How to use jsonld - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jsonld examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / types / jsonld / jsonld-tests.ts View on Github external
const docNQuads =
   `_:  "Manu Sporny" .
    _:   .
    _:   .`;

const context = {
    name: "",
    homepage: {"@id": "", "@type": "@id"},
    image: {"@id": "", "@type": "@id"}

const baseUrl = '';

const frame = doc;

const docRDF = jsonld.toRDF(doc);

let count = 0;
function log(doc: object|string) {
    // Uncomment if testing with node.js
    if (typeof doc === 'object') {
        // console.log(count + ": " + JSON.stringify(doc) + "\n");
    } else {
        // console.log(doc);

 * compact() test
jsonld.compact(doc, context, (err, compDoc) => {
github wikibus / Alcaeus / tests / Resources / ApiDocumentation-spec.ts View on Github external
it('should reject if entrypoint missing', async () => {
            // given
            const apiDoc = Object.assign({}, Documentations.classWithOperation)
            delete apiDoc.entrypoint
            const expanded = await jsonld.compact(apiDoc, {})
            const docs = new ApiDocumentation(fakeAlcaeusResources(expanded))

            // when
            try {
                    .then(() => {
                        throw new Error('Operation should not succeed')
            } catch (e) {
                throw new Error('Should not throw unhandled exception')
github wikibus / Alcaeus / tests / Resources / DocumentedResource-spec.ts View on Github external
it('should use hydra:description for title property', async () => {
        // given
        const compacted = await jsonld.compact(hydraDescriptionJsonLd, {})

        // when
        const op = new DocumentedResource(compacted)

        // then
        expect(op.description).toBe('The longer description')
github wikibus / Alcaeus / tests / Resources / Class-spec.ts View on Github external
it('should return operations', async () => {
            // then
            const compacted = await jsonld.compact(hydraClass, {})

            // when
            const clas = new Class(compacted)

            // then
github wikibus / Alcaeus / tests / Resources / RdfProperty-spec.ts View on Github external
it('should link to domain', async () => {
        // given
        const compacted = await jsonld.compact(testProperty, {})

        // when
        const property = new RdfProperty(compacted)

        // then
github wikibus / Alcaeus / tests / Resources / SupportedOperation-spec.ts View on Github external
it('should return false for GET operation', async () => {
            // given
            const operation = {
                '@context': Context,
                'method': 'GET',

            const compacted = await jsonld.compact(operation, {})

            // when
            const op = new SupportedOperation(compacted)

            // then
github wikibus / Alcaeus / tests / Resources / ApiDocumentation-spec.ts View on Github external
it('should return only unique value', async () => {
            // given
            const expanded = await jsonld.compact(Documentations.classWithOperation, {})
            const docs = new ApiDocumentation(fakeAlcaeusResources(expanded))

            // when
            const ops = docs.getOperations('')

            // then
github wikibus / Alcaeus / tests / Resources / SupportedOperation-spec.ts View on Github external
it('should expose operation method', async () => {
        // given
        const compacted = await jsonld.compact(operationJsonLd, {})

        // wehen
        const op = new SupportedOperation(compacted)

        // then
github digitalbazaar / vc-js / tests / 10-verify.spec.js View on Github external
  // target not found
  if(!found) {
    const err = new Error('Not Found');
    err.httpStatusCode = 404;
    err.status = 404;
    throw err;

  const context = [
  // frame target
  const framed = await jsonld.frame(
    filtered, {'@context': context, id: target}, {embed: '@always'});

  return Object.assign({'@context': context}, framed['@graph'][0]);
github digitalbazaar / vc-js / tests / 10-verify.spec.js View on Github external
async function _pluckDidNode(did, target, didDocument) {
  // flatten to isolate target
  jsonld.documentLoader = testLoader.documentLoader.bind(testLoader);
  const flattened = await jsonld.flatten(didDocument);
  // filter out non-DID nodes and find target
  let found = false;
  const filtered = [];
  for(const node of flattened) {
    const id = node['@id'];
    if(id === target) {
      found = true;
  // target not found
  if(!found) {
    const err = new Error('Not Found');
    err.httpStatusCode = 404;
    err.status = 404;