How to use the hoek.Bench function in hoek

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few hoek examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / hoek / hoek-tests.ts View on Github external
// stringify(obj)

let a: any = {};
a.b = a;
Hoek.stringify(a);      // Returns '[Cannot display object: Converting circular structure to JSON]'

// Timer

let timerObj = new Hoek.Timer();
console.log("Time is now: " + timerObj.ts);
console.log("Elapsed time from initialization: " + timerObj.elapsed() + 'milliseconds');

// Bench

let benchObj = new Hoek.Bench();
console.log("Elapsed time from initialization: " + benchObj.elapsed() + 'milliseconds');

// base64urlEncode(value)


// base64urlDecode(value)


// escapeHtml(string)

let string = ' hey ';
let escapedString = Hoek.escapeHtml(string); // returns <html> hey </html>

// escapeHeaderAttribute(attribute)
github hapijs / hapi / test / clientTimeout.js View on Github external
server.start(function () {

            var timer = new Hoek.Bench();
            var options = {
                hostname: '',
                path: '/fast',
                method: 'POST'

            var req = Http.request(options, function (res) {


            req.on('error', function (err) { });                    // Will error out, so don't allow error to escape test
github hapijs / hapi / test / payload.js View on Github external
server.start(function () {

            var timer = new Hoek.Bench();
            var options = {
                hostname: '',
                path: '/fast',
                method: 'POST'

            var req = Http.request(options, function (res) {


            req.on('error', function (err) { });                    // Will error out, so don't allow error to escape test
github blockstack / blockstack-browser / native / windows / BlockstackBrowser / Resources / corsproxy-https / node_modules / hapi / lib / request.js View on Github external
internals.Request = function (connection, req, res, options) {

    var self = this;;

    // Take measurement as soon as possible

    this._bench = new Hoek.Bench();
    var now =;

    // Public members

    this.connection = connection;
    this.server = connection.server;

    this.url = null;
    this.query = null;
    this.path = null;
    this.method = null;
    this.mime = null;                       // Set if payload is parsed

    this.setUrl = this._setUrl;             // Decoration removed after 'onRequest'
    this.setMethod = this._setMethod;
github hapijs / hapi / test / core.js View on Github external
it('immediately destroys idle keep-alive connections', async () => {

            const server = new Hapi.Server();
            server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: () => null });

            await server.start();

            const socket = await internals.socket(server);
            socket.write('GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost: test\nConnection: Keep-Alive\n\n\n');
            await new Promise((resolve) => socket.on('data', resolve));

            const count = await internals.countConnections(server);

            const timer = new Hoek.Bench();
            await server.stop({ timeout: 20 });
github outmoded / penseur / test / db.js View on Github external
it('reconnects immediately', async () => {

            const team = new Teamwork({ meetings: 2 });
            const timer = new Hoek.Bench();

            let orig = null;
            let count = 0;
            const onConnect = () => {


            const onDisconnect = (willReconnect) => {

                expect(willReconnect).to.equal(count !== 2);

            let errors = 0;
            const onError = (err) => {
github hapijs / hapi / test / request.js View on Github external
it('returns server error message when server taking too long', function (done) {

            var timeoutHandler = function (request, reply) { };

            var server = new Hapi.Server();
            server.connection({ routes: { timeout: { server: 50 } } });
            server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/timeout', config: { handler: timeoutHandler } });

            var timer = new Hoek.Bench();

            server.inject('/timeout', function (res) {

github hapijs / good / lib / process.js View on Github external
internals.delay = function (callback) {

    var bench = new Hoek.Bench();
    setImmediate(function () {

        return callback(null, bench.elapsed());
github ozum / joi18n / node_modules / hapi / node_modules / heavy / lib / index.js View on Github external
exports = module.exports = internals.Heavy = function (options) {

    options = options || {};

    Joi.assert(options, internals.schema, 'Invalid load monitoring options');
    this.settings = Hoek.applyToDefaults(internals.defaults, options);
    Hoek.assert(this.settings.sampleInterval || (!this.settings.maxEventLoopDelay && !this.settings.maxHeapUsedBytes && !this.settings.maxRssBytes), 'Load sample interval must be set to enable load limits');

    this._eventLoopTimer = null;
    this._loadBench = new Hoek.Bench();
    this.load = {
        eventLoopDelay: 0,
        heapUsed: 0,
        rss: 0
github ninjablocks / client / lib / Metrics.js View on Github external
setInterval(function () {
    var memory = process.memoryUsage();'sample#node.rss=' + memory.rss, 'sample#node.heapTotal=' + memory.heapTotal, 'sample#node.heapUsed=' + memory.heapUsed);
    var load = os.loadavg();'sample#os.load1=' + load[0], 'sample#os.load5=' + load[1], 'sample#os.load15=' + load[2]);
    var bench = new Hoek.Bench();
    setImmediate(function () {'sample#node.threadDelay=' + bench.elapsed());
  }.bind(this), this.opts.statsInterval);