How to use the grommet-controls/utils.shortDate function in grommet-controls

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few grommet-controls examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github atanasster / crypto-grommet / components / coins / ICOCard.js View on Github external
}, {
          label: 'Web site',
          value: (
        }, {
          label: 'White paper',
          value: (
        }, {
          label: 'Date',
          value: shortDate(coin.icoDate),
        }, {
          label: 'End date',
          value: coin.icoEndDate ? shortDate(coin.icoEndDate) : 'N/A',
        }, {
          label: 'Features',
          value: (
        }, {
          label: 'Token type',
          value: coin.icoTokenType,
        }, {
          label: 'Funding target',
          value: coin.icoFundingTarget,
        }, {
          label: 'Payment',
          value: (
github atanasster / crypto-grommet / components / coins / ICOList.js View on Github external
        formatter: ({ value }) => (value ? shortDate(value) : 'N/A'),
      }, {
github atanasster / crypto-grommet / components / coins / ICOCard.js View on Github external
value: (
        }, {
          label: 'Web site',
          value: (
        }, {
          label: 'White paper',
          value: (
        }, {
          label: 'Date',
          value: shortDate(coin.icoDate),
        }, {
          label: 'End date',
          value: coin.icoEndDate ? shortDate(coin.icoEndDate) : 'N/A',
        }, {
          label: 'Features',
          value: (
        }, {
          label: 'Token type',
          value: coin.icoTokenType,
        }, {
          label: 'Funding target',
          value: coin.icoFundingTarget,