How to use inferno-vnode-flags - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few inferno-vnode-flags examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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it('Should always unmount/mount if ReCreate flag is set', () => {
    const spyObj = { fn: () => {} };
    const spyObj2 = { fn: () => {} };
    const spy1 = sinon.spy(spyObj, 'fn');
    const spy2 = sinon.spy(spyObj2, 'fn');

    const div = createVNode(VNodeFlags.HtmlElement | VNodeFlags.ReCreate, 'div', null, createTextVNode('1'), ChildFlags.HasVNodeChildren, null, null, spy1);

    render(div, container);

    let firstDiv = container.firstChild;


    const div2 = createVNode(VNodeFlags.HtmlElement | VNodeFlags.ReCreate, 'div', null, createTextVNode('1'), ChildFlags.HasVNodeChildren, null, null, spy2);

    render(div2, container);

    expect(firstDiv).not.toBe(container.firstChild); // Div is different
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const spyObj2 = { fn: () =&gt; {} };
    const spy1 = sinon.spy(spyObj, 'fn');
    const spy2 = sinon.spy(spyObj2, 'fn');

    const div = createVNode(VNodeFlags.HtmlElement | VNodeFlags.ReCreate, 'div', null, createTextVNode('1'), ChildFlags.HasVNodeChildren, null, null, spy1);

    render(div, container);

    let firstDiv = container.firstChild;


    const div2 = createVNode(VNodeFlags.HtmlElement | VNodeFlags.ReCreate, 'div', null, createTextVNode('1'), ChildFlags.HasVNodeChildren, null, null, spy2);

    render(div2, container);

    expect(firstDiv).not.toBe(container.firstChild); // Div is different

    // Html is the same

    // Verify all callbacks were called

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function unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer(parentComponent, vNode, container, callback) {
  const wrapperVNode: VNode = createComponentVNode(VNodeFlags.ComponentClass, WrapperComponent, {
    children: vNode,
    context: parentComponent.context
  render(wrapperVNode, container, null);
  const component = vNode.children;

  if (callback) {
    // callback gets the component as context, no other argument.;
  return component;
github infernojs / inferno / packages / inferno-server / src / renderToString.queuestream.ts View on Github external
      renderedString += `&gt;`;

      if (String(type).match(/[\s\n\/='"\0&lt;&gt;]/)) {
        throw renderedString;

      // Voided element, push directly to queue
      if (isVoidElement) {
        this.addToQueue(renderedString, position);
        // Regular element with content
      } else {
        // Element has children, build them in
        const childFlags = vNode.childFlags;

        if (childFlags === ChildFlags.HasVNodeChildren) {
          this.addToQueue(renderedString, position);
          this.renderVNodeToQueue(children, context, position);
          this.addToQueue('', position);
        } else if (childFlags === ChildFlags.HasTextChildren) {
          this.addToQueue(renderedString, position);
          this.addToQueue(children === '' ? ' ' : escapeText(children + ''), position);
          this.addToQueue('', position);
        } else if (childFlags &amp; ChildFlags.MultipleChildren) {
          this.addToQueue(renderedString, position);
          for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i &lt; len; ++i) {
            this.renderVNodeToQueue(children[i], context, position);
          this.addToQueue('', position);
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      if (type === 'option' &amp;&amp; typeof props.value !== 'undefined' &amp;&amp; props.value === parent.props.value) {
        // Parent value sets children value
        renderedString += ` selected`;
    if (isVoidElement) {
      renderedString += `&gt;`;
    } else {
      renderedString += `&gt;`;
      const childFlags = vNode.childFlags;

      if (childFlags === ChildFlags.HasVNodeChildren) {
        renderedString += renderVNodeToString(children, vNode, context);
      } else if (childFlags &amp; ChildFlags.MultipleChildren) {
        for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i &lt; len; ++i) {
          renderedString += renderVNodeToString(children[i], vNode, context);
      } else if (childFlags === ChildFlags.HasTextChildren) {
        renderedString += children === '' ? ' ' : escapeText(children);
      } else if (html) {
        renderedString += html;
      if (!isVoidElement) {
        renderedString += ``;

    if (String(type).match(/[\s\n\/='"\0&lt;&gt;]/)) {
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public renderVNodeToQueue(vNode, context, position) {
    const flags = vNode.flags;
    const type = vNode.type;
    const props = vNode.props || EMPTY_OBJ;
    const children = vNode.children;

    // Handles a component render
    if ((flags & VNodeFlags.Component) > 0) {
      const isClass = flags & VNodeFlags.ComponentClass;
      // Render the
      if (isClass) {
        const instance = new type(props, context);
        const hasNewAPI = Boolean(type.getDerivedStateFromProps);
        instance.$BS = false;
        instance.$SSR = true;
        let childContext;
        if (!isUndefined(instance.getChildContext)) {
          childContext = instance.getChildContext();
        if (!isNullOrUndef(childContext)) {
          context = combineFrom(context, childContext);
        if (instance.props === EMPTY_OBJ) {
          instance.props = props;
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      } else {
        const renderOutput = type(props, context);

        if (isInvalid(renderOutput)) {
          this.addToQueue('', position);
        } else if (isString(renderOutput)) {
          this.addToQueue(escapeText(renderOutput), position);
        } else if (isNumber(renderOutput)) {
          this.addToQueue(renderOutput + '', position);
        } else {
          this.renderVNodeToQueue(renderOutput, context, position);
      // If an element
    } else if ((flags &amp; VNodeFlags.Element) &gt; 0) {
      let renderedString = `&lt;${type}`;
      let html;
      const isVoidElement = voidElements.has(type);
      const className = vNode.className;

      if (isString(className)) {
        renderedString += ` class="${escapeText(className)}"`;
      } else if (isNumber(className)) {
        renderedString += ` class="${className}"`;

      if (!isNull(props)) {
        for (const prop in props) {
          const value = props[prop];

          switch (prop) {
github infernojs / inferno / packages / inferno-server / src / renderToString.queuestream.ts View on Github external
this.renderVNodeToQueue(children[i], context, position);
          this.addToQueue('', position);
        if (html) {
          this.addToQueue(renderedString + html + '', position);
        // Close element if it's not void
        if (!isVoidElement) {
          this.addToQueue(renderedString + '', position);
      // Push text directly to queue
    } else if ((flags &amp; VNodeFlags.Text) &gt; 0) {
      this.addToQueue(children === '' ? ' ' : escapeText(children), position);
      // Handle errors
    } else {
      if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
        if (typeof vNode === 'object') {
          throwError(`renderToString() received an object that's not a valid VNode, you should stringify it first. Object: "${JSON.stringify(vNode)}".`);
        } else {
          throwError(`renderToString() expects a valid VNode, instead it received an object with the type "${typeof vNode}".`);
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parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(children as string));
      } else if (parentNode.childNodes.length !== 1 || currentNode.nodeType !== 3) {
        parentNode.textContent = children as string;
      } else {
        if (currentNode.nodeValue !== children) {
          currentNode.nodeValue = children as string;
      currentNode = null;
    } else if (childFlags &amp; ChildFlags.MultipleChildren) {
      let prevVNodeIsTextNode = false;

      for (let i = 0, len = (children as VNode[]).length; i &lt; len; ++i) {
        const child = (children as VNode[])[i];

        if (isNull(currentNode) || (prevVNodeIsTextNode &amp;&amp; (child.flags &amp; VNodeFlags.Text) &gt; 0)) {
          _M(child as VNode, parentNode, context, isSVG, currentNode, lifecycle);
        } else {
          currentNode = hydrateVNode(child as VNode, parentNode, currentNode as Element, context, isSVG, lifecycle);
          currentNode = currentNode ? currentNode.nextSibling : null;

        prevVNodeIsTextNode = (child.flags &amp; VNodeFlags.Text) &gt; 0;

    // clear any other DOM nodes, there should be only a single entry for the root
    if ((flags &amp; VNodeFlags.Fragment) === 0) {
      let nextSibling: Node | null = null;

      while (currentNode) {
        nextSibling = currentNode.nextSibling;
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      currentNode = null;
    } else if (childFlags &amp; ChildFlags.MultipleChildren) {
      let prevVNodeIsTextNode = false;

      for (let i = 0, len = (children as VNode[]).length; i &lt; len; ++i) {
        const child = (children as VNode[])[i];

        if (isNull(currentNode) || (prevVNodeIsTextNode &amp;&amp; (child.flags &amp; VNodeFlags.Text) &gt; 0)) {
          _M(child as VNode, parentNode, context, isSVG, currentNode, lifecycle);
        } else {
          currentNode = hydrateVNode(child as VNode, parentNode, currentNode as Element, context, isSVG, lifecycle);
          currentNode = currentNode ? currentNode.nextSibling : null;

        prevVNodeIsTextNode = (child.flags &amp; VNodeFlags.Text) &gt; 0;

    // clear any other DOM nodes, there should be only a single entry for the root
    if ((flags &amp; VNodeFlags.Fragment) === 0) {
      let nextSibling: Node | null = null;

      while (currentNode) {
        nextSibling = currentNode.nextSibling;
        currentNode = nextSibling;
  } else if (!isNull(parentNode.firstChild) &amp;&amp; !isSamePropsInnerHTML(parentNode, props)) {
    parentNode.textContent = ''; // dom has content, but VNode has no children remove everything from DOM
    if (flags &amp; VNodeFlags.FormElement) {