How to use the jointjs.shapes function in jointjs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jointjs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github IDAES / idaes-pse / ui / modelvis / idaes-model-vis / src / index.ts View on Github external
this.save_button.onclick = () => {
      console.log("Not implemented yet")

    this.help_button = document.createElement("button");

    this.help_button.innerText = "Help";  
    this.help_button.onclick = () => {
      console.log("Not implemented yet")

    // We need to create the graph and paper in the constructor
    // If you try to create them in renderModel (which is called everytime the user
    // opens an .idaes.vis file or changes tabs) then you get icons that do not drop
    // when the mouseup event is emitted
    var standard = joint.shapes.standard;
    var width = 10000;
    var height = 10000;
    var gridSize = 1;
    this.graph = new joint.dia.Graph([], { cellNamespace: { standard } });
    this.paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
      el: this.holder,
      model: this.graph,
      cellViewNamespace: { standard },
      width: width,
      height: height,
      gridSize: gridSize,
      interactive: true

    // Adds link tools (adding vertices, moving segments) to links when your mouse over
    this.paper.on("link:mouseover", function(cellView, evt) {
github mike-goodwin / owasp-threat-dragon / td.tests / clientspec / diagram_spec.js View on Github external
it('should add a remove event handler to the graph', function() {
            var rect = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({
                position: { x: 100, y: 100 },
                size: { width: 70, height: 30 },
                attrs: { text: { text: 'my rectangle' } }

            $scope.vm.selected = rect;
            $'element', rect.cid);
            spyOn(mockDatacontext, 'load').and.returnValue($q.when(threatModel));           
github dramforever / frandre / src / model.js View on Github external
"use strict";

const joint = require ('jointjs');

class Model extends joint.shapes.devs.Model {
    constructor (frandre) {
        super ({
            ports: {
                groups: {
                    'in': {
                        markup: '
github AuHau / daGui / app / adapters / spark / templates / df / createDataFrame.js View on Github external
rect : {
        width: WIDTH,
        fill: config.DF_NODES_FILL
    dfGui: {
      description: NAME,
    ports: {
      items: ports
  }, DefaultShape.prototype.defaults)

if(!joint.shapes['spark']) joint.shapes['spark'] = {};
joint.shapes['spark'][NODE_TYPE] = MODEL;

export default class CreateDataFrame extends NodeTemplate{

  static getType(){
    return FULL_NODE_TYPE;

  static getName(){
    return NAME;

  static getModel(){
    return MODEL.bind(joint);

  static isNodeHidden(){
github AuHau / daGui / app / adapters / spark / templates / rdd / map.js View on Github external
ports: {
      items: [
          id: 'in',
          group: 'in'
          id: 'out',
          group: 'out'
  }, DefaultShape.prototype.defaults)

if(!joint.shapes['spark']) joint.shapes['spark'] = {};
joint.shapes['spark']['map'] = MODEL;

export default class Map extends NodeTemplate{

  static getType(){
    return NODE_TYPE;

  static getName(){
    return NAME;

  static getModel(){
    return MODEL.bind(joint);
github AuHau / daGui / app / adapters / spark / templates / rdd / mapPartitions.js View on Github external
ports: {
      items: [
          id: 'in',
          group: 'in'
          id: 'out',
          group: 'out'
  }, DefaultShape.prototype.defaults)

if(!joint.shapes['spark']) joint.shapes['spark'] = {};
joint.shapes['spark']['mapPartitions'] = MODEL;

export default class MapPartitions extends NodeTemplate{

  static getType(){
    return NODE_TYPE;

  static getName(){
    return NAME;

  static getModel(){
    return MODEL.bind(joint);
github AuHau / daGui / app / adapters / spark / templates / df / writeParquet.js View on Github external
attrs: {
      text : { text: NAME },
      rect : {
        fill: config.DF_NODES_FILL
    dfGui: {
      description: NAME,
    ports: {
      items: ports
  }, DefaultShape.prototype.defaults)

if(!joint.shapes['spark']) joint.shapes['spark'] = {};
joint.shapes['spark'][NODE_TYPE] = MODEL;

export default class CreateDataFrame extends NodeTemplate{

  static getType(){
    return FULL_NODE_TYPE;

  static getName(){
    return NAME;

  static getModel(){
    return MODEL.bind(joint);
github AuHau / daGui / app / core / renderer / components / editor / canvas_components / Selecting.js View on Github external
multiselectionProgress(e) {
    if (!this.startingSelectionPosition) return;

    if (!this.isSelecting
      && Math.abs(this.startingSelectionPosition.x - e.clientX) > this.canvas.CLICK_TRESHOLD
      && Math.abs(this.startingSelectionPosition.y - e.clientY) > this.canvas.CLICK_TRESHOLD) {
      this.isSelecting = true;

      if (this.currentDetailCell) {

      this.selectRect = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({
        position: {x: this.startingSelectionPosition.x, y: this.startingSelectionPosition.y},
        size: {width: 1, height: 1},
        attrs: {
          '.': {
            magnet: false
          'rect': {
            'fill-opacity': 0.3,
github ProcessMaker / modeler / src / components / nodes / textAnnotation / textAnnotation.vue View on Github external
mounted() {
    this.shape = new joint.shapes.standard.Polyline();
    let bounds = this.node.diagram.bounds;
    this.shape.position(bounds.x, bounds.y);
    this.shape.resize(this.nodeWidth, bounds.height);
      body: {
        refPoints: '25 10 3 10 3 3 25 3',
      label: {
        text: joint.util.breakText(this.node.definition.get('text'), {
          width: bounds.width,
        fill: 'black',
        yAlignment: 'left',
        xAlignment: 'left',
        refX: '5',
        refY: '5',
github AuHau / daGui / app / adapters / spark / templates / rdd / union.js View on Github external
group: 'in'
          id: 'in2',
          group: 'in'
          id: 'out',
          group: 'out'
  }, DefaultShape.prototype.defaults)

if(!joint.shapes['spark']) joint.shapes['spark'] = {};
joint.shapes['spark']['union'] = MODEL;

export default class Union extends NodeTemplate{

  static getType(){
    return NODE_TYPE;

  static getName(){
    return NAME;

  static getModel(){
    return MODEL.bind(joint);