How to use the grpc.load function in grpc

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few grpc examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github grpc / grpc-node / test / stress / metrics_client.js View on Github external
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

'use strict';

// TODO(murgatroid99): use multiple grpc implementations
var grpc = require('grpc');

var proto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/../packages/grpc-native-core/ext/grpc/src/proto/grpc/testing/metrics.proto');
var metrics = proto.grpc.testing;

function main() {
  var parseArgs = require('minimist');
  var argv = parseArgs(process.argv, {
    string: 'metrics_server_address',
    boolean: 'total_only'
  var client = new metrics.MetricsService(argv.metrics_server_address,
  if (argv.total_only) {
    client.getGauge({name: 'qps'}, function(err, data) {
      console.log( + ':', data.long_value);
  } else {
    var call = client.getAllGauges({});
github hyperledger-archives / fabric / sdk / node / lib / hfc.js View on Github external
var grpc = require('grpc');
var util = require('util');
var jsrsa = require('jsrsasign');
var elliptic = require('elliptic');
var sha3 = require('js-sha3');
var BN = require('bn.js');
var crypto = require("./crypto");
var stats = require("./stats");
var sdk_util = require("./sdk_util");
var events = require('events');
var debug = debugModule('hfc'); // 'hfc' stands for 'Hyperledger Fabric Client'
var asn1 = jsrsa.asn1;
var asn1Builder = require('asn1');
var _caProto = grpc.load(__dirname + "/protos/ca.proto").protos;
var _fabricProto = grpc.load(__dirname + "/protos/fabric.proto").protos;
var _chaincodeProto = grpc.load(__dirname + "/protos/chaincode.proto").protos;
var net = require('net');
var _chains = {};
// A request to get a batch of TCerts
var GetTCertBatchRequest = (function () {
    function GetTCertBatchRequest(name, enrollment, num, attrs) { = name;
        this.enrollment = enrollment;
        this.num = num;
        this.attrs = attrs;
    return GetTCertBatchRequest;
github googlesamples / io2015-codelabs / gRPC / step-3-get-and-delete-books / server.js View on Github external
var grpc = require('grpc');

var booksProto = grpc.load('books.proto');

// In-memory array of book objects
var books = [{
    id: 123,
    title: 'A Tale of Two Cities',
    author: 'Charles Dickens'

var server = new grpc.Server();
server.addProtoService(booksProto.books.BookService.service, {
    list: function(call, callback) {
        callback(null, books);
    insert: function(call, callback) {
        callback(null, {});
github hyperledger-archives / fabric / sdk / node / src / sdk_util.ts View on Github external
var zlib = require("zlib");

var debugModule = require('debug');
let debug = debugModule('hfc'); // 'hfc' stands for 'HyperLedger Fabric Client'

// Load required crypto stuff.

var sha3_256 = require('js-sha3').sha3_256;

// Load required protobufs.

var _timeStampProto = grpc.load(__dirname + "/protos/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto").google.protobuf.Timestamp;

// GenerateUUID returns an RFC4122 compliant UUID.

export function GenerateUUID() {
  return uuid.v4();

// GenerateTimestamp returns the current time in the google/protobuf/timestamp.proto
// structure.

export function GenerateTimestamp() {
github krystianity / keras-serving / node_server / predict.js View on Github external
"use strict";

const grpc = require("grpc");

const SERVER_PORT = 9000;
const XOR_CONSTR = `model-server:${SERVER_PORT}`;
const EMOTION_CONSTR = `emotion-server:${SERVER_PORT}`;
const GENDER_CONSTR = `gender-server:${SERVER_PORT}`;

const PROTO_PATH = __dirname + "/protos/prediction_service.proto";
const TensorflowServing = grpc.load(PROTO_PATH).tensorflow.serving;

    this should actually be split in a 
    generic client/predict class

const xorClient = new TensorflowServing.PredictionService(
    XOR_CONSTR, grpc.credentials.createInsecure()

const emotionClient = new TensorflowServing.PredictionService(
    EMOTION_CONSTR, grpc.credentials.createInsecure()

const genderClient = new TensorflowServing.PredictionService(
    GENDER_CONSTR, grpc.credentials.createInsecure()
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / fabric-client / lib / ChannelConfig.js View on Github external
var Policy = require('./Policy.js');

var logger = utils.getLogger('ChannelConfig.js');

var _ccProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/chaincode.proto').protos;
var _transProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/transaction.proto').protos;
var _proposalProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/proposal.proto').protos;
var _responseProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/proposal_response.proto').protos;
var _queryProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/query.proto').protos;
var _peerConfigurationProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/configuration.proto').protos;
var _mspPrProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/msp/msp_principal.proto').common;
var _commonProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/common.proto').common;
var _configtxProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/configtx.proto').common;
var _policiesProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/policies.proto').common;
var _ledgerProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/ledger.proto').common;
var _commonConfigurationProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/configuration.proto').common;
var _ordererConfigurationProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/orderer/configuration.proto').orderer;
var _abProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/orderer/ab.proto').orderer;
var _mspConfigProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/msp/msp_config.proto').msp;
var _timestampProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto').google.protobuf;
var _identityProto = grpc.load(path.join(__dirname, '/protos/msp/identities.proto')).msp;

const ImplicitMetaPolicy_Rule = {ANY:0, ALL:1, MAJORITY:2};

 * Builds a Protobuf Channel Config which may be used to create hyperledger/fabric channel
 * @class
var ChannelConfig = class {
	 * Construct an utility object that builds a fabric channel configuration.
	 * This will allow the building of a protobuf ConfigUpdate object
github hyperledger / fabric-sdk-node / fabric-client / lib / ChannelConfig.js View on Github external
var _ccProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/chaincode.proto').protos;
var _transProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/transaction.proto').protos;
var _proposalProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/proposal.proto').protos;
var _responseProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/proposal_response.proto').protos;
var _queryProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/query.proto').protos;
var _peerConfigurationProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/peer/configuration.proto').protos;
var _mspPrProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/msp/msp_principal.proto').common;
var _commonProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/common.proto').common;
var _configtxProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/configtx.proto').common;
var _policiesProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/policies.proto').common;
var _ledgerProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/ledger.proto').common;
var _commonConfigurationProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/common/configuration.proto').common;
var _ordererConfigurationProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/orderer/configuration.proto').orderer;
var _abProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/orderer/ab.proto').orderer;
var _mspConfigProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/msp/msp_config.proto').msp;
var _timestampProto = grpc.load(__dirname + '/protos/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto').google.protobuf;
var _identityProto = grpc.load(path.join(__dirname, '/protos/msp/identities.proto')).msp;

const ImplicitMetaPolicy_Rule = {ANY:0, ALL:1, MAJORITY:2};

 * Builds a Protobuf Channel Config which may be used to create hyperledger/fabric channel
 * @class
var ChannelConfig = class {
	 * Construct an utility object that builds a fabric channel configuration.
	 * This will allow the building of a protobuf ConfigUpdate object
	 * that will be based on the MSPs loaded here using the simplified JSON
	 * definition of a channel.
	 * 	@param {Object[]} msps Map of Member Service Provider objects
github ericbets / danby / danby.js View on Github external
async function main() {
	if (typeof(argv.cfg)!=='undefined') {
		cfgData = toml.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv.cfg,'utf8'));
		var servers = [];
		Object.keys(cfgData["server"]).forEach((name) => {

		for (let item of servers) {
			if (item.service) {
				let root = await protobuf.load(item.proto);
				const apiData = api(root,item.service, wsProto);
				var generatedApi = apiData["output"];
				var methodNames = apiData["methods"];
				var proto = grpc.load(item.proto);
				var stub=null; 
				eval("stub = proto." + item.pkg);
				var service = { cfg:item, api:generatedApi,methods:methodNames,remote:stub, grpc:item.grpc};
				services[item.service] = service;


	if (typeof(argv.webroot)=='undefined')
		app.use('/', express.static("."));
		app.use('/', express.static(argv.webroot));
github hyperledger-archives / fabric / sdk / node / hlc.js View on Github external
var urlParser = require('url');
var grpc = require('grpc');
var events = require('events');
var util = require('util');

//crypto stuff
var jsrsa = require('jsrsasign');
var KEYUTIL = jsrsa.KEYUTIL;
var asn1 = jsrsa.asn1;
var elliptic = require('elliptic');
var sha3_256 = require('js-sha3').sha3_256;
var sha3_384 = require('js-sha3').sha3_384;
var kdf = require(__dirname+'/kdf');

var _caProto = grpc.load(__dirname + "/protos/ca.proto").protos;
var _fabricProto = grpc.load(__dirname + "/protos/fabric.proto").protos;
var _timeStampProto = grpc.load(__dirname + "/protos/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto").google.protobuf.Timestamp;
var _chains = {};


 * Create a new chain.  If it already exists, throws an Error. 
 * @param name {string} Name of the chain.  It can be any name and has value only for the client.
 * @returns
function newChain(name) {
	var chain = _chains[name];
	if (chain) throw Error(util.format("chain %s already exists",name));
	chain = new Chain(name);
	_chains[name] = chain;
	return chain;