How to use the gulp.tasks function in gulp

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gulp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github c-h- / universal-native-boilerplate / gulpfile.js View on Github external

if (global.settings.production) {
  // in production mode, make sure environment is production
  process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';

// Customize CLI behavior
// Make gulp think we have tasks so that it doesn't error
if (argv._) {
  if (argv._[0] && argv._[0].indexOf(':') > -1) {
    gutil.log('Running subtasks is not allowed due to unknown behavior.'));
  const tasks = Object.keys(gulp.tasks);
  // fill in missing tasks
  const toFillIn = ['_', 'platform', 'recipe'];
  toFillIn.forEach((key) => {
    if (argv[key]) {
      const vals = Array.isArray(argv[key]) ? argv[key] : [argv[key]];
      vals.forEach((taskName) => {
        if (tasks.indexOf(taskName) === -1) {
          gulp.task(taskName, () => {});

github joelcoxokc / slush-y / slushy / index.js View on Github external
return function (done){
            // console.log('me'))
             * Set options.generator equal to the context of the current gulp taks;
             * @type {Object};
            options.generator = new Generator( this, options, __this );
            _.extend(gulp.tasks.default, options.generator);

            options.doneCallback = done;

            return __stream.validate( options )

                .then( __stream.flow          )
                .then( __stream.defaults      )
                .then( __stream.prompts       )
                .then( __stream.configuration )
                .then( __stream.filter        )
                .then( __stream.paths         )
                .then( __stream.use           )
                .catch( done )
github MicroFocus / CX / ig-overview / gulpfile.js View on Github external
return gulp
        .src(path.resolve(cwd, 'node_modules/unjar-from-url/node_modules/gromit/html/oauth.html'))
        .pipe(gulp.dest(path.resolve(cwd, 'dist')));

gulp.task('copy:gromit', function() {
    return gulp
        .src(path.resolve(cwd, 'node_modules/unjar-from-url/node_modules/gromit/**/*'))
        .pipe(gulp.dest(path.resolve(cwd, 'dist/gromit')));

gulp.task('copy:extras', ['copy:oauth.html', 'copy:gromit']);

// Ensure copy:extras is a part of the copy:development & copy:production base tasks:
github gajus / pragmatist / src / bin / index.js View on Github external
'type-assertions': {
            description: 'Inlines runtime type assertions for the type annotations.',
            type: 'boolean'

pragmatist(gulp, {
    es5: argv.es5,
    forceLogging: true,
    notifications: argv.notifications,
    prefix: 'pragmatist:',
    typeAssertions: argv.typeAssertions

knownTaskNames = _.keys(gulp.tasks);
executeTaskNames = argv._;

    /* eslint-disable lodash3/prefer-lodash-method */
    .map((taskName) => {
    /* eslint-enable lodash3/prefer-lodash-method */
        let executeTaskName;

        executeTaskName = 'pragmatist:' + taskName;

        if (_.indexOf(knownTaskNames, executeTaskName) === -1) {
            throw new Error('"' + executeTaskName + '" task does not exist.');

        return new Promise((resolve) => {
github stefanwalther / sense-go / test / 01-index.spec.js View on Github external
it( 'taskLoader returns tasks', function ( done ) {
		console.log( 'gulp.tasks', gulp.tasks );
		expect( gulp.tasks );
		expect( gulp.tasks ) 'lessEach' );
		expect( gulp.tasks ) 'lessReduce' );
	} );
github Netflix / lemur / gulpfile.js View on Github external
bold: '\x1b[1m',
    green: '\x1b[32m',
    magenta: '\x1b[35m'

  console.log( + c.bold + 'Main Commands' + c.reset);
  console.log( + '-------------------------------------------' + c.reset);
  console.log( + 'clean' + c.reset + ' - delete the .tmp/ and dist/ folders.');
  console.log( + 'build' + c.reset + ' - execute the release build and output into the dist/ folder.');
  console.log( + 'serve:dist' + c.reset + ' - execute the release build and output into the dist/ folder then run a local server for the files.');
  console.log( + 'serve' + c.reset + ' - run JShint and LESS compiler to produce .tmp/ folder. Then serve up the app on a local server.');
  console.log( + c.bold + 'All Commands' + c.reset);
  console.log( + '-------------------------------------------' + c.reset);

github bfricka / less-preview / Gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('copy-images', ['copy-fonts'], require('./build/tasks/styles').copyImages);
gulp.task('copy-javascripts', ['clean'], require('./build/tasks/javascripts').copy);
gulp.task('list', require('./build/tasks/list'));
gulp.task('html', require('./build/tasks/html'));
gulp.task('styles-dev', require('./build/tasks/styles').dev);
gulp.task('styles-dist', require('./build/tasks/styles').dist);
gulp.task('javascripts-app', require('./build/tasks/javascripts').app);
gulp.task('javascripts-vendor', require('./build/tasks/javascripts').vendor);
gulp.task('watch', require('./build/tasks/watch'));

var build_deps = {
  'styles-dev': ['copy-less', 'copy-fonts', 'copy-images'],
  'styles-dist': ['copy-less', 'copy-fonts']

  .filter(function(task) { return !/clean|copy|list/.test(task) })
  .forEach(function(task) {
    var deps = build_deps[task] || ['clean'];
    gulp.task('build-' + task, deps, gulp.tasks[task].fn);

gulp.task('build-dev', function() {

gulp.task('default', ['build-watch']);
github awendland / angular-json-tree / gulpfile.js View on Github external
var c = {
        reset: '\x1b[0m',
        bold: '\x1b[1m',
        green: '\x1b[32m',
        magenta: '\x1b[35m'

    console.log( + c.bold + 'Main Commands' + c.reset);
    console.log( + '-------------------------------------------' + c.reset);
    console.log( + 'clean' + c.reset + ' - delete the dist/ folder.');
    console.log( + 'build' + c.reset + ' - execute the release build and output into the dist/ folder.');
    console.log( + c.bold + 'All Commands' + c.reset);
    console.log( + '-------------------------------------------' + c.reset);
github stringparser / gulp-runtime / lib / repl / log.js View on Github external
argv = argv.filter(function(arg){
    var task = gulp.tasks[arg];
    if( task ){
      var str = (
        '\ngulp.task(\'' + + '\',' +
        JSON.stringify(task.dep) +', ' +
        (''+task.fn) + ');'
      ).replace(/\n/g, '\n  ');

      if(!args.noColor && !env.noColor){
        str = util.ansiJS(str);
      } else {
        argv.splice(argv.indexOf('--no-color'), 1);

      runtime.output.write(str + '\n\n');
      return false;
github pandolajs / pandora-boilerplate-wechat / scripts / gulpfile.js View on Github external
tasks.forEach((name) => {
      const task = gulp.tasks[name]
      if (task) {
      } else {
        log(`${task} is not defined`)