How to use inferno-hyperscript - 9 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few inferno-hyperscript examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github senshu / Sozi / js / view / Properties.js View on Github external
renderRichTextField(property, disabled, getter, setter, acceptsEmpty) {
        const controller = this.controller;

        const values = asArray(, property));
        const className = values.length > 1 ? "multiple" : undefined;
        this.state[property] = {innerHTML: values.length >= 1 ? values[values.length - 1] : ""};

        return h("section", {
            id: "field-" + property,
            contentEditable: true,
            onblur() {
                const value = this.innerHTML;
                if (acceptsEmpty || value.length) {
          , property, value);
            onkeydown(evt) {
                if (evt.ctrlKey) {
                    switch(evt.keyCode) {
                        case 48: // Ctrl+0
                            document.execCommand("formatBlock", false, "<p>");
github senshu / Sozi / js / view / Toolbar.js View on Github external
onclick() { controller.undo(); }
                }, h("i.fas.fa-reply")), // "reply" icon preferred to the official "undo" icon
                h("button", {
                    title: _("Redo"),
                    disabled: controller.redoStack.length ? undefined : "disabled",
                    onclick() { controller.redo(); }
                }, h("i.fas.fa-share")) // "share" icon preferred to the official "redo" icon
            h("", [
                h("button", {
                    title: screenfull.isFullscreen ? _("Disable full-screen mode") : _("Enable full-screen mode"),
                    id: "btn-fullscreen",
                    className: screenfull.isFullscreen ? "active" : undefined,
                    disabled: !screenfull.enabled,
                    onclick() { screenfull.toggle(document.documentElement).then(() => thisView.repaint()); }
                }, h("i.fas.fa-desktop"))
            h("", [
                h("button", {
                    title: _("Save the presentation"),
                    disabled: && ? undefined : "disabled",
                    onclick() {; }
                }, h("i.fas.fa-download")), // "download" icon preferred to the official "save" icon
                h("button", {
                    title: _("Reload the SVG document"),
                    onclick() { controller.reload(); }
                }, h("i.fas.fa-sync"))
            h("", [
                h("button", {
                    title: _("Preferences"),
                    className: ? "active" : undefined,
github senshu / Sozi / js / view / Toolbar.js View on Github external
}, h("i.fas.fa-download")), // "download" icon preferred to the official "save" icon
                h("button", {
                    title: _("Reload the SVG document"),
                    onclick() { controller.reload(); }
                }, h("i.fas.fa-sync"))
            h("", [
                h("button", {
                    title: _("Preferences"),
                    className: ? "active" : undefined,
                    onclick() {; thisView.repaint(); }
                }, h("i.fas.fa-sliders-h")),
                h("button", {
                    title: _("Information"),
                    onclick() {`Sozi ${pkg.version}`, true); }
                }, h("i.fas.fa-info"))
github senshu / Sozi / js / view / Properties.js View on Github external
toggleDevTools          : _("Toggle the developer tools")

        let shortcuts = [];
        for (let action in ACTION_LABELS) {
            shortcuts.push(h("label", {for: `field-${action}`}, ACTION_LABELS[action]));
            shortcuts.push(this.renderTextField(action, false, controller.getShortcut, controller.setShortcut, true));

        return h("", [
            h("h1", _("User interface")),
            h("label", {for: "field-fontSize"}, _("Font size")),
            this.renderNumberField("fontSize", false, controller.getPreference, controller.setPreference, false, 1, 1),
            h("label", {for: "field-enableNotifications"}, [
                _("Enable notifications on save and reload"),
                this.renderToggleField(h("i.far.fa-check-square"), _("Enable notifications"), "enableNotifications", controller.getPreference, controller.setPreference)
            h("label", {for: "field-saveMode"}, _("Save the presentation")),
            this.renderSelectField("saveMode", controller.getPreference, controller.setPreference, {
                onblur: _("When Sozi loses the focus"),
                manual: _("Manually")
            h("label", {for: "field-reloadMode"}, _("Reload the SVG document")),
            this.renderSelectField("reloadMode", controller.getPreference, controller.setPreference, {
                auto:    _("Automatically"),
                onfocus: _("When Sozi gets the focus"),
                manual:  _("Manually")
            h("h1", _("Behavior")),
            h("label", {for: "field-animateTransitions"}, [
                _("Preview transition animations"),
                this.renderToggleField(h("i.far.fa-check-square"), _("Enable animated transitions"), "animateTransitions", controller.getPreference, controller.setPreference)
github senshu / Sozi / js / view / Timeline.js View on Github external
.map(layer => h("tr", [
                                h("th.layer-icons", [
                                    layer.isVisible ?
                                        h("i.visibility.far.fa-eye", {
                                            title: _("This layer is visible. Click to hide it."),
                                            onclick: evt => this.toggleLayerVisibility(layer.index, evt)
                                        }) :
                                        h("i.visibility.far.fa-eye-slash", {
                                            title: _("This layer is hidden. Click to show it."),
                                            onclick: evt => this.toggleLayerVisibility(layer.index, evt)
                                    h("i.remove.fas.fa-times", {
                                        title: _("Remove this layer"),
                                        onclick: () => controller.removeLayer(layer.index)
                                h("th", {
                                    className: "layer-label" + (this.selection.selectedLayers.indexOf(layer) >= 0 ? " selected" : ""),
                                    onclick: evt => this.updateLayerSelection(layer.index, evt)
                                }, layer.label)
github senshu / Sozi / js / view / Properties.js View on Github external
            }, Object.keys(options).map(optionValue => h("option", {
                    value: optionValue,
                    selected: value === optionValue
                }, options[optionValue])
github senshu / Sozi / js / view / Properties.js View on Github external
renderSelectField(property, getter, setter, options) {
        const controller = this.controller;

        const values = asArray(, property));
        const className = values.length > 1 ? "multiple" : undefined;
        const value = values.length >= 1 ? values[values.length - 1] : options[0];

        return h("select", {
                id: "field-" + property,
                onchange() {
          , property, this.value);
            }, Object.keys(options).map(optionValue => h("option", {
                    value: optionValue,
                    selected: value === optionValue
                }, options[optionValue])
github senshu / Sozi / js / view / Timeline.js View on Github external
h("option", {value: "__sozi_add__", selected: "selected"}, _("Add layer")),
                                h("option", {value: "__sozi_add_all__"}, _("Add all layers")),
                                    .filter(layer => ! && controller.defaultLayers.indexOf(layer) >= 0)
                                    .map(layer => h("option", {value: layer.index}, layer.label))
            h("div.timeline-bottom-left", [
                h("table.timeline", [
                    controller.hasDefaultLayer ? h("tr", [
                        h("th.layer-icons", [
                            defaultLayersAreVisible ?
                                h("i.visibility.far.fa-eye", {
                                    title: _("This layer is visible. Click to hide it."),
                                    onclick: evt => this.toggleLayerVisibility(-1, evt)
                                }) :
                                h("i.visibility.far.fa-eye-slash", {
                                    title: _("This layer is hidden. Click to show it."),
                                    onclick: evt => this.toggleLayerVisibility(-1, evt)
                            h("i.remove.fas.fa-times", {style: {visibility: "hidden"}})
                        h("th", {
                            className: "layer-label" + (controller.defaultLayersAreSelected ? " selected" : ""),
                            onclick: evt => this.updateLayerSelection(-1, evt)
                        }, _("Default"))
                    ]) : null,
                        .filter(layer => controller.editableLayers.indexOf(layer) >= 0)
github senshu / Sozi / js / view / Properties.js View on Github external
save                    : _("Save the presentation"),
            redo                    : _("Redo"),
            undo                    : _("Undo"),
            focusTitleField         : _("Focus the frame title"),
            reload                  : _("Reload the SVG document"),
            toggleFullscreen        : _("Toggle full-screen mode"),
            toggleDevTools          : _("Toggle the developer tools")

        let shortcuts = [];
        for (let action in ACTION_LABELS) {
            shortcuts.push(h("label", {for: `field-${action}`}, ACTION_LABELS[action]));
            shortcuts.push(this.renderTextField(action, false, controller.getShortcut, controller.setShortcut, true));

        return h("", [
            h("h1", _("User interface")),
            h("label", {for: "field-fontSize"}, _("Font size")),
            this.renderNumberField("fontSize", false, controller.getPreference, controller.setPreference, false, 1, 1),
            h("label", {for: "field-enableNotifications"}, [
                _("Enable notifications on save and reload"),
                this.renderToggleField(h("i.far.fa-check-square"), _("Enable notifications"), "enableNotifications", controller.getPreference, controller.setPreference)
            h("label", {for: "field-saveMode"}, _("Save the presentation")),
            this.renderSelectField("saveMode", controller.getPreference, controller.setPreference, {
                onblur: _("When Sozi loses the focus"),
                manual: _("Manually")
            h("label", {for: "field-reloadMode"}, _("Reload the SVG document")),
            this.renderSelectField("reloadMode", controller.getPreference, controller.setPreference, {
                auto:    _("Automatically"),
                onfocus: _("When Sozi gets the focus"),


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