How to use the he.encode function in he

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few he examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github jfhbrook / node-ecstatic / lib / ecstatic / show-dir / index.js View on Github external
const writeRow = (file) => {
            // render a row given a [name, stat] tuple
            const isDir = file[1].isDirectory && file[1].isDirectory();
            let href = `${parsed.pathname.replace(/\/$/, '')}/${encodeURIComponent(file[0])}`;

            // append trailing slash and query for dir entry
            if (isDir) {
              href += `/${he.encode(( ? : '')}`;

            const displayName = he.encode(file[0]) + ((isDir) ? '/' : '');
            const ext = file[0].split('.').pop();
            const classForNonDir = supportedIcons[ext] ? ext : '_page';
            const iconClass = `icon-${isDir ? '_blank' : classForNonDir}`;

            // TODO: use stylessheets?
            html += `${'' +
              '<i class="icon '}${iconClass}"></i>`;
            if (!hidePermissions) {
              html += `<code>(${permsToString(file[1])})</code>`;
            html +=
              `<code>${sizeToString(file[1], humanReadable, si)}</code>` +
              `<a href="${href}">${displayName}</a>` +
github F1LT3R / ansi-to-svg / index.js View on Github external
const yOffset = font.height * 0.3
			const ys = y - yOffset
			const xw = x + w
			const d = `M${x},${ys} L${xw},${ys} Z`
			const color = foregroundColor || baseForegroundColor
			content += decorators.path({d, color})

		const attrStr = attrs.join(' ')

		// Do not output elements containing whitespace with no style
		if (value.replace(/ /g, '').length === 0 && attrStr.length === 0) {

		const entified = he.encode(value, {decimal: false})
		content += decorators.text({
			value: entified,
			x, y, fontStyle, attrStr
github Enalean / tuleap / plugins / agiledashboard / scripts / card-fields / highlight-filter.js View on Github external
const encoded_parts = =&gt; {
            if (regex.test(part)) {
                return `<span class="highlight">${encode(part)}</span>`;

            return encode(part);
        return encoded_parts.join("");
github bevacqua / insane / sanitizer.js View on Github external
var attrsOk = (o.allowedAttributes || {})[low] || [];
      attrsOk = attrsOk.concat((o.allowedAttributes || {})['*'] || []);
      var valid;
      var lkey = lowercase(key);
      if (lkey === 'class' && attrsOk.indexOf(lkey) === -1) {
        value = value.split(' ').filter(isValidClass).join(' ').trim();
        valid = value.length;
      } else {
        valid = attrsOk.indexOf(lkey) !== -1 && (attributes.uris[lkey] !== true || testUrl(value));
      if (valid) {
        out(' ');
        if (typeof value === 'string') {
      function isValidClass (className) {
        return classesOk && classesOk.indexOf(className) !== -1;
github ng-bootstrap / ng-bootstrap / misc / plunk-gen.js View on Github external
const fileName = `${componentName}-${demoName}`;
  const basePath = `demo/src/app/components/${componentName}/demos/${demoName}/${fileName}`;

  const codeContent = fs.readFileSync(`${basePath}.ts`).toString();
  const markupContent = fs.readFileSync(`${basePath}.html`).toString();
  const demoTplPath = `${fileName}.html`;

  return `

  <form action="${plnkrUrl}" method="post" id="mainForm">
    <input value="Example usage of the ${componentName} widget from" name="description" type="hidden">
${generateTags(['Angular', 'Bootstrap', 'ng-bootstrap', capitalize(componentName)])}
    <input value="${he.encode(generateIndexHtml())}" name="files[index.html]" type="hidden">
    <input value="${he.encode(generateDemosCSS())}" name="files[styles.css]" type="hidden">
    <input value="${he.encode(generateConfigJs())}" name="files[config.js]" type="hidden">
    <input value="${he.encode(contentMainTs)}" name="files[src/main.ts]" type="hidden">
    <input value="${he.encode(generateAppTsContent(componentName, demoName, `${basePath}.ts`))}" name="files[src/app.ts]" type="hidden">
    <input value="${he.encode(codeContent.replace(`./${demoTplPath}`, `src/${demoTplPath}`))}" name="files[src/${fileName}.ts]" type="hidden">
    <input value="${he.encode(markupContent)}" name="files[src/${fileName}.html]" type="hidden">

github antonycourtney / tad / src / TextFormatOptions.js View on Github external
const ff = (val: ?string): ?string =&gt; {
      if (this.urlsAsHyperlinks &amp;&amp;
          val &amp;&amp;
          isValidURL(val)) {
        const ret =
`<a href="${val}">${val}</a>`
        return ret
      return val ? he.encode(val) : val
    return ff
github zjhmale / vscode-ag / src / htmlGenerator.ts View on Github external
const entriesHtml =, entryIndex) =&gt; {
        return `
            <div class="ag-search-entry">
                <div class="media right">
                    <div class="media-content">
                        <a href="#" class="search-subject-link">${htmlEncode(entry)}</a>
                        <div data-entry-index="${entryIndex}" class="search-subject">${htmlEncode(entry)}</div>
github transloadit / uppy / examples / transloadit / server.js View on Github external
function ResultsSection (stepName) {
    return `
github transloadit / uppy / examples / transloadit / server.js View on Github external
function Upload (upload) {
    return `<li>${e(}</li>`
github hallister / semantic-react / src / docs / elements / button / types / icon.jsx View on Github external
import React from 'react';
import { IconButton } from '../../../../components/elements';
import { DocBlock } from '../../../docblock';

import classNames from 'classnames';
import he from 'he';

let JSXExample = he.encode(`


export class IconDoc extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (



A robust HTML entities encoder/decoder with full Unicode support.

Latest version published 6 years ago

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