How to use the ip.isV6Format function in ip

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ip examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github casbin / node-casbin / src / util / builtinOperators.ts View on Github external
function ipMatch(ip1: string, ip2: string): boolean {
  // check ip1
  if (!(ip.isV4Format(ip1) || ip.isV6Format(ip1))) {
    throw new Error('invalid argument: ip1 in ipMatch() function is not an IP address.');
  // check ip2
  const cidrParts: string[] = ip2.split('/');
  if (cidrParts.length === 2) {
    return ip.cidrSubnet(ip2).contains(ip1);
  } else {
    if (!(ip.isV4Format(ip2) || ip.isV6Format(ip2))) {
      throw new Error('invalid argument: ip2 in ipMatch() function is not an IP address.');
    return ip.isEqual(ip1, ip2);
github nathangoulding / grpcli / bin / grpcli.js View on Github external
var root = process.cwd();
if (dir) {
	// use the provided directory
	root = dir;
} else if (file.match(/^\//)) {
	// .proto file is absolute path, use it
	root = file.substr(0, file.lastIndexOf('/'));

if (!fs.existsSync(root + '/' + file)) {
	fatal('Error: '.red + 'Could not find .proto file at ' + root + '/' + file);

var host = program.ip || config.ip;
if (!ip.isV4Format(host) && !ip.isV6Format(host)) {
	fatal('Error: '.red + 'Invalid IP address: ' + host);

var port = program.port || config.port;
if (!port.match(/^[0-9]{1,5}$/)) {
	fatal('Error: '.red + 'Invalid port: ' + port);

try {
		proto_file: {
			root: root,
			file: file
		host: host,
		port: port,
github makuga01 / dnsFookup / FE / node_modules / webpack-dev-server / lib / Server.js View on Github external
// if hostHeader doesn't have scheme, add // for parsing.
      /^(.+:)?\/\//.test(hostHeader) ? hostHeader : `//${hostHeader}`,
    // always allow requests with explicit IPv4 or IPv6-address.
    // A note on IPv6 addresses:
    // hostHeader will always contain the brackets denoting
    // an IPv6-address in URLs,
    // these are removed from the hostname in url.parse(),
    // so we have the pure IPv6-address in hostname.
    // always allow localhost host, for convenience (hostname === 'localhost')
    // allow hostname of listening address  (hostname === this.hostname)
    const isValidHostname =
      ip.isV4Format(hostname) ||
      ip.isV6Format(hostname) ||
      hostname === 'localhost' ||
      hostname === this.hostname;

    if (isValidHostname) {
      return true;
    // always allow localhost host, for convenience
    // allow if hostname is in allowedHosts
    if (this.allowedHosts && this.allowedHosts.length) {
      for (let hostIdx = 0; hostIdx < this.allowedHosts.length; hostIdx++) {
        const allowedHost = this.allowedHosts[hostIdx];

        if (allowedHost === hostname) {
          return true;
github PHDevsConnect / phdevsdir / client / node_modules / webpack-dev-server / lib / Server.js View on Github external
// allow user to opt-out this security check, at own risk
  if (this.disableHostCheck) return true;

  // get the Host header and extract hostname
  // we don't care about port not matching
  const hostHeader =;
  if (!hostHeader) return false;

  // use the node url-parser to retrieve the hostname from the host-header.
  const hostname = url.parse(`//${hostHeader}`, false, true).hostname;

  // always allow requests with explicit IPv4 or IPv6-address.
  // A note on IPv6 addresses: hostHeader will always contain the brackets denoting
  // an IPv6-address in URLs, these are removed from the hostname in url.parse(),
  // so we have the pure IPv6-address in hostname.
  if (ip.isV4Format(hostname) || ip.isV6Format(hostname)) return true;

  // always allow localhost host, for convience
  if (hostname === 'localhost') return true;

  // allow if hostname is in allowedHosts
  if (this.allowedHosts && this.allowedHosts.length) {
    for (let hostIdx = 0; hostIdx < this.allowedHosts.length; hostIdx++) {
      const allowedHost = this.allowedHosts[hostIdx];
      if (allowedHost === hostname) return true;

      // support "." as a subdomain wildcard
      // e.g. "" will allow "", "", "", etc
      if (allowedHost[0] === '.') {
        // ""
        if (hostname === allowedHost.substring(1)) return true;
        // "*"
github ArkEcosystem / core / packages / core-api / src / formats.ts View on Github external
        validate: value => ipAddress.isV4Format(value) || ipAddress.isV6Format(value),
github DylanPiercey / local-devices / src / index.js View on Github external
function arpOne (address) {
  if (!ip.isV4Format(address) && !ip.isV6Format(address)) {
    return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid IP address provided.'))

  return cp.exec('arp -n ' + address, options).then(parseOne)
github L-Leite / cso2-master-server / src / userstorage.ts View on Github external
public static addUser(socket: ExtendedSocket, userId: number, userName: string): UserData {
        const newData: UserData = new UserData(socket.uuid, userId, userName)
        let ipAddress: string = socket.remoteAddress
        if (ip.isV6Format(ipAddress)) {
            if (ipAddress.substr(0, 7) === '::ffff:') {
                ipAddress = ipAddress.substr(7, ipAddress.length - 7)
        newData.externalIpAddress = ipAddress, newData)
        return newData
github noobaa / noobaa-core / src / util / net_utils.js View on Github external
function is_ip(address) {
    return ip_module.isV4Format(address) || ip_module.isV6Format(address);
github ipfs-shipyard / ipfs-webui / src / bundles / peer-locations.js View on Github external
export const getPublicIP = memoizee((identity) => {
  if (!identity) return

  for (const maddr of identity.addresses) {
    try {
      const addr = Multiaddr(maddr).nodeAddress()

      if ((ip.isV4Format(addr.address) || ip.isV6Format(addr.address)) && !ip.isPrivate(addr.address)) {
        return addr.address
    } catch (_) {}