How to use the ilib/lib/Loader function in ilib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ilib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github enactjs / enact / packages / i18n / src / Loader.js View on Github external
const iLibBase = typeof ILIB_BASE_PATH === 'undefined' ? '/ilib' : ILIB_BASE_PATH;
const iLibResources = typeof ILIB_RESOURCES_PATH === 'undefined' ? '/locale' : ILIB_RESOURCES_PATH;
const cachePrefix = 'ENACT-ILIB-';
const cacheKey = cachePrefix + 'CACHE-ID';
const cacheID = typeof ILIB_CACHE_ID === 'undefined' ? '$ILIB' : ILIB_CACHE_ID;

function EnyoLoader () {
	this.base = iLibBase;
	// TODO: full enyo.platform implementation for improved accuracy
	if (typeof window === 'object' && typeof window.PalmSystem === 'object') {
		this.webos = true;

EnyoLoader.prototype = new Loader();
EnyoLoader.prototype.constructor = EnyoLoader;

EnyoLoader.prototype._createZoneFile = function (path) {
	let zone = path.substring(path.indexOf('zoneinfo'));

	// remove the .json suffix to get the name of the zone
	zone = zone.substring(0, zone.length - 5);

	try {
		const zif = new ZoneInfoFile('/usr/share/' + zone);

		// only get the info for this year. Later we can get the info
		// for any historical or future year too
		return zif.getIlibZoneInfo(new Date());
	} catch (e) {
		// no file, so just return nothing