How to use the ibmmq.MQCSP function in ibmmq

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function sleep(ms) {
  return new Promise(resolve=>{

// The program starts here.
// Connect to the queue manager.
console.log("Sample AMQSCONN.JS start");

// Create default MQCNO structure
var cno = new mq.MQCNO();

// Add authentication via the MQCSP structure
var csp = new mq.MQCSP();
csp.UserId = "mqguest";
csp.Password = "passw0rd";
// Make the MQCNO refer to the MQCSP
// This line allows use of the userid/password
cno.SecurityParms = csp;

// And use the MQCD to programatically connect as a client
// First force the client mode
// And then fill in relevant fields for the MQCD
var cd = new mq.MQCD();
cd.ConnectionName = "localhost(1414)";
cd.ChannelName = "SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN";
// Make the MQCNO refer to the MQCD
cno.ClientConn = cd;
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// Get command line parameters
var myArgs = process.argv.slice(2); // Remove redundant parms
if (myArgs[0]) {
  topicString = myArgs[0];
if (myArgs[1]) {
  qMgr  = myArgs[1];

var cno = new mq.MQCNO();
cno.Options = MQC.MQCNO_NONE; // use MQCNO_CLIENT_BINDING to connect as client

// To add authentication, enable this block
if (false) {
  var csp = new mq.MQCSP();
  csp.UserId = "metaylor";
  csp.Password = "passw0rd";
  cno.SecurityParms = csp;

mq.Connx(qMgr, cno, function(err,hConn) {
   if (err) {
   } else {
     console.log("MQCONN to %s successful ", qMgr);

     // Define what we want to open, and how we want to open it.
     // For this sample, we use only the ObjectString, though it is possible
     // to use the ObjectName to refer to a topic Object (ie something
     // that shows up in the DISPLAY TOPIC list) and then that
github ibm-messaging / mq-mqi-nodejs / samples / amqsconntls.js View on Github external
if (myArgs[1]) {
  connName  = myArgs[1];

// The program starts here.
// Connect to the queue manager.
console.log("Sample AMQSCONNTLS.JS start");

// Create default MQCNO and MQSCO structures
var cno = new mq.MQCNO();
var sco = new mq.MQSCO();

// Add authentication via the MQCSP structure
var csp = new mq.MQCSP();
csp.UserId = "mqguest";
csp.Password = "passw0rd";
// Make the MQCNO refer to the MQCSP so it knows to use the structure
cno.SecurityParms = csp;

// And use the MQCD to programatically connect as a client
// First force the client mode

// And then fill in relevant fields for the MQCD
var cd = new mq.MQCD();
cd.ConnectionName = connName;
cd.ChannelName = "SYSTEM.SSL.SVRCONN";

// The TLS parameters are the minimal set needed here. You might
// want more control such as SSLPEER values.
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// The program really starts here.
// Connect to the queue manager. If that works, the callback function
// opens the topic, and then we can put a message.

debug_info('Running on ', process.platform);
debug_info('Starting up Application');

var cno = new mq.MQCNO();
// cno.Options = MQC.MQCNO_NONE;
// use MQCNO_CLIENT_BINDING to connect as client

// To add authentication, enable this block
if (credentials.USER) {
  var csp = new mq.MQCSP();
  csp.UserId = credentials.USER;
  csp.Password = credentials.PASSWORD;
  cno.SecurityParms = csp;

if (! ccdtCheck()) {
  debug_info('CCDT URL export is not set, will be using json envrionment client connections settings');

  // And then fill in relevant fields for the MQCD
  var cd = new mq.MQCD();

  cd.ChannelName = MQDetails.CHANNEL;
  cd.ConnectionName = getConnection();
  debug_info('Connections string is ', cd.ConnectionName);

  if (MQDetails.KEY_REPOSITORY) {
github ibm-messaging / mq-dev-patterns / Node.js / basicrequest.js View on Github external
  return false;

debug_info('Running on ', process.platform);
debug_info('Starting up Application');

var cno = new mq.MQCNO();
// use MQCNO_CLIENT_BINDING to connect as client
// cno.Options = MQC.MQCNO_NONE;

// For no authentication, disable this block
if (credentials.USER) {
  var csp = new mq.MQCSP();
  csp.UserId = credentials.USER;
  csp.Password = credentials.PASSWORD;
  cno.SecurityParms = csp;

if (! ccdtCheck()) {
  debug_info('CCDT URL export is not set, will be using json envrionment client connections settings');

  // And then fill in relevant fields for the MQCD
  var cd = new mq.MQCD();

  cd.ChannelName = MQDetails.CHANNEL;
  cd.ConnectionName = getConnection();
  debug_info('Connections string is ', cd.ConnectionName);
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function initialise(cno, MQDetails, credentials) {
  // For no authentication, disable this block
  if (credentials.USER) {
    let csp = new mq.MQCSP();
    csp.UserId = credentials.USER;
    csp.Password = credentials.PASSWORD;
    cno.SecurityParms = csp;

  if (! ccdtCheck()) {
    debug_info('CCDT URL export is not set, will be using json envrionment client connections settings for %s', MQDetails['QMGR']);

    // And then fill in relevant fields for the MQCD
    let cd = new mq.MQCD();

    cd.ConnectionName = `${MQDetails.HOST}(${MQDetails.PORT})`;
    cd.ChannelName = MQDetails.CHANNEL;
    debug_info('Connection is ', cd.ConnectionName);

    if (MQDetails.KEY_REPOSITORY) {
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buildMQCNO() {
    debug_info('Establishing connection details');
    var mqcno = new mq.MQCNO();
    // use MQCNO_CLIENT_BINDING to connect as client
    // cno.Options = MQC.MQCNO_NONE;
    mqcno.Options = MQC.MQCNO_CLIENT_BINDING;

    // For no authentication, disable this block
    if (this.credentials.USER) {
      var csp = new mq.MQCSP();
      csp.UserId = this.credentials.USER;
      csp.Password = this.credentials.PASSWORD;
      mqcno.SecurityParms = csp;

    if (! MQBoilerPlate.ccdtCheck()) {
      debug_info('CCDT URL export is not set, will be using json envrionment client connections settings');
      // And then fill in relevant fields for the MQCD
      var cd = new mq.MQCD();
      cd.ChannelName = this.MQDetails.CHANNEL;

      if ('GET' === this.modeType) {
        cd.ConnectionName = this.getConnectionAt();
      } else {
        cd.ConnectionName = this.getConnection();
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// The program really starts here.
// Connect to the queue manager. If that works, the callback function
// opens the queue, and then we can start to retrieve messages.

debug_info("Sample MQ GET application start");

var cno = new mq.MQCNO();
// use MQCNO_CLIENT_BINDING to connect as client
// cno.Options = MQC.MQCNO_NONE;

// For no authentication, disable this block
if (credentials.USER) {
  var csp = new mq.MQCSP();
  csp.UserId = credentials.USER;
  csp.Password = credentials.PASSWORD;
  cno.SecurityParms = csp;

if (! ccdtCheck()) {
  debug_info('CCDT URL export is not set, will be using json envrionment client connections settings');

  // And then fill in relevant fields for the MQCD
  var cd = new mq.MQCD();

  cd.ChannelName = MQDetails.CHANNEL;
  cd.ConnectionName = getConnection();
  debug_info('Connections string is ', cd.ConnectionName);

  if (MQDetails.KEY_REPOSITORY) {
github ibm-messaging / mq-dev-patterns / Node.js / basicput.js View on Github external
  return false;

debug_info('Running on ', process.platform);
debug_info('Starting up Application');

var cno = new mq.MQCNO();
// use MQCNO_CLIENT_BINDING to connect as client
// cno.Options = MQC.MQCNO_NONE;

// For no authentication, disable this block
if (credentials.USER) {
  var csp = new mq.MQCSP();
  csp.UserId = credentials.USER;
  csp.Password = credentials.PASSWORD;
  cno.SecurityParms = csp;

if (! ccdtCheck()) {
  debug_info('CCDT URL export is not set, will be using json envrionment client connections settings');

  // And then fill in relevant fields for the MQCD
  var cd = new mq.MQCD();

  cd.ChannelName = MQDetails.CHANNEL;
  cd.ConnectionName = getConnection();
  debug_info('Connections string is ', cd.ConnectionName);

  if (MQDetails.KEY_REPOSITORY) {
github ibm-messaging / mq-dev-patterns / Node.js / basicsubscribe.js View on Github external
// The program really starts here.
// Connect to the queue manager. If that works, the callback function
// opens the topic, and then we can start to retrieve messages.

debug_info('Running on ', process.platform);
debug_info('Starting up Application');

var cno = new mq.MQCNO();
// use MQCNO_CLIENT_BINDING to connect as client
// cno.Options = MQC.MQCNO_NONE;

// For no authentication, disable this block
if (credentials.USER) {
  var csp = new mq.MQCSP();
  csp.UserId = credentials.USER;
  csp.Password = credentials.PASSWORD;
  cno.SecurityParms = csp;

if (! ccdtCheck()) {
  debug_info('CCDT URL export is not set, will be using json envrionment client connections settings');

  // And then fill in relevant fields for the MQCD
  var cd = new mq.MQCD();

  cd.ChannelName = MQDetails.CHANNEL;
  cd.ConnectionName = getConnection();
  debug_info('Connections string is ', cd.ConnectionName);

  if (MQDetails.KEY_REPOSITORY) {