How to use the i18n-calypso.withRtl function in i18n-calypso

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few i18n-calypso examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / components / chart / index.jsx View on Github external
data: PropTypes.array,
	isRtl: PropTypes.bool,
	loading: PropTypes.bool,
	minBarWidth: PropTypes.number,
	minTouchBarWidth: PropTypes.number,
	numberFormat: PropTypes.func,
	translate: PropTypes.func,

Chart.defaultProps = {
	barClick: noop,
	minBarWidth: 15,
	minTouchBarWidth: 42,

export default withRtl( localize( Chart ) );
github Automattic / wp-calypso / client / my-sites / media-library / list.jsx View on Github external
lastPage={ ! this.props.mediaHasNextPage }
				fetchingNextPage={ this.props.mediaFetchingNextPage }
				guessedItemHeight={ this.getMediaItemHeight() }
				fetchNextPage={ onFetchNextPage }
				getItemRef={ this.getItemRef }
				renderItem={ this.renderItem }
				renderLoadingPlaceholders={ this.renderLoadingPlaceholders }

export default connect( state => ( {
	mediaScale: getPreference( state, 'mediaScale' ),
} ) )( withRtl( withLocalizedMoment( MediaLibraryList ) ) );