How to use http-status-codes - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few http-status-codes examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github adobe / commerce-cif-magento / test / customer / getCustomerIT.js View on Github external
.then(function (res) {

                    // Verify structure
github adobe / commerce-cif-magento / test / carts / getPaymentMethodsIT.js View on Github external
.then(function (res) {

                    // Store cart id
                    cartId =;
github Tangerine-Community / Tangerine / tree / routes / makeApk.js View on Github external
var buildIt = function(doneBuildingIt) {
    const buildApk = exec(`npm run build:apk`);
    if (notOk(buildApk, res, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)) { return; }
    // Make sure the directory is there
    console.log("APK built; moving APK, token: " + token)
    // move the apk to the right directory
    const execer = require('child_process').exec;
    execer(`mv ${Conf.APK_PATH} ${Conf.APP_ROOT_PATH}/apks/${token}`, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
      if (error) {
        console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);
        console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`);
      console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`);
github Viveckh / Veniqa / shopping-server / services / userService.js View on Github external
let index = _.findIndex(user.addresses, (obj) => {
                return obj._id.toString() == addressObj._id;

            // If the address is not found, return failure
            if (index == -1) {
                result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.NOT_FOUND, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND)};
                return result;

            // Otherwise, Update the address values
            user.addresses[index] = addressObj;
            user = await;

            // Return the proper response depending on whether save was successful
            result = user ? {httpStatus: httpStatus.OK, status: "successful", responseData: user.addresses} : {httpStatus: httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)};
            return result;
        catch(err) {
            logger.error("Error in updateAddress Service", {meta: err});
            result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, status: "failed", errorDetails: err};
            return result;
github Viveckh / Veniqa / shopping-server / services / userService.js View on Github external
// If user is not authenticated or the user does not exist in system - stop
            // If so do not continue further
            if (!user) {
                result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)};
                return result;
            // Validate that the address item matches by doing a match using the _ids
            let index = _.findIndex(user.addresses, (obj) => {
                return obj._id.toString() == addressObj._id;

            // If the address is not found, return failure
            if (index == -1) {
                result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.NOT_FOUND, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND)};
                return result;

            // Otherwise, Update the address values
            user.addresses[index] = addressObj;
            user = await;

            // Return the proper response depending on whether save was successful
            result = user ? {httpStatus: httpStatus.OK, status: "successful", responseData: user.addresses} : {httpStatus: httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)};
            return result;
        catch(err) {
            logger.error("Error in updateAddress Service", {meta: err});
            result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, status: "failed", errorDetails: err};
            return result;
github OliverJAsh / express-result-types / src / result.ts View on Github external
apply(content: C, writeable: Writeable): Result {
        return new Result(this.header, writeable.toEntity(content));

export const Redirect = (url: string, statusCode: number) =>
    new Status(statusCode).withHeaders(new Map([[Header.Location, url]]));

export const TemporaryRedirect = (url: string): Result =>
    Redirect(url, HttpStatusCodes.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT);

export const Ok = new Status(HttpStatusCodes.OK);
export const BadRequest = new Status(HttpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST);
export const InternalServerError = new Status(HttpStatusCodes.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
github Viveckh / Veniqa / shopping-server / services / userService.js View on Github external
async deleteAddress(userObj, addressId) {
        let result = {};
        try {
            // find the user first
            let user = await User.findOne({email:}).exec();

            // If user is not authenticated or the user does not exist in system - stop
            // If so do not continue further
            if (!user) {
                result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)};
                return result;

            // Remove the requested address from user
            user = await User.findOneAndUpdate({'addresses._id': addressId}, 
                {$pull: { addresses: { _id: addressId}}},
                {new: true}

            // Return the proper response depending on whether save was successful
            result = user ? {httpStatus: httpStatus.OK, status: "successful", responseData: user.addresses} : {httpStatus: httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)};
            return result;
        catch(err) {
            logger.error("Error in deleteAddress Service", {meta: err});
            result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, status: "failed", errorDetails: err};
github Viveckh / Veniqa / shopping-server / services / securityService.js View on Github external
let token = await cryptoGen.generateRandomToken();
            // If an associated user with the email wasn't found, and a token not generated, stop here
            if (!(user && token)) {
                result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.NOT_FOUND, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND)};
                return result;

            // Generate password reset token and save it
            user.passwordResetToken = token;
            user.passwordResetExpires = + config.get('token_validity.password_reset_token_valid_for');
            user = await;

            // If the user was not properly saved, stop here and return failure
            if (!user) {
                result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)};
                return result;

            // If we have gotten this far, return success
            emailService.emailPasswordResetInstructions(,, user.passwordResetToken);
            result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.OK, status: "successful", responseData: true};
            return result;
        catch(err) {
            logger.error("Error in forgotPassword Service", {meta: err});
            result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, status: "failed", errorDetails: err};
            return result;
github Viveckh / Veniqa / shopping-server / services / shoppingService.js View on Github external
async getCart(userObj, returnAllProductProps=false, save=true) {
        let result = {};
        try {
            let user;
            // find the user first and populate while searching
            if (returnAllProductProps) {
                user = await User.findOne({email:}).populate({path: 'cart.items.product', select: '-__v', populate: [{path: 'category', select: '_id category subcategory'}, {path: 'tariff', select: '_id name rates'}]}).exec();
            else {
                user = await User.findOne({email:}).populate('cart.items.product', '_id name brand store weight price thumbnailUrls').exec();

            // If the user is not found, its most likely they are not authenticated and don't have user info under session
            if (!user) {
                result = {httpStatus: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, status: "failed", errorDetails: httpStatus.getStatusText(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED)};
                return result;

            // If the user doesn't have a cart set up yet, initialize it
            if (!user.cart) {
                user.cart = this.returnFreshInitializedCart();
                result = { httpStatus: httpStatus.OK, status: "successful", responseData: user.cart };
                return result;

            // Remove any existing items from cart which were not found in catalog during population
            _.remove(user.cart.items, (item) => {
                // Returns truthy if product does not have a truthy value
                return !item.product;
github Azure / meta-azure-service-broker / lib / services / azuresqldb / index.js View on Github external
        fqdn.replace(/.+\.database/, '*'));

        var uri = util.format('mssql://%s:%s@%s:1433/%s?encrypt=true&TrustServerCertificate=false&HostNameInCertificate=%s',
        fqdn.replace(/.+\.database/, '%2A.database')

      // contents of reply.value winds up in VCAP_SERVICES
      var reply = {
        statusCode: HttpStatus.CREATED,
        code: HttpStatus.getStatusText(HttpStatus.CREATED),
        value: {
          credentials: {
            sqldbName: sqldbName,
            sqlServerName: sqlServerName,
            sqlServerFullyQualifiedDomainName: fqdn,
            databaseLogin: databaseLogin,
            databaseLoginPassword: databaseLoginPassword,
            jdbcUrl: jdbcUrl,
            jdbcUrlForAuditingEnabled: jdbcUrlForAuditingEnabled,
            hostname: fqdn,
            port: 1433,
            name: sqldbName,
            username: databaseLogin,
            password: databaseLoginPassword,
            uri: uri