How to use the homebridge-lib.MyHomeKitTypes function in homebridge-lib

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github ebaauw / homebridge-hue / lib / HuePlatform.js View on Github external
function HuePlatform (log, configJson, homebridge) {
  this.log = log
  this.api = homebridge
  this.packageJson = packageJson
  this.configJson = configJson
  const my = new homebridgeLib.MyHomeKitTypes(homebridge)
  const eve = new homebridgeLib.EveHomeKitTypes(homebridge)
  HueBridgeModule.setHomebridge(homebridge, my, eve)

  this.config = {
    excludeSensorTypes: {},
    groups: false,
    group0: false,
    heartrate: 5,
    hosts: [],
    lights: false,
    lowBattery: 25,
    nativeHomeKitLights: true,
    nativeHomeKitSensors: true,
    nupnp: true,
    resetTimeout: 500,
    resource: true,