How to use the jsonforms-core.generateDefaultUISchema function in jsonforms-core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jsonforms-core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github eclipsesource / jsonforms / packages / default / src / additional / array-renderer.tsx View on Github external
data ?, index) => {

                const generatedUi = generateDefaultUISchema(resolvedSchema, 'HorizontalLayout');
                const childPath = compose(path, index + '');

                return (
              }) : <p>No data</p>
github eclipsesource / jsonforms / packages / default / src / additional / tree-renderer.tsx View on Github external
              Add to root
              this.state.selected ?
                 : 'Select an item'
            <dialog id="dialog">
                Select item to create
                    .map(prop =&gt;