc, options ) {

                this.type = type;
                this.doc = doc;
                this.options = options;

                this.element = this.createItem();

                // 项的label是可选的
                this.labelNode = this.createLabel();
                this.contentNode = this.createContent();


github fex-team / kf-editor / src / control / input.js View on Github external
define( function ( require, exports, module ) {

    var kity = require( "kity" ),
        kfUtils = require( "base/utils" ),
        InputFilter = require( "control/input-filter" ),
        KEY_CODE = {
            LEFT: 37,
            RIGHT: 39,
            DELETE: 8,
            // 输入法特殊处理
            INPUT: 229

    return kity.createClass( "InputComponent", {

        constructor: function ( parentComponent, kfEditor ) {

            this.parentComponent = parentComponent;
            this.kfEditor = kfEditor;

            this.inputBox = this.createInputBox();




        initServices: function () {
github fex-team / kf-render / src / expression / compound-exp / func.js View on Github external
define( function ( require, exports, modules ) {

    var kity = require( "kity" ),
        FunctionOperator = require( "operator/func" );

    return kity.createClass( 'FunctionExpression', {

        base: require( "expression/compound" ),

         * function表达式构造函数
         * @param funcName function名称
         * @param funcExp function表达式
         * @param sup 上标
         * @param sub 下标
        constructor: function ( funcName, funcExp, sup, sub ) {


            this.setOperator( new FunctionOperator( funcName ) );


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