How to use the is2.array function in is2

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few is2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github stdarg / config-js / index.js View on Github external
if (!isValid && typeof defaultValue === 'undefined' && !fromEnv) {
        debug('Var statuses ','!isValid',!isValid,'typeof defaultValue',
              typeof defaultValue, '!fromEnv',!fromEnv);
        throw new Error('No config value found for: '+propertyName);

    // either return found value or default
    if (!fromEnv) {
        debug('Propery '+envPropName+' gotten from config file: ',(isValid ? currVal : defaultValue));
        return isValid ? currVal : defaultValue;
    } else {
        debug('Attempting to coercion checks.');
        if (is.num(currVal)) {
            debug('Coercing env '+envPropName+' to a numeric.');
            return Number(envStr);
        } else if (is.array(currVal)) {
            debug('Coercing env '+envPropName+' to an array.');
            if (/^\[(.)*\]$/.match(envStr)) {
                envStr = envStr.substr(1);  // remove '['
                envStr = envStr.substring(0, envStr.length-1);
                var elems = envStr.split(',');
                for (var i=0; i
github strongloop / supercluster / lib / Worker.js View on Github external
return asyncerr(new Error('Task has no fileName: '+inspect(task)), cb);

  try {
    // convert array representing a buffer into a string
    if (is.array(task.file))
      task.file = new Buffer(task.file);
  } catch(err) {
    return asyncerr(err, cb);

  // ensure we have a string representing the file
  if (!is.buffer(task.file))
    return asyncerr(new Error('Task has no task.file: '+
                              inspect(task.file)), cb);

  if (!is.array(task.args))
    return asyncerr(new Error('Task has no args: '+inspect(task)), cb);

  task.fileName = path.normalize(task.fileName);

  // we want to dump the file in /tmp. If it is starts with /tmp, fine.
  if (task.fileName.substr(0,4) !== '/tmp')
    task.fileName = path.join('/tmp', task.fileName);

  // get the dir and make the directory
  var dir = path.dirname(task.fileName);

  // place the output buffers in an object, so we can pass the object
  // as a reference to the async function whose closure does not have the
  // buffers
  var output = { stdout: '', stderr: '' };
github strongloop / supercluster / lib / WorkerRunCommon.js View on Github external
var iterator = function(cmd, cb) {
    // default directorry is the cwd
    if (!is.nonEmptyStr(cmd.dir))  cmd.dir = dir;

    var output = ({stdout:'', stderr:''});
    if (!is.nonEmptyStr(cmd.cmd) || !is.array(cmd.args))
      return debug('Bad command '+inspect(cmd));

    exports.runCmd(cmd.cmd, cmd.args, cmd.dir, output,
    function(err, output, code) {
      if (err) {
        return cb(err);
github strongloop / supercluster / lib / Worker.js View on Github external
Worker.prototype.runFile = function(task, cb) {
  debug('runFile task: '+inspect(task, {colors:true, depth:null}));
  // ensure task is an object
  if (!is.nonEmptyObj(task))
    return asyncerr(new Error('No task received.'), cb);
  // ensure the task has a filename
  if (!is.str(task.fileName))
    return asyncerr(new Error('Task has no fileName: '+inspect(task)), cb);

  try {
    // convert array representing a buffer into a string
    if (is.array(task.file))
      task.file = new Buffer(task.file);
  } catch(err) {
    return asyncerr(err, cb);

  // ensure we have a string representing the file
  if (!is.buffer(task.file))
    return asyncerr(new Error('Task has no task.file: '+
                              inspect(task.file)), cb);

  if (!is.array(task.args))
    return asyncerr(new Error('Task has no args: '+inspect(task)), cb);

  task.fileName = path.normalize(task.fileName);

  // we want to dump the file in /tmp. If it is starts with /tmp, fine.
github strongloop / supercluster / lib / WorkerRunCommon.js View on Github external
exports.runCmds = function(cmds, dir, cb) {

  // it's valid to send no commands, you just get empty results.
  if (is.nullOrUndef(cmds))
    return cb(null, [], []);

  if (!is.array(cmds))
    return cb(new Error('Bad cmds parameter: '+inspect(cmds)));

  if (!is.func(cb))
    return cb(new Error('Bad cb parameter: '+inspect(cb)));

  // one for each entry in the array
  var outputs = [];
  var codes = [];

  // iterator function for async.eachSeries
  var iterator = function(cmd, cb) {
    // default directorry is the cwd
    if (!is.nonEmptyStr(cmd.dir))  cmd.dir = dir;

    var output = ({stdout:'', stderr:''});
    if (!is.nonEmptyStr(cmd.cmd) || !is.array(cmd.args))
github strongloop / supercluster / lib / Master.js View on Github external
var self = this;

  if (!is.func(task) && !is.obj(task))
    return asyncerr(new Error('Bad task object: '+inspect(task)),cb);

  if (!is.nonEmptyObj(worker))
    return asyncerr(new Error('Bad parameter for worker: '+
                              inspect(worker)), cb);

  if (!is.func(cb))
    debug('Master.taskAll received no callback function.');

  // args is an optional argument and may not be present
  if (is.func(args)) {
    cb = args;
  } else if (is.array(args)) {
    if (is.obj(task) && !task.args) {
      task.args = args;
      args = undefined;

  // depending on the type of task, handle it
  process.nextTick(function() {
    if (is.func(task)) {
      self.sendFuncToWorker(worker, task, args, cb);
    } else if (is.obj(task)) {
      switch(task.type) {
      case 'github':
        self.sendGithubToWorker(worker, task, cb);
      case 'file':


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