Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
function buildScss(src, dist, title) {
return gulp.src(src)
.pipe(rename(config.component.pkgName + '.css'))
.on('error', console.error.bind(console)) // eslint-disable-line no-console
.pipe(rename(config.component.pkgName + '.min.css'))
.pipe(gsize({ title: title }));
// Write sourcemaps:
//.pipe($.sourcemaps.write()) // use "." to write the sourcemap to a separate file in the same dir
.pipe(sourcemaps.write(".", { // use "." to write the sourcemap to a separate file in the same dir
includeContent: false, // alternative: include the contents and remove sourceRoot. Avoids issues but prevents from editing the sources directly in the browser
sourceRoot: "/" // use an absolute path because we have scripts in different subpaths
// Copy files
// Display the files in the stream
//.pipe(debug({title: "Stream contents:", minimal: true}))
// Task result
title: "scripts-javascript"
// Display the files in the stream
//.pipe(debug({title: 'Stream contents:', minimal: true}))
// Check the code quality
// Fail the build only if BrowserSync is not active
.pipe(iff(,'prose', {
emitError: false
// Task result
title: 'ts-lint'
gulp.task('make:styles', () => {
return gulp
plumber({errorHandler: notify.onError('Error: <%= error.message %>')})
precision: 10, //
includePaths: config.styles.include,
.pipe(gulpif(config.production, header(config.banner)))
.pipe(size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))
// Check JS code style (uses .jscsrc)
configPath: config.folders.root + "/.jscsrc", // required otherwise the configuration didn't seem to get loaded
esnext: true, // seems broken:
fix: false
//.pipe(debug({title: "Stream contents:", minimal: true}))
.pipe(jscsStylish()) // log style errors
// Task result
title: "check-js-style"
// reference:
.pipe(iff([ config.extensions.css, '!*.map' ], autoprefixer({
browsers: config.autoprefixerBrowsers // alternative: $.autoprefixer('last 2 version')
// Output files
// Reload Browser if needed
// Stream if possible
.pipe(iff(, browserSync.reload({
stream: true, once: true
// Task result
title: 'styles'
// Display the files in the stream
//.pipe(debug({title: 'Stream contents:', minimal: true}))
// Filter out the empty directories
// Display the files in the stream
//.pipe(debug({title: 'Stream contents:', minimal: true}))
// Copy
// Task result
title: 'copy'
gulp.task('build', ['lint', 'html', 'js', 'js:browserFS', 'css:dist', 'fonts', 'images', 'extras'], () => {
console.log('\nPlaced optimized files in ' + chalk.magenta('dist/\n'));
const buildStampFile = 'dist/build-stamp.txt';
const recentCommitsFile = 'dist/publish-recentcommits.txt';
const s = size({ title: 'dist' });
const buildStamp = gulp.src('dist/**/*').pipe(s).on('end', () => {
fs.writeFileSync(buildStampFile, `Build date: ${(new Date()).toUTCString()}\nBuilt size: ${s.prettySize}\n`);
console.log('Build stamp written to ' + chalk.magenta(buildStampFile));
const recentCommitLog = cp.exec('git log -n 5 --oneline', (err, stdout) => {
if (err) throw err;
fs.writeFileSync(recentCommitsFile, stdout);
console.log('Log of recent commits in distribution written to ' + chalk.magenta(recentCommitsFile));
return es.concat(buildStamp, recentCommitLog);
plumber({errorHandler: notify.onError('Error: <%= error.message %>')})
mozJpegPlugin({progressive: true}),
plugins: [
{removeViewBox: true},
{cleanupIDs: false}
.pipe(size({showFiles: true}))
title: config.notify.title,
message: 'Images task complete',
onLast: true,
.pipe(tap((file, t) => {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
let name = file.relative + '.svg'
gulp.src(file.path + '/**/*.svg')
fileName: name,
prefix: 'icon-',
inlineSvg: true
.pipe(size({'title': 'SVG'}))