How to use the json-schema.checkPropertyChange function in json-schema

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few json-schema examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / types / json-schema / json-schema-tests.ts View on Github external
contentMediaType: 'text',
        else: {},
        if: {},
        then: {}
    const c: JSONSchema7Definition = false;

// Class
class Schema7 implements JSONSchema7 {

let result = validate({}, { $id: 'schema-id' });

result = checkPropertyChange({ foo: 'bar' }, { $id: 'schema-id' }, 'foo');
github persvr / pintura / lib / facet.js View on Github external
value: function(name, value){
							var propDef = properties && properties[name];
								mustBeValid(checkPropertyChange(value, propDef, name));
									value =, name, value);
							sourceClass.get(source.getId ? source.getId() :, value);
							this[name] = value;
						enumerable: false