How to use the js-cookie.defaults function in js-cookie

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few js-cookie examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / js-cookie_v2.x.x / flow_v0.38.x- / test_js-cookie-v2.x.x.js View on Github external
const otherCookie = Cookie.noConflict();

otherCookie.set('name', 'OtherCookie');

const cookieWithConverter = otherCookie.withConverter((value: string, name: string): string => {
    return value;

cookieWithConverter.defaults = {
    secure: true

// $ExpectError
Cookie.defaults = {
    secure: 1
github mattgodbolt / compiler-explorer / static / main.js View on Github external
if (!defaultLangId) {
        if (options.languages["c++"]) {
            defaultLangId = "c++";
        } else {
            defaultLangId = _.keys(options.languages)[0];

    // Cookie domains are matched as a RE against the window location. This allows a flexible
    // way that works across multiple domains (e.g. and
    // We allow this to be configurable so that (for example), and
    // share the same cookie domain for some settings.
    var cookieDomain = new RegExp(options.cookieDomainRe).exec(window.location.hostname);
    if (cookieDomain && cookieDomain[0]) {
        cookieDomain = cookieDomain[0];
        jsCookie.defaults.domain = cookieDomain;

    var defaultConfig = {
        settings: {showPopoutIcon: false},
        content: [{
            type: 'row',
            content: [
                Components.getEditor(1, defaultLangId),
                Components.getCompiler(1, defaultLangId)

    $(window).bind('hashchange', function () {
        // punt on hash events and just reload the page if there's a hash
        if (window.location.hash.substr(1)) window.location.reload();
github gitlabhq / gitlabhq / app / assets / javascripts / main.js View on Github external
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  const $body = $('body');
  const $document = $(document);
  const bootstrapBreakpoint = bp.getBreakpointSize();


  // Set the default path for all cookies to GitLab's root directory
  Cookies.defaults.path = gon.relative_url_root || '/';

  // `hashchange` is not triggered when link target is already in window.location
  $body.on('click', 'a[href^="#"]', function clickHashLinkCallback() {
    const href = this.getAttribute('href');
    if (href.substr(1) === getLocationHash()) {
      setTimeout(handleLocationHash, 1);

   * TODO: Apparently we are collapsing the right sidebar on certain screensizes per default
   * except on issue board pages. Why can't we do it with CSS?
   * Proposal: Expose a global sidebar API, which we could import wherever we are manipulating
   * the visibility of the sidebar.