How to use jest-validate - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jest-validate examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jest-community / jest-junit / index.js View on Github external
function JestJUnit (globalConfig, options) {
  // See if constructor was invoked statically
  // which indicates jest-junit was invoked as a testResultsProcessor
  // and show deprecation warning

  if (globalConfig.hasOwnProperty('testResults')) {
    const newConfig = JSON.stringify({
      reporters: ['jest-junit']
    }, null, 2);

    jestValidate.logValidationWarning('testResultsProcessor support is deprecated. Please use jest reporter. See', newConfig);
    return processor(globalConfig);

  this._globalConfig = globalConfig;
  this._options = options;

  this.onTestResult = (test, testResult, aggregatedResult) => {
    if (testResult.console && testResult.console.length > 0) {
      consoleBuffer[testResult.testFilePath] = testResult.console;

  this.onRunComplete = (contexts, results) => {
    processor(results, this._options, this._globalConfig.rootDir);
github ehmicky / gulp-execa / src / options / upstream.js View on Github external
import { Buffer } from 'buffer'

import { multipleValidOptions } from 'jest-validate'

// Examples for the core `child_process.spawn()` options
export const CHILD_PROCESS_OPTS = {
  cwd: '/home/user',
  env: { HOME: '/home/user' },
  argv0: 'command',
  stdio: multipleValidOptions('pipe', ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe']),
  serialization: 'json',
  detached: false,
  uid: 0,
  gid: 0,
  shell: multipleValidOptions(true, '/bin/bash'),
  windowsVerbatimArguments: true,
  windowsHide: true,
  encoding: 'utf8',

// Hack to make `jest-validate` validate Streams but print them nicely
const stream = {
  toJSON() {
    return 'Stream'

// Examples for the `execa` options
export const EXECA_OPTS = {
  extendEnv: true,
  stripFinalNewline: true,
github ehmicky / gulp-execa / src / options / upstream.js View on Github external
extendEnv: true,
  stripFinalNewline: true,
  preferLocal: true,
  localDir: '/home/user',
  input: multipleValidOptions('input', Buffer.from(''), stream),
  reject: true,
  cleanup: true,
  all: true,
  execPath: '/usr/bin/noed',
  timeout: 5000,
  buffer: true,
  maxBuffer: 1e8,
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-magic-numbers
  killSignal: multipleValidOptions('SIGTERM', 9),
  stdin: multipleValidOptions('pipe', 0, stream),
  stdout: multipleValidOptions('pipe', 1, stream),
  stderr: multipleValidOptions('pipe', 2, stream),
github ehmicky / gulp-execa / src / options / upstream.js View on Github external
export const EXECA_OPTS = {
  extendEnv: true,
  stripFinalNewline: true,
  preferLocal: true,
  localDir: '/home/user',
  input: multipleValidOptions('input', Buffer.from(''), stream),
  reject: true,
  cleanup: true,
  all: true,
  execPath: '/usr/bin/noed',
  timeout: 5000,
  buffer: true,
  maxBuffer: 1e8,
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-magic-numbers
  killSignal: multipleValidOptions('SIGTERM', 9),
  stdin: multipleValidOptions('pipe', 0, stream),
  stdout: multipleValidOptions('pipe', 1, stream),
  stderr: multipleValidOptions('pipe', 2, stream),
github ehmicky / gulp-execa / src / options / upstream.js View on Github external
stripFinalNewline: true,
  preferLocal: true,
  localDir: '/home/user',
  input: multipleValidOptions('input', Buffer.from(''), stream),
  reject: true,
  cleanup: true,
  all: true,
  execPath: '/usr/bin/noed',
  timeout: 5000,
  buffer: true,
  maxBuffer: 1e8,
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-magic-numbers
  killSignal: multipleValidOptions('SIGTERM', 9),
  stdin: multipleValidOptions('pipe', 0, stream),
  stdout: multipleValidOptions('pipe', 1, stream),
  stderr: multipleValidOptions('pipe', 2, stream),
github ehmicky / gulp-execa / src / options / main.js View on Github external
const validateOpts = function({ opts, defaultOpts, forcedOpts }) {
  const exampleConfig = filterObj(
    { ...EXAMPLE_OPTS, ...defaultOpts },
    key => !, key),

  try {
    validate(opts, { exampleConfig, recursiveBlacklist: ['env'] })
  } catch (error) {
    // `jest-validate` `error.stack` just repeats `error.message`
    throwError(error, { showStack: false })

  validateCustom({ opts })
github facebook / metro / packages / metro-config / src / loadConfig.js View on Github external
async function loadConfig(
  argv?: YargArguments = {},
  defaultConfigOverrides?: InputConfigT = {},
): Promise {
  argv.config = overrideArgument(argv.config);

  const configuration = await loadMetroConfigFromDisk(

  validate(configuration, {
    exampleConfig: await validConfig(),
    recursiveBlacklist: ['reporter', 'resolver', 'transformer'],

  // Override the configuration with cli parameters
  const configWithArgs = overrideConfigWithArguments(configuration, argv);

  const overriddenConfig = {};

  // The resolver breaks if "json" is missing from `resolver.sourceExts`
  const sourceExts = configWithArgs.resolver.sourceExts;
  if (!configWithArgs.resolver.sourceExts.includes('json')) {
    overriddenConfig.resolver = {
      sourceExts: [...sourceExts, 'json'],
github facebook / jest / packages / jest-config / src / normalize.ts View on Github external
export default function normalize(
  initialOptions: Config.InitialOptions,
  argv: Config.Argv,
  configPath?: Config.Path | null,
  projectIndex: number = Infinity,
): {
  hasDeprecationWarnings: boolean;
  options: AllOptions;
} {
  const {hasDeprecationWarnings} = validate(initialOptions, {
    deprecatedConfig: DEPRECATED_CONFIG,
    exampleConfig: VALID_CONFIG,
    recursiveBlacklist: [
      // 'coverageThreshold' allows to use 'global' and glob strings on the same
      // level, there's currently no way we can deal with such config

  let options = normalizePreprocessor(
github lingui / js-lingui / packages / conf / src / index.js View on Github external
export function getConfig({ cwd, configPath } = {}) {
  const configExplorer = cosmiconfig("lingui")
  const defaultRootDir = cwd || process.cwd()

  const result = configExists(configPath)
    ? configExplorer.loadSync(configPath)
    : configExplorer.searchSync(defaultRootDir)

  const raw = { ...defaultConfig, ...(result ? result.config : {}) }

  validate(raw, configValidation)
  // Use deprecated fallbackLanguage, if defined
  raw.fallbackLocale = raw.fallbackLocale || raw.fallbackLanguage || ""

  const rootDir = result ? path.dirname(result.filepath) : defaultRootDir
  return replaceRootDir(raw, rootDir)
github okonet / lint-staged / src / config-util / validateConfig.js View on Github external
)} was found in the config root.

  You are probably trying to mix simple and advanced config formats. Adding

  ${chalk.bold(`"linters": {
    "${option}": ${JSON.stringify(config[option])}

  will fix it and remove this message.`

    const comment = options.comment
    const name = (options.title && options.title.warning) || 'WARNING'
    return logValidationWarning(name, message, comment)
  // If it is not glob pattern, use default jest-validate reporter
  return unknownOptionWarning(config, example, option, options)


Generic configuration validation tool that helps you with warnings, errors and deprecation messages as well as showing users examples of correct configuration.

Latest version published 11 months ago

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