How to use the html-tags.reduce function in html-tags

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few html-tags examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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attrsToPass = classesAndId

    if (typeof classesAndId === 'string' && (classesAndId.indexOf('.') === 0 || classesAndId.indexOf('#') === 0)) {
      // case: div('.hello')
      objectAssign(attrsToPass, getClassesAndId(classesAndId))
    } else if (classesAndId !== undefined && typeof classesAndId !== 'object') {
      // case: div(2342374)
      childrenToPass = [classesAndId]

    return createElement(tagOrComponent, attrsToPass, ...childrenToPass)

  // attach each HTML creator function to a creator function for custom components
  return htmlTags.reduce((acc, tag) => {
    acc[tag] = creator(tag)

    return acc
  }, creator)


List of standard HTML tags

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