How to use the ink.useStdin function in ink

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ink examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github prisma / prisma2 / cli / ink-components / src / hooks / useStdin.ts View on Github external
export function useStdin(
  keyHandler: ({ actionKey: ActionKey, text: string, key: Key }) => void,
  deps: any[] = [],
) {
  let { stdin, setRawMode } = inkUseStdin()

  // stdin = stdin || process.stdin
  // setRawMode = setRawMode || process.stdin.setRawMode


  let didCancel = false

  React.useEffect(() => {
    function handler(text: string, key: Key) {
      if (!didCancel) {
        keyHandler({ actionKey: action(key), text, key })



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